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Restoring a Kerberos Database from a Dump File

To restore a Kerberos database dump from a file, use the kdb5_util load command on one of the KDCs. The syntax is:

     kdb5_util load [-old] [-b6] [-b7] [-ov] [-verbose]
     [-update] [-hash] dumpfilename dbname [admin_dbname]

The kdb5_util load command takes the following options:

requires the dump to be in the Kerberos 5 Beta 5 and earlier dump format ("kdb5_edit load_dump version 2.0").
requires the dump to be in the Kerberos 5 Beta 6 format ("kdb5_edit load_dump version 3.0").
requires the dump to be in the Kerberos 5 Beta 7 format ("kdb5_edit load_dump version 4").
requires the dump to be in ovsec_adm_export format.
causes the name of each principal and policy to be printed as it is loaded.
causes records from the dump file to be updated in or added to the existing database. This is useful in conjunction with an ovsec_adm_export format dump if you want to preserve per-principal policy information, since the current default format does not contain this data.
causes the database to be stored as a hash rather than a binary tree.

For example:

     shell% kdb5_util load dumpfile principal
     shell% kdb5_util load -update dumpfile principal

If the database file exists, and the -update flag was not given, kdb5_util will overwrite the existing database.

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