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Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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Color and GdkColormap

A GdkColor stores an RGB value and a pixel. Red, green, and blue are given as 16-bit unsigned integers; so they are in the range [0, 65535]. The contents of the pixel depend on the visual. Here is GdkColor:

typedef struct _GdkColor GdkColor;

struct _GdkColor
  gulong  pixel;
  gushort red;
  gushort green;
  gushort blue;

Before you can use a color to draw, you must:

  • Ensure that the pixel value contains an appropriate value.

  • Ensure that the color exists in the colormap of the drawable you intend to draw to. (A drawable is a window or pixmap you can draw to; see the section called Drawables and Pixmaps.)

In Xlib, this is an enormously complicated process, because it has to be done differently for every kind of visual. GDK conceals things fairly well. You simply call gdk_colormap_alloc_color() to fill in the pixel value and add the color to the colormap (Figure 3). Here is an example; it assumes a preexisting GdkColormap* colormap, which should be the colormap of the drawable you are targetting:

  GdkColor color;
  /* Describe a pure red */   = 65535; = 0;  = 0;

  if (gdk_colormap_alloc_color(colormap, &color, FALSE, TRUE))
      /* Success! */

If gdk_colormap_alloc_color() returns TRUE, then the color was allocated and color.pixel contains a valid value. The color can then be used to draw. The two boolean arguments to gdk_colormap_alloc_color() specify whether the color should be writeable, and whether to try to find a "best match" if the color can't be allocated. If a best match is used instead of allocating a new color, the color's RGB values will be changed to the best match. If you request a best match for a non-writeable entry, allocation really should not fail, since even on a black and white display either black or white will be the best match; only an empty colormap could cause failure. The only way to get an empty colormap is to create a custom colormap yourself. If you don't ask for the best match, failure is quite possible on displays with a limited number of colors. Failure is always possible with writeable colormap entries (where best match makes no sense, because the entry can be modified).

A writeable colormap entry is one that you can change at any time; some visuals support this, and some don't. The purpose of a writeable colormap entry is to change an on-screen color without redrawing the graphics. Some hardware stores pixels as indices into a color lookup table, so changing the lookup table changes how the pixels are displayed. The disadvantages of writeable colormap entries are numerous. Most notably: not all visuals support them, and writeable colormap entries can't be used by other applications (read-only entries can be shared, since other applications know the color will remain constant). Thus, it is a good idea to avoid allocating writeable colors. On modern hardware, they are more trouble than they're worth; the speed gain compared to simply redrawing your graphics will not be noticeable.

When you're finished with a color, you can remove it from the colormap with gdk_colormap_free_colors(). This is only really important for pseudo color and grayscale visuals, where colors are in short supply and the colormap can be modified by clients. GDK will automatically do the right thing for each visual type, so always call this function.

A convenient way to obtain RGB values is the gdk_color_parse() function. This takes an X color specification, and fills in the red, green, and blue fields of a GdkColor. An X color specification can have many forms; one possibility is an RGB string:


This specifies white (red, green, and blue are all at full intensity). The RGB: specifies a "color space," and determines the meaning of the numbers after it. X also understands several more obscure color spaces. If the color specification string doesn't begin with a recognized color space, X assumes it's a color name and looks it up in a database of names. So you can write code like this:

  GdkColor color;

  if (gdk_color_parse("orange", &color))
      if (gdk_colormap_alloc_color(colormap, &color, FALSE, TRUE))
          /* We have orange! */

As you can see, gdk_color_parse() returns TRUE if it figures out the string you pass it. There is no way to know exactly what will be in the color database, so always check this return value.

#include <gdk/gdk.h>

gboolean gdk_colormap_alloc_color(GdkColormap* colormap, GdkColor* color, gboolean writeable, gboolean best_match);

void gdk_colormap_free_colors(GdkColormap* colormap, GdkColor* colors, gint ncolors);

gint gdk_color_parse(gchar* spec, GdkColor* color);

Figure 3. Color Allocation

Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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