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Eclipse RSE Development Guide
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Release 3.0


Interface Summary
IFilePermissionsService Service used to get and set the permissions of a file.
IFileService A IFileService is an abstraction of a file service that runs over some sort of connection.
IFileServiceCodePageConverter This interface is used by the extension point It allows overriding the Universal File Subsystem translation of files, and results in binary transfer, with calls to the implementor to handle code page conversion.
IHostFile Objects that conform to this interface are delivered by the file services to their clients.
IHostFilePermissions Interface for file permission and ownership support in RSE IFileService.
IHostFilePermissionsContainer A container of permissions.

Class Summary
CodePageConverterManager Utility class for getting a file service code page converter for a given server encoding and file service
HostFilePermissions Default implementation of "Universal" UNIX kind of IHostFilePermissions.
PendingHostFilePermissions A dummy HostFilePermissions node that can be used for deferred query of permissions.

Exception Summary
RemoteFileCancelledException Deprecated. use SystemOperationCancelledException
RemoteFileException Base class for remote file system exceptions.
RemoteFileIOException Exception thrown when attempting an operation and it fails for IO reasons, such as the file is read-only.
RemoteFileSecurityException Deprecated. Use SystemRemoteSecurityException
RemoteFolderNotEmptyException Exception thrown when attempting to delete a folder, and the folder is not empty.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire