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22.6 Editing a Keyboard Macro

You can edit the last keyboard macro by typing C-x C-k C-e or C-x C-k RET (kmacro-edit-macro). This formats the macro definition in a buffer and enters a specialized major mode for editing it. Type C-h m once in that buffer to display details of how to edit the macro. When you are finished editing, type C-c C-c.

You can edit a named keyboard macro or a macro bound to a key by typing C-x C-k e (edit-kbd-macro). Follow that with the keyboard input that you would use to invoke the macro—C-x e or M-x name or some other key sequence.

You can edit the last 100 keystrokes as a macro by typing C-x C-k l (kmacro-edit-lossage).

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire