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3.3. Installing from a Server or Web Site

You may install Fedora Core using a mirror, a Web site or network server that provide a copy of the necessary files. To use a mirror, you need to know:

  • the name of the server

  • the network protocol used for installation (FTP, HTTP, or NFS)

  • the path to the installation files on the server

You may install Fedora Core from your own private mirror, or use one of the public mirrors maintained by members of the community. To ensure that the connection is as fast and reliable as possible, use a server that is close to your own geographical location.

The Fedora Project maintains a list of HTTP and FTP public mirrors, sorted by region, at To determine the complete directory path for the installation files, add /6/ architecture /os/ to the path shown on the web page. If your computer uses the ppc architecture, for instance, add /6/ppc/os/ to the path shown.

[Tip] Building Your Own Mirror

Refer to for information on how to create your own Fedora mirror for either public or private use.

To use a mirror, boot your computer with Fedora boot media, and follow the instructions in Chapter 7, Installation Methods . Refer to Chapter 4, Preparing Media for more information on creating the boot media.

[Note] Using the Installation Discs

If you boot your computer with either an installation DVD, or the first installation CD, enter linux askmethod at the boot: prompt to access the server installation options.

If your network includes a server, you may also use PXE (Pre-boot eXecution Environment) to boot your computer. PXE (also referred to as netboot) is a standard that enables PCs to use files on a server as a boot device. Fedora Core includes utilities that allow it to function as a PXE server for other computers. You can use this option to install Fedora Core on a PXE-enabled computer entirely over the network connection, using no physical media at all.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire