Date Format
Many of the kadmin commands take a duration or time as an
argument. The date can appear in a wide variety of formats, such as:
"15 minutes"
"7 days"
"1 month"
"2 hours"
"400000 seconds"
"next year"
"this Monday"
"next Monday"
"second Monday"
"3/31/1992 10:00:07 PST"
"January 23, 2007 10:05pm"
"22:00 GMT"
Note that if the date specification contains spaces, you must enclose it
in double quotes. Note also that you cannot use a number without a
unit. (I.e., ""60 seconds"" is correct, but "60" is incorrect.)
All keywords are case-insensitive. The following is a list of all of
the allowable keywords.
- Months
- january, jan, february, feb, march, mar, april, apr, may, june, jun,
july, jul, august, aug, september, sep, sept, october, oct, november,
nov, december, dec
- Days
- sunday, sun, monday, mon, tuesday, tues, tue, wednesday, wednes, wed,
thursday, thurs, thur, thu, friday, fri, saturday, sat
- Units
- year, month, fortnight, week, day, hour, minute, min, second, sec
- Relative
- tomorrow, yesterday, today, now, last, this, next, first, second,
third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh,
twelfth, ago
- Time Zones
kadmin recognizes abbreviations for most of the world's time
zones. A complete listing appears in kadmin Time Zones.
- 12-hour Time Delimiters
- am, pm