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Chapter 13. Boot Loader

A boot loader is a small program that reads and launches the operating system. Fedora uses the GRUB boot loader by default. If you have multiple operating systems, the boot loader determines which one to boot, usually by offering a menu.

You may have a boot loader installed on your system already. An operating system may install its own preferred boot loader, or you may have installed a third-party boot loader.If your boot loader does not recognize Linux partitions, you may not be able to boot Fedora. Use GRUB as your boot loader to boot Linux and most other operating systems. Follow the directions in this chapter to install GRUB.

[Warning] Installing GRUB

If you install GRUB, it may overwrite your existing boot loader.

13.1. Keeping Your Existing Boot Loader Settings

By default, the installation program installs GRUB in the master boot record, or MBR, of the device for the root file system. To decline installation of a new boot loader, select No boot loader will be installed.

[Important] Boot Loader Required

Your computer must have GRUB or another boot loader installed in order to start, unless you create a separate startup disk to boot from.

You may need to customize the GRUB installation to correctly support some hardware or system configurations. To specify compatibility settings, select Configure advanced boot loader options. This causes a second screen of options to appear when you choose Next. Section 13.4, “Advanced Boot Loader Options” explains the features of the additional screen.

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