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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Step By Step Guide

Table of Contents
1. Architecture-specific Information
2. Changes to This Manual
3. Document Conventions
4. Copying and Pasting Text With X
5. Using the Mouse
6. We Need Feedback!
I. Starting Out
1. Getting Started
1.1. Setup Agent
1.2. Introductory Terms
1.3. Logging In
1.4. Graphical Interface
1.5. Opening a Shell Prompt
1.6. Creating a User Account
1.7. Documentation and Help
1.8. Logging Out
1.9. Shutting Down your Computer
2. Using the Graphical Desktop
2.1. Using Nautilus
2.2. Using the Desktop
2.3. Using the Panel
2.4. Using the Applications and Actions Menus
2.5. Customizing your GNOME session
2.6. Logging Out
2.7. Switching Desktops
3. Managing Files and Directories
3.1. File System Terms
3.2. A Larger Picture of the File System
3.3. Managing Files
3.4. File Compression and Archiving
3.5. Managing Directories
4. Shell Prompt Basics
4.1. Why Use a Shell Prompt
4.2. The History of the Shell
4.3. Basics
4.4. Determining Your Current Directory with pwd
4.5. Manipulating Files in Your Current Working Directory
4.6. Leaving your Current Working Directory
4.7. Locating Files and Directories
4.8. Viewing text files from the shell prompt
4.9. Manipulating Information from the Shell
4.10. Using Multiple Commands
4.11. Ownership and Permissions
II. Using Your System
5. Connecting to the Internet
5.1. The Internet Configuration Wizard
5.2. Creating a Dial-Up Connection
5.3. Creating a High Speed Connection
5.4. Creating a Wireless Connection
5.5. Additional Resources
6. Web Browsing
6.1. Firefox
7. Email Applications
7.1. Evolution
7.2. Thunderbird
7.3. Plain Text Email Clients
8. Working with
8.1. Feature overview of
8.2. Writer
8.3. Calc
8.4. Impress
8.5. Draw and Math
9. Working with Other Text Applications
9.1. Working with Text Editors
9.2. Viewing PDF and PS files
10. Audio, Video, and Games
10.1. Playing Audio CDs
10.2. Playing Digital Audio Files
10.3. Troubleshooting Your Sound Card
10.4. Troubleshooting Your Video Card
10.5. Games
10.6. Finding Games Online
11. Working with Digital Cameras
11.1. Nautilus and Digital Cameras
11.2. Using gThumb
12. Working with Images
12.1. Saving Images
12.2. Viewing Images
12.3. Editing and Creating Images with the GIMP
13. Diskettes and CD-ROMs
13.1. Using Diskettes
13.2. CD- and DVD-ROMs
13.3. CD/DVD-Rs and CD/DVD-RWs
13.4. Additional Resources
13.5. USB Flash Drives
III. Troubleshooting Your System
14. Frequently Asked Questions
14.1. Localhost Login and Password
14.2. Forgotten root Password
14.3. Forgotten user Password
14.4. Changing Passwords
14.5. Password Maintenance
14.6. Starting Applications
14.7. Finding Commands Quickly
14.8. Tips on Using Command History
14.9. Keep ls Output from Scrolling
14.10. Accessing a Windows Partition
14.11. Error Messages During Installation of RPMs
14.12. Changing Login from Console to X at Startup
IV. Appendix
A. KDE: The K Desktop Environment
A.1. Customizing KDE
A.2. Introducing Konqueror
A.3. Using Konqueror
A.4. Using the KDE Desktop
A.5. Using the Panel
A.6. Browsing the Web with Konqueror
A.7. Using Konqueror to View Images
A.8. KMail
A.9. Logging Out of KDE
A.10. Finding Help
B. Getting Started with Gnu Privacy Guard
B.1. Configuration File
B.2. Warning Messages
B.3. Generating a Keypair
B.4. Generating a Revocation Certificate
B.5. Exporting your Public Key
B.6. Importing a Public Key
B.7. What Are Digital Signatures?
B.8. Additional Resources
C. Applications
D. A Comparison of Common DOS and Linux Commands
E. System Directories
F. Keyboard Shortcuts

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