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Attribute for <APPLET ...>

MAYSCRIPT indicates that the applet is allowed to access the scripting objects (e.g. JavaScript) of the web page. The applet must be specifically designed to utilize the page script objects or MAYSCRIPT is of no use.

For example, the following applet contains a scrollbar that can set the value of a web page form field. The applet takes six parameters: the name of the web page form, the name of the form field, the minimum scroll value, the maximum value, the initial value, and the step value. However, none of it works unless MAYSCRIPT is included in the <APPLET ...> tag:

<FORM NAME="myform">
my field: <INPUT NAME="myfield" SIZE=4>

<APPLET CODE="scroller.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=15 MAYSCRIPT>

<PARAM NAME="form name"  VALUE="myform">
<PARAM NAME="field name" VALUE="myfield">
<PARAM NAME="min"     VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="max"     VALUE=200>
<PARAM NAME="initial" VALUE=150>
<PARAM NAME="step"    VALUE=5>



which gives us this form and applet:

my field:
Try this example where there is no MAYSCRIPT attribute:

<APPLET CODE="scroller.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=15>

which gives us this form and applet:

my field:

MAYSCRIPT is only necessary for the applet to control the page script objects. It is not necessary for the page objects to control the applet.

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