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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Standard dialogs

The package org.eclipse.jface.dialogs defines the basic support for dialogs. This package provides standard dialogs for displaying user messages and obtaining simple input from the user.

  • MessageDialog displays a message to the user. You can set the dialog title, image, button text, and message in the constructor for this dialog.
  • ErrorDialog displays information about an error. You can set the dialog title and message for the dialog. You can also supply an IStatus object which the dialog will use to obtain an error message.
  • InputDialog allows the user to enter text. You can set the dialog title, default text value, and supply an object that will validate the text input.
  • ProgressMonitorDialog shows progress to the user during the running of a long operation.

The standard dialogs are designed so that you can completely specify the dialog in its constructor. We saw a MessageDialog in action in the readme tool's view action:

      view.getSite().getShell(),"Readme Editor","View Action executed");

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire