This section walks through the tutorials that demonstrate how to use the RSE
extension points to
extend the RSE:
- Popup menu actions for remote resources should now be contributed via the standard Eclipse extension point, org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus. An example of this usage is provided in the org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial plug-in.
- Property pages should for remote resources now be contributed via the standard Eclipse extension point, org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages. An example of this usage is provided in the org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial plug-in.
Creating a subsystem configuration for working with remote resources, using the
org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystemConfigurations extension point.
The source code for all tutorials is available in the RSE-examples package, which
can be obtained from the DSDP
Target Management download site or directly from the RSE Update Site. In fact,
the simplest way to get the examples is to choose Help > Software Updates >
Find and Install from the Workbench, get the Examples installed, and then choose
File > Import... > Plug-in development > Plug-ins and Fragments.
Choose the org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial plug-in and import it with
source folders.
In addition to providing the ready-made code, the tutorial also shows you
how to actally create the Eclipse plug-in project (Please bear with us if the
instructions do not 100% match the latest code due to recent refactorings).
The tutorial starts out by showing
you how to
create an Eclipse plug-inproject, using the Plug-in Development Environment. While any Eclipse plug-in
project will do, there are benefits to using the RSE-supplied base class for your project, and other RSE-supplied
infrastructure such as
messages, and the many other user interface base classes and re-usable user interface classes supplied by
the RSE core plug-in project. The tutorial step for creating a plug-in project sets up your project for using these.