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ASN.1 Error Codes

  1. ASN1_BAD_TIMEFORMAT: ASN.1 failed call to system time library
  2. ASN1_MISSING_FIELD: ASN.1 structure is missing a required field
  3. ASN1_MISPLACED_FIELD: ASN.1 unexpected field number
  4. ASN1_TYPE_MISMATCH: ASN.1 type numbers are inconsistent
  5. ASN1_OVERFLOW: ASN.1 value too large
  6. ASN1_OVERRUN: ASN.1 encoding ended unexpectedly
  7. ASN1_BAD_ID: ASN.1 identifier doesn't match expected value
  8. ASN1_BAD_LENGTH: ASN.1 length doesn't match expected value
  9. ASN1_BAD_FORMAT: ASN.1 badly-formatted encoding
  10. ASN1_PARSE_ERROR: ASN.1 parse error
  11. ASN1_BAD_GMTIME: ASN.1 bad return from gmtime
  12. ASN1_MISMATCH_INDEF: ASN.1 non-constructed indefinite encoding
  13. ASN1_MISSING_EOC: ASN.1 missing expected EOC

  © 1985-2006 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Reproduced with permission. Design by Interspire