Status handling
Status handling is a facility that
allow to introduce a custom way of showing problems in the product to users.
A part of the facility is an extension point which allows to plug new status handler
specific for the product. This handler associated to the product is intended
to present the problem in the useful for users way.
The status handling is contributed using org.eclipse.ui.statusHandlers extension point.
This contribution can be part of product plug-ins or can be provided separately in its own status handling plug-in.
Separating the product handler into a separate plug-in is beneficial in those situations
where the product and status handling are provided by different groups, e.g. CompanyA provides the ProductA
and other companies provide status handlers showing problems in ProductA differently.
If there is no handler defined for the product, the facility will use a handler defined for application
in the workbench advisor. When the advisor shipped with Eclipse is used the
WorkbenchErrorHandler will be used for handling of the product problems.