How to write an Eclipse installer
Last modified 15:20 Friday June 18, 2004
Eclipse-based products need to be correctly installed on the end user's
computer. Special-purpose packaging tools, such as
RPM, are often used to build executable
installers that automate installing, updating, and uninstalling. This note
describes how to write an installer for an Eclipse-based product, and for
separately-installable extensions to Eclipse-based products.
We assume that a product development team is responsible for providing the
raw ingredients that will need to find their way to end users' computers
packaged as an executable installer. The creation of executable installers is
scripted, as are the install time actions needed to interact with the end user
and deposit files on their computer. This note described in detail what these
installers need to do and how they should work.
This note should be treated as a recipe for the person responsible for
writing an installer for an Eclipse-based products. Two good reasons why we
recommend all installers writers follow our recipe:
Product and extension interoperability. By behaving in standard
ways, an installer for one Eclipse-based product or extension automatically
works with products and extensions laid down by other installers. Otherwise
the idiosyncrasies of one product's installer would require matching quirks
in all extension installers that expected to work with that product.
Uniformity of install time user interaction. All installers for
Eclipse-based products and extension should interact with the user in the
same manner. There is nothing to having gratuitous variety in this matter.
Product installer creation script
A product installer should be self-contained - the kind of thing that could
be distributed on a CD and installed on any machine with a suitable operating
Eclipse requires a Java2 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run Java code.
JREs are licensed software, obtained from Java vendors. With a license to
redistribute a JRE from a JRE vendor, a company can include a JRE with its
product, and install it on the end user's computer at the same time as the
product. The alternative is to require that a JRE be pre-installed on the end
user's computer, and associated with at product install time. One way or the
other, an Eclipse-based product requires a suitable JRE, and the product
installer must play a role in either installing a JRE or locating and linking to
a pre-existing JRE.
Assume that a JRE is to be installed with the product. A directory containing
the JRE is one input to the installer creation script. Denote this directory
<JRE>. This directory must have a standard JRE directory structure,
with the Java executable is located at jre/bin/java.exe
and the class
library at jre/lib/rt.jar
below the <JRE> directory.
For reference, the skeletal structure of this directory looks like:
There are additional files (and subdirectories) in these directories; we've
only shown a sample to give the general structure. Italicized names in italics
are product-specific.
The second input to the installer creation script is a directory, <
containing the product-specific executable launcher and any files unrelated to
Eclipse. For reference, the skeletal
structure of this directory would look like (italics indicate file names that
will vary from product to product):
<product head>/
The third input to the installer creation script is a directory, <
containing the features and plug-ins developed for the product. For reference, the skeletal
structure of this directory would look like:
<product body>/
The fourth input to the installer creation script is a directory, <
containing the features and plug-ins for the Eclipse platform itself and any third-party tools being included.
This directory also includes the standard Eclipse executable launcher, eclipse.exe
(named eclipse
on Unix operating environment), and any other Eclipse platform files
required to be at the root of the install. For reference, the skeletal
structure of this directory would look like:
(more org.eclipse.* plug-in directories)
The exact contents of the <
>, <
>, <
product body
and <
> input directories determine what files
will eventually be installed on the end user's computer.
The final inputs to the installer creation script are the id and version
strings for the product's primary feature; e.g., "
and "
and the name of the product executable; e.g., "
For products that do not require their own product executable, this would be the
path of the standard Eclipse executable launcher "eclipse/eclipse.exe
These strings have special significance to the installer, appearing in file and
directory names, and in the contents of marker files created at install time.
At install time, the installer should behave in the standard manner (further
details follow the list of steps):
- warn user to exit all programs
- introduce the product to be installed
- if appropriate, ask the user for the name of the registered owner and for
the license key
- display the product's licensing agreement and ask the user to accept
- recommend a location on the disk to install the product (but allow user to
override this default)
- check that a product or extension is not already stored at the specified
- ask user to confirm all details of the install
- create marker file to mark root of product install
- copy files to disk (see below)
- if appropriate, insert name of registered owner and license key into the "about
" description
- create a desktop shortcut to run the product executable
- create an appropriate entry to allow the user to uninstall the product
- launch the product executable with -initialize option to perform all
first-time processing
- offer to show the product release notes ("readme" file)
If the location specified in step 5 is <
the installer copies all the files in the <
>, <platform>,
and <product plug-ins>
directories into <
Input file |
Installed file |
<product head>/*
<product body>/*
The marker file created in step 8 is <install>/eclipse/.eclipseproduct
is used to mark a directory into which an Eclipse-based product has been
installed, primarily for extension installers to locate. This marker file is a
format file (ISO 8859-1 character encoding with "\" escaping) and
contains the following information that identifies the product to the user and distinguishes
one Eclipse-based product from one another:
name=Acme Visual Tools Pro
The values of the "id" and "version" property are inputs
to the installer creation script; the name of the product is presumably known
and hard-wired. (Products would not ordinarily access this marker file; only
product and extension installers write or read it.)
Step 6 requires checking for an existing <install>/eclipse/.eclipseproduct
or <install>/eclipse/.eclipseextension
file. A
product cannot be installed in exactly the same place as another product or extension.
After installing all files, the top-level structure of the install directory
would contain the following files and subdirectories (and perhaps others):
If a product installer solicits license information from the user, such as
the name of the registered owner and the license key, this information should
make it into the product "about" dialog (step 10).
This is done by recording the user responses in the "about.mapping
file in the primary feature's plug-in. For example, at <install>/plugins/com.example.acme.acmefeature_1.0.0/about.mapping
The "about.mapping
" file may be pre-existing in the <
input, or may need to be created by the installer at install time.
The keys are numbers; the value of the "n" key is substituted
for the substring "{n}
" in the "aboutText
" property.
For example, if a license key was field number 0, an "about.mapping
file containing a line like "0=T42-24T-ME4U-U4ME
" should
be created.
The "about.mapping
" file is a
format file (ISO 8859-1 character encoding with "\" escaping).
When the native character encoding at install time is different from ISO 8859-1,
the installer is responsible for converting the native character encoding to
Unicode and for adding "\" escapes where required. Escaping is required
when the strings contain special characters (such as "\") or non-Latin characters. For example, field number 1 containing the first 3 letters of the Greek
alphabet would be written "1=\u03B1\u03B2\u03B3
At step 12, the product installer launches the product executable, <install>/acmeproduct.exe
with the special -initialize option [exact details TBD]. This causes the Eclipse platform to quietly
perform all time-consuming first-time processing and cache the results, so that
when the user starts the product it comes up promptly in an open-for-business
Uninstaller behavior
At uninstall time, the uninstaller should behave in the standard manner:
- warn user to exit all programs, especially the product being uninstalled
- ask user to confirm that the product is to be uninstalled
- remove all installed files from the <
directory, and all files in <
and <
including ones put there by parties other than
this installer (e.g., by the Eclipse update manager)
- remove desktop shortcut for the product executable
- remove entry for product uninstaller
- inform user of any files that were not removed
When the product is uninstalled, files deposited at
install time should be deleted, along with updated features and plug-ins created
by the Eclipse update manager. Important: At uninstall time, there may be
other directories and files in the <install>
directory, notably <install>/eclipse/workspace/
, and <install>/eclipse/configuration/
that contain important data
which must be retained when the product is uninstalled. The user must be able to
uninstall and reinstall a product at the same location without losing important
Installer behavior when product already installed
When the product is already installed on the user's computer, the installer
should allow a service update or version upgrade to be applied to the installed
At install time, the installer should behave in the standard manner:
- warn user to exit all programs, especially the product being updated
- locate the installed product to be updated, if necessary by searching the
disk for an existing product install or by allowing the user to locate it
- determine where this installer is a compatible update
- if appropriate, ask the user for the name of the registered owner and for
the license key
- display the product's updated licensing agreement and ask the user to accept
- ask user to confirm all details of the update
- update files to disk (see below)
- if required, alter the desktop shortcut to run the product executable
- should add modified or newly added files to the list of ones to be removed at uninstall
time (where feasible)
- offer to show the product release notes ("readme" file)
In step 2, an installed product can be recognized by the presence of an "eclipse
directory immediately containing a file named ".eclipseproduct
The parent of the "eclipse
" directory is a product's install
directory; i.e., <install>/eclipse/.eclipseproduct
The information contained within this marker file should be shown to the user for
confirmation that the correct product is being updated (there may be several
Eclipse-based product on the user's computer).
The installer should perform compatibility checks in step 3 by simple pattern
matching against subdirectories in the <install>/eclipse/features
directory. For example, the presence of a folder matching "
would ensure that a certain service update had been applied to the installed
For step 7, the installer may delete or replace any of the files that it
originally installed, and add more files. Important: Several files and directories,
including <install>/eclipse/workspace/
, <install>/eclipse/configuration
may be co-located with the install and contain important data files
which need to be retained
when the product is upgraded.
In upgrade situations, there is a good chance that most of the files below <install>/eclipse/plugins/
are the same (likewise for <install>/eclipse/features/
There is significant opportunity for optimization in <install>/eclipse/plugins/
since the sub-directory name, which embeds the plug-in (or fragment) version
number, changes if and only iff any of the files below it change. In other
words, there is no need to touch any files in <install>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui_2.0.0
if this sub-directory should also exist after the upgrade; if any of the plug-in's
files were to change, the plug-in's version number is revised, causing the files
for the upgraded plug-in to be installed in a parallel directory <install>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui_2.0.1
Associating a JRE installed elsewhere
The JRE is expected to be located at <install>/eclipse/jre/bin/javaw.exe
If it is located elsewhere, the absolute path should be specified using the -vm
option on the command line; e.g., -vm C:\j2jre1.3.0\jre\bin\javaw.exe
In which case, the installer should add this option to the command line of the desktop shortcut
it creates.
Extension installer creation script
By extension we mean a separately installable set of features and their plug-ins that
can be associated with, and used from, one ore more Eclipse-based products installed on the
same computer. In contrast to a product, an extension is not self-contained; an extension does not include
a product executable, the Eclipse platform, a JRE.
Without loss of generality, assume that an extension consists of a single
feature. The first input to the installer creation script is a directory, <
containing its feature and plug-ins. We are assuming that an extension has no
files that are related to Eclipse; if it did, they would go in <extension>/
and not in <extension>/eclipse/
. For reference, the skeletal
structure of this directory would look like:
The exact contents of the <
> input
directory determines what files
will eventually be installed on the end user's computer.
The final inputs to the installer creation script are the id and version
strings for the extension's feature; e.g., "
and "
". These strings have special
significance to the installer, appearing in file and directory names, and in the
contents of marker files created at install time.
An extension installer is similar to a product installer in most respects.
The areas where it differs are highlighted below:
At install time, the installer behaves in the standard manner:
- warn user to exit all programs
- introduce the extension to be installed
- if appropriate, ask the user for the name of the registered owner and for
the license key
- display the extension's licensing agreement and ask the user to accept
- recommend a location on the disk to install the extension (but allow user to
override this default)
- check that a product or a different extension is not already stored at the specified
- ask user which product(s) to are to use this extension (search disk;
browse; or skip)
- optionally, determine if extension is compatible with selected products
- ask user to confirm all details of the install
- create marker file to mark root of extension install
- copy files to disk (see below)
- insert name of registered owner and license key into the "about
" description
- create an appropriate entry to allow the user to uninstall the extension
- write link file in each of the selected products to associate extension
with product
- offer to show the extension release notes ("readme" file)
If the location specified in step 5 is <
the installer copies all the files in the <extension>
into <
> in step 11.
Input file |
Installed file |
For step 7, any Eclipse product might be a candidate. Eclipse-based product
can be recognized by the presence of a <product install>/eclipse/.eclipseproduct
file; the user should be able to request a limited disk search for installed
products (a "search for installed products" button), or would navigate
to a directory containing a product (i.e., a "browse" button).
The installer should perform compatibility checks in step 8 by simple pattern
matching against subdirectories in the <product install>/eclipse/features
directory. For example, the presence of a folder matching "org.eclipse.jdt_2.*
means that JDT is included in the installed product.
The marker file created in step 10 is <install>/eclipse/.eclipseextension
is used to mark a directory into which an Eclipse-based extension has been
installed, primarily for extension installers to locate
(analogous to a product's .eclipseproduct
marker file). This
marker file is a
format file (ISO 8859-1 character encoding with "\" escaping) and
contains the following information that identifies the extension to the user and distinguishes
one Eclipse-based extension from one another:
name=Wiley Anvil Enterprise Edition
The values of the "id" and "version" property are inputs
to the installer creation script; the name of the extension is presumably known
and hard-wired. (Products would not ordinarily access this marker file; only
product and extension installers write or read it.)
After installing all files, the top-level structure of the install directory
would contain the following files and subdirectories:
The only significant difference from a product installer is that an extension
installer also creates link files in other Eclipse-based products already
installed on the user's computer. (This saves the user from having to manually
associate the new extension from within each product using the Eclipse update
The link file created in step 14 is <product install>/eclipse/links/
that is, the file has the same name of as the extension's feature directory less
the version number suffix. A link file is a
format file (ISO 8859-1 character encoding with "\" escaping).
The key is "path" and the value is the absolute path of the installed
extension, <install>
; e.g., an entry might looks like "path=C:\\Program
The installer is responsible for converting
from native character
encoding to Unicode and adding "\" escapes where required. Escaping is
usually required since <install>
typically contains special characters (such as "\")
and may mention directories with non-Latin characters in their names. The product reads
link files when it starts up. The installer keeps a record of any link
files it creates so that they can be located when the extension is updated or
Uninstaller behavior
At un install time, the un installer should behave in the standard manner:
- warn user to exit all programs, especially products using the extension
being uninstalled
- ask user to confirm that the extension is to be un installed
- remove all installed files from the <
directory, and all files in <
and <
including ones put there by parties other than
this installer (e.g., by the Eclipse update manager)
- if feasible, remove the link file from any products to which it had been
- remove entry for extension uninstaller
- inform user of any files that were not removed
When an extension is uninstalled, all plug-in and feature files should be deleted; there are no
important data files to be kept in these subdirectories. This allows the user to uninstall an extension
completely, including any updates applied by the Eclipse update manager.
Installer behavior when extension already installed
When the extension is already installed on the user's computer, the installer
should allow a service update or version upgrade to be applied to the installed
At install time, the installer should behave in the standard manner:
- warn user to exit all programs, especially products using the extension
being updated
- locate the installed extension to be updated, if necessary by searching
the disk for an existing extension install or by allowing the user to locate
- determine where this installer is a compatible update
- if appropriate, ask the user for the name of the registered owner and for
the license key
- display the product's updated licensing agreement and ask the user to accept
- ask user to confirm all details of the update
- update files on disk (see below)
- should add modified or newly added files to the list of ones to be removed at uninstall
time (where feasible)
- offer to show the extension release notes ("readme" file)
In step 2, an installed extension can be recognized by the presence of an "eclipse
directory immediately containing a file named ".eclipseextension
The parent of the "eclipse
" directory is an extension's install
directory; i.e., <install>/eclipse/.eclipseextension
The information contained within this marker file should be shown to the user for
confirmation that the correct extension is being updated (there may be several
Eclipse-based extension on the user's computer).
For step 7, the installer should not delete or overwrite any of the files
that it originally installed; rather, it should only add the files for new
versions of features and plug-in, and possibly rewrite the marker file <install>/eclipse/.eclipseextension
. Leaving the old versions around gives the user
the option to back out of the update. As with upgrading a product install, there
is no need to touch any files in <install>/eclipse/plugins/com.example.wiley.otherplugin_1.0.0
if this sub-directory should also exist after the upgrade; if any of the plug-in's
files were to change, the plug-in's version number is revised, causing the files
for the upgraded plug-in to be installed in a parallel directory <install>/eclipse/plugins/com.example.wiley.otherplugin_1.0.1