This view shows the output of the execution of your program and enables you to enter input for the program.
The console shows three different kinds of text, each in a different color:
Standard output
Standard error
Standard input
You can choose the different colors for these kinds of text on the preferences pages
(Window > Preferences > Debug > Console).
Console View Context Menu
When you right-click in the Console view
(or when you press Shift+F10 when the focus is on the Console view),
you see the following options:
Edit options: Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All
These options perform the standard edit operations.
Which options are available depends on where the focus is in the
Console view.
For example, you cannot paste text into the program output,
but you can paste text to the bottom of the file.
Opens a Find/Replace dialog
that operates only on the text in the Console view.
Go to Line
Opens a dialog that moves the focus to the line you specify.
The dialog also indicates the total number of lines in the console buffer.
Terminates the process that is currently associated with the console.
Console View Toolbar
Terminates the process that is currently associated with the console.
Remove all Terminated Launches
Removes all terminated launches that are associated with the console.
Scroll Lock
Toggles the Scroll Lock.
Clear Console
Clears the console.
Pin Console
Forces the Console view to remain on top of other views in the window area.
Display Selected Console
If multiple consoles are open, you can select the one to display from a list.
Minimize Console
Minimizes the Console view.
Maximize Console
Maximizes the Console view.
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