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Adding or Modifying Principals

To add a principal to the database, use the kadmin add_principal command, which requires the "add" administrative privilege. This function creates the new principal, prompting twice for a password, and, if neither the -policy nor -clearpolicy options are specified and the policy "default" exists, assigns it that policy. The syntax is:

     kadmin: add_principal [options] principal

To modify attributes of a principal, use the kadmin modify_principal command, which requires the "modify" administrative privilege. The syntax is:

     kadmin: modify_principal [options] principal

add_principal has the aliases addprinc and ank1. modify_principal has the alias modprinc.

The add_principal and modify_principal commands take the following switches:

-expire date
Sets the expiration date of the principal to date.
-pwexpire date
Sets the expiration date of the password to date.
-maxlife maxlife
Sets the maximum ticket life of the principal to maxlife.
-maxrenewlife maxrenewlife
Sets the maximum renewable life of tickets for the principal to maxrenewlife.
-kvno number
Explicity sets the key version number to number. MIT does not recommend doing this unless there is a specific reason.
-policy policy
Sets the policy used by this principal. (See Policies.) With modify_principal, the current policy assigned to the principal is set or changed. With add_principal, if this option is not supplied, the -clearpolicy is not specified, and the policy "default" exists, that policy is assigned. If a principal is created with no policy, kadmin will print a warning message.
For modify_principal, removes the current policy from a principal. For add_principal, suppresses the automatic assignment of the policy "default".
The "-allow_postdated" option prohibits this principal from obtaining postdated tickets. "+allow_postdated" clears this flag. In effect, "-allow_postdated" sets the KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_POSTDATED flag on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_forwardable" option prohibits this principal from obtaining forwardable tickets. "+allow_forwardable" clears this flag. In effect, "-allow_forwardable" sets the KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE flag on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_renewable" option prohibits this principal from obtaining renewable tickets. "+allow_renewable" clears this flag. In effect, "-allow_renewable" sets the KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_RENEWABLE flag on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_proxiable" option prohibits this principal from obtaining proxiable tickets. "+allow_proxiable" clears this flag. In effect, "-allow_proxiable" sets the
KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_PROXIABLE flag. on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_dup_skey" option disables user-to-user authentication for this principal by prohibiting this principal from obtaining a session key for another user. "+allow_dup_skey" clears this flag. In effect, "-allow_dup_skey" sets the
KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_DUP_SKEY flag on the principal in the database.
The "+requires_preauth" option requires this principal to preauthenticate before being allowed to kinit. -requires_preauth clears this flag. In effect, +requires_preauth sets the KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH flag on the principal in the database.
The "+requires_hwauth" flag requires the principal to preauthenticate using a hardware device before being allowed to kinit. "-requires_hwauth" clears this flag. In effect, "+requires_hwauth" sets the KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_HW_AUTH flag on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_svr" flag prohibits the issuance of service tickets for this principal. "+allow_svr" clears this flag. In effect, "-allow_svr" sets the
KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_SVR flag on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_tgs_req" option specifies that a Ticket-Granting Service (TGS) request for a service ticket for this principal is not permitted. You will probably never need to use this option. "+allow_tgs_req" clears this flag. The default is "+allow_tgs_req". In effect, "-allow_tgs_req" sets the KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_TGT_BASED flag on the principal in the database.
The "-allow_tix" option forbids the issuance of any tickets for this principal. "+allow_tix" clears this flag. The default is "+allow_tix". In effect, "-allow_tix" sets the
KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_ALL_TIX flag on the principal in the database.
The "+needchange" option sets a flag in attributes field to force a password change; "-needchange" clears it. The default is "-needchange". In effect, "+needchange" sets the KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_PWCHANGE flag on the principal in the database.
The "+password_changing_service" option sets a flag in the attributes field marking this principal as a password change service. (Again, you will probably never need to use this option.) "-password_changing_service" clears the flag. The default is "-password_changing_service". In effect, the "+password_changing_service" option sets the KRB5_KDB_PWCHANGE_SERVICE flag on the principal in the database.
Sets the key for the principal to a random value (add_principal only). MIT recommends using this option for host keys.
-pw password
Sets the key of the principal to the specified string and does not prompt for a password (add_principal only). MIT does not recommend using this option.
-e enc:salt...
Uses the specified list of enctype-salttype pairs for setting the key of the principal. The quotes are necessary if there are multiple enctype-salttype pairs. This will not function against kadmin daemons earlier than krb5-1.2. See Supported Encryption Types and Salts for available types.

If you want to just use the default values, all you need to do is:

     kadmin: addprinc jennifer
     WARNING: no policy specified for "[email protected]";
     defaulting to no policy.
     Enter password for principal [email protected]:  <= Type the password.
     Re-enter password for principal [email protected]:  <=Type it again.
     Principal "[email protected]" created.

If, on the other hand, you want to set up an account that expires on January 1, 2000, that uses a policy called "stduser", with a temporary password (which you want the user to change immediately), you would type the following. (Note: each line beginning with => is a continuation of the previous line.)

     kadmin: addprinc david -expire "1/1/2000 12:01am EST" -policy stduser
     =>  +needchange
     Enter password for principal [email protected]:  <= Type the password.
     Re-enter password for principal
     [email protected]:  <= Type it again.
     Principal "[email protected]" created.

If you will need cross-realm authentication, you need to add principals for the other realm's TGT to each realm. For example, if you need to do cross-realm authentication between the realms ATHENA.MIT.EDU and EXAMPLE.COM, you would need to add the principals
krbtgt/[email protected] and krbtgt/[email protected] to both databases. You need to be sure the passwords and the key version numbers (kvno) are the same in both databases. This may require explicitly setting the kvno with the -kvno option. See Cross-realm Authentication for more details.


  1. ank was the short form of the equivalent command using the deprecated kadmin5 database administrative tool. It has been kept

  © 1985-2006 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Reproduced with permission. Design by Interspire