3.4. How Do I Make Fedora Media?
To make media, choose one of the following options:
Making CD and DVD Media. To learn how to turn ISO images into CD or DVD media,
refer to https://docs.fedoraproject.org/readme-burning-isos/.
Making Minimal USB Boot Media. The minimal USB disk image,
, requires a blank USB
flash drive.
Writing the minimal USB boot image
to a USB flash drive will destroy all the data on the
On a Linux system, as root
, use the following
command to write the image to the drive:
dd if=diskboot.img of=/dev/sd
Write to the Correct Device |
Make sure you are writing to the proper disk. Consult
the /var/log/messages log or use the
dmesg command. If your system supports
dynamic device creation, run the command ls -l
/dev/disk/by-id/ to locate the device.
A comparable dd
program for Windows
systems is available at https://users.erols.com/gmgarner/forensics/. The
website gives examples of how to use this Windows program to
copy an image to a physical disk device.
Caveat Emptor |
This website is not part of the Fedora Project, and the Fedora Project is
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