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Next: , Previous: Misc Help, Up: Help

11.9 Help Files

The Emacs help commands described above display the state of data bases within Emacs. Emacs has a few other help commands that display pre-written help files. These commands all have the form C-h C-char; that is, C-h followed by a control character.

The other C-h options display various files containing useful information.

C-h C-c
Displays the Emacs copying conditions (describe-copying). These are the rules under which you can copy and redistribute Emacs.
C-h C-d
Displays information on how to download or order the latest version of Emacs and other GNU software (describe-distribution).
C-h C-e
Displays the list of known Emacs problems, sometimes with suggested workarounds (view-emacs-problems).
C-h C-f
Displays the Emacs frequently-answered-questions list (view-emacs-FAQ).
C-h C-n
Displays the Emacs “news” file, which lists new Emacs features, most recent first (view-emacs-news).
C-h C-p
Displays general information about the GNU Project (describe-project).
C-h C-t
Displays the Emacs to-do list (view-todo).
C-h C-w
Displays the full details on the complete absence of warranty for GNU Emacs (describe-no-warranty).

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire