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5.18. Shell logging

To make it easy for you to repeat long commands, the bash shell stores up to 500 old commands in the ~/.bash_history file where ~/ is your home directory. Each user that has an account on the system will have this file .bash_history in their home directory. Reducing the number of old commands the .bash_history files can hold may protect users on the server who enter by mistake their password on the screen in plain text and have their password stored for a long time in the .bash_history file.

  1. The HISTFILESIZE and HISTSIZE lines in the /etc/profile file determine the size of old commands the .bash_history file for all users on your system can hold. For all accounts I would highly recommend setting the HISTFILESIZE and HISTSIZE in /etc/profile file to a low value such as 20. Edit the profile file vi /etc/profile and change the lines to:
    Which mean, the .bash_history file in each users home directory can store 20 old commands and no more. Now, if a cracker tries to see the ~/.bash_history file of users on your server to find some password typed by mistake in plain text, he or she has less chance to find one.

  2. The administrator should also add into the /etc/skel/.bash_logout file the rm -f $HOME/.bash_history line, so that each time a user logs out, its .bash_history file will be deleted so crackers will not be able to use .bash_history file of users who are not presently logged into the system. Edit the .bash_logout file vi /etc/skel/.bash_logout and add the following line:
                            rm -f  $HOME/.bash_history

The above hack will only work for future users you'll add in the server. If you already have existing users in the /etc/passwd file, you must edit and add the above line into their .bash_logout files manually.

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