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Eclipse Java Development User Guide
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Adding a variable, expression, or register to the Memory view

You can add a register, variable name, or expression (such as a raw address, for example, 0x00000234) to a memory monitor from the Memory view.

To add a new memory monitor from the Memory view:

  1. Click the Memory view Add Memory Monitor push button (Add Memory Monitor button). This button is located in the Monitors pane.
  2. In the Monitor Memory dialog box, enter the address or expression in the field (expressions must evaluate to an address). This entry does not need to be case-sensitive. Alternatively, if you have previously monitored the address or expression when debugging this application, choose it from the pull down list. Depending on the debug engine that the debugger user interface is connected to, examples of valid expressions include register names, variables, and HEX addresses.

    Note: When adding a register to a memory monitor, the Registers view is a convenient location to see the names of all registers in your application. You can make note of the name of a register from the view and then use it when adding a memory monitor.

  3. Click OK.

After adding the new memory monitor you can choose the memory format that you want to display in the Renderings pane.

You can also add a new memory monitor from the Memory view Renderings pane:

  1. Click the Memory view Add Rendering(s) push button (Add Memory Monitor button). This button is located in the Renderings pane.
  2. In the Add Memory Rendering dialog box, select an existing memory monitor from the pull-down list - or add a new memory monitor by clicking Add New. If you add a new memory monitor, you will be prompted via the Monitor Memory dialog box to enter an address or expression to monitor. Click OK to return to the Add Memory Rendering dialog box.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select the memory rendering that you want to display for the memory monitor and click OK.
    • Click Cancel and then choose the memory rendering that you want to display right from the Renderings pane.

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