Select the resources to export
In the list, check or clear the boxes to specify exactly the files that you want to export to the JAR file. This list is initialized by the workbench selection.
Export generated class files and resources
If enabled, then generated class files and resources are included in the JAR.
Export all output folders for checked projects
If enabled, then all output folders are included in the JAR.
Export Java source files and resources
If enabled, then Java source files and resources are included in the JAR.
Export refactorings for checked projects
If enabled, then refactoring scripts for the selected projects are included in the JAR. This allows
clients to migrate to the new JAR by executing all the stored refactorings in the JAR.
Select the export destination
Enter an external file system path and name for a JAR file (either new or existing). Either type a valid file path in the field or click Browse to select a file via
a dialog.
You can select any of the following options:
Compress the contents of the JAR file : to create a compressed JAR file
Add directory entries: adds an entry for each directory to the JAR file, even if the directory does only contain subdirectories.
Overwrite existing files without warning : if an existing file might be overwritten, you are prompted for confirmation. This option is applied to
the JAR file, the JAR description, and the manifest file.