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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use Annotation
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.jface.text Provides a framework for creating and manipulating text documents. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.quickassist This package provides the quick assist assistant add-on for an ISourceViewer
org.eclipse.jface.text.source Provides a framework for connecting document regions with annotations and for displaying those. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection This package provides the UI part for projection documents of which the most important part is the projection viewer. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling Partial infrastructure for spell checking in text editors. 

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return Annotation
  Annotation IInstructionPointerPresentation. getInstructionPointerAnnotation ( IEditorPart editorPart, IStackFrame frame)
          Returns an annotation used for the specified stack frame in the specified editor, or null if a default annotation should be used.

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.jface.text

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text with parameters of type Annotation
protected  boolean DefaultTextHover. isIncluded ( Annotation annotation)
          Tells whether the annotation should be included in the computation.

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.jface.text.quickassist

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.quickassist with parameters of type Annotation
 boolean IQuickAssistAssistant. canFix ( Annotation annotation)
          Tells whether this assistant has a fix for the given annotation.
 boolean IQuickAssistProcessor. canFix ( Annotation annotation)
          Tells whether this processor has a fix for the given annotation.
 boolean QuickAssistAssistant. canFix ( Annotation annotation)

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.jface.text.source

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source that return Annotation
  Annotation[] AnnotationModelEvent. getAddedAnnotations ()
          Returns the added annotations.
  Annotation[] AnnotationModelEvent. getChangedAnnotations ()
          Returns the changed annotations.
  Annotation[] AnnotationModelEvent. getRemovedAnnotations ()
          Returns the removed annotations.
  Annotation VerticalRulerEvent. getSelectedAnnotation ()

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source with parameters of type Annotation
 void AnnotationModel. addAnnotation ( Annotation annotation, Position position)
 void IAnnotationModel. addAnnotation ( Annotation annotation, Position position)
          Adds a annotation to this annotation model.
protected  void AnnotationModel. addAnnotation ( Annotation annotation, Position position, boolean fireModelChanged)
          Adds the given annotation to this model.
 void AnnotationModelEvent. annotationAdded ( Annotation annotation)
          Adds the given annotation to the set of annotations that are reported as being added from the model.
 void AnnotationModelEvent. annotationChanged ( Annotation annotation)
          Adds the given annotation to the set of annotations that are reported as being changed from the model.
 void AnnotationModelEvent. annotationRemoved ( Annotation annotation)
          Adds the given annotation to the set of annotations that are reported as being removed from the model.
 void AnnotationModelEvent. annotationRemoved ( Annotation annotation, Position position)
          Adds the given annotation to the set of annotations that are reported as being removed from the model.
 void AnnotationPainter.IDrawingStrategy. draw ( Annotation annotation, GC gc, StyledText textWidget, int offset, int length, Color color)
          Draws a decoration for an annotation onto the specified GC at the given text range.
 void AnnotationPainter.SquigglesStrategy. draw ( Annotation annotation, GC gc, StyledText textWidget, int offset, int length, Color color)
 void AnnotationPainter.NullStrategy. draw ( Annotation annotation, GC gc, StyledText textWidget, int offset, int length, Color color)
 int IAnnotationAccessExtension. getLayer ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the layer for given annotation.
  Position AnnotationModel. getPosition ( Annotation annotation)
  Position IAnnotationModel. getPosition ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the position associated with the given annotation.
  Position AnnotationModelEvent. getPositionOfRemovedAnnotation ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the position of the removed annotation at that point in time when the annotation has been removed.
  Object IAnnotationAccess. getType ( Annotation annotation)
          Deprecated. use Annotation.getType()
  String IAnnotationAccessExtension. getTypeLabel ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the label for the given annotation's type.
protected  boolean DefaultAnnotationHover. isIncluded ( Annotation annotation)
          Tells whether the annotation should be included in the computation.
 boolean IAnnotationAccess. isMultiLine ( Annotation annotation)
          Deprecated. assumed to always return true
 boolean IAnnotationAccessExtension. isPaintable ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns true if painting annotation will produce something meaningful, false if not.
 boolean IAnnotationAccess. isTemporary ( Annotation annotation)
          Deprecated. use Annotation.isPersistent()
protected  void AnnotationModel. modifyAnnotation ( Annotation annotation, boolean fireModelChanged)
          Modifies the given annotation if the annotation is managed by this annotation model.
 void IAnnotationModelExtension. modifyAnnotationPosition ( Annotation annotation, Position position)
          Modifies the position associated with the given annotation to equal the given position.
 void AnnotationModel. modifyAnnotationPosition ( Annotation annotation, Position position)
protected  void AnnotationModel. modifyAnnotationPosition ( Annotation annotation, Position position, boolean fireModelChanged)
          Modifies the associated position of the given annotation to the given position.
 void IAnnotationAccessExtension. paint ( Annotation annotation, GC gc, Canvas canvas, Rectangle bounds)
          Draws a graphical representation of the given annotation within the given bounds.
 void AnnotationModel. removeAnnotation ( Annotation annotation)
 void IAnnotationModel. removeAnnotation ( Annotation annotation)
          Removes the given annotation from the model.
protected  void AnnotationModel. removeAnnotation ( Annotation annotation, boolean fireModelChanged)
          Removes the given annotation from the annotation model.
 void IAnnotationModelExtension. replaceAnnotations ( Annotation[] annotationsToRemove, Map annotationsToAdd)
          Adds and removes annotations to/from this annotation model in a single step.
 void AnnotationModel. replaceAnnotations ( Annotation[] annotationsToRemove, Map annotationsToAdd)
protected  void AnnotationModel. replaceAnnotations ( Annotation[] annotationsToRemove, Map annotationsToAdd, boolean fireModelChanged)
          Replaces the given annotations in this model and if advised fires a model change event.
 void ISourceViewer. setRangeIndicator ( Annotation rangeIndicator)
          Sets the annotation used by this viewer as range indicator.
 void SourceViewer. setRangeIndicator ( Annotation rangeIndicator)
 void VerticalRulerEvent. setSelectedAnnotation ( Annotation annotation)
protected  boolean AnnotationPainter. skip ( Annotation annotation)
          Should the given annotation be skipped when handling draw requests?

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.text.source with parameters of type Annotation
VerticalRulerEvent ( Annotation annotation)
          Creates a new event.

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection

Subclasses of Annotation in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection
 class AnnotationBag
          A bag of annotations.
 class ProjectionAnnotation
          Annotation used to represent the projection of a master document onto a ProjectionDocument.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection with parameters of type Annotation
 void AnnotationBag. add ( Annotation annotation)
          Adds the given annotation to the annotation bag.
 void ProjectionAnnotationModel. collapse ( Annotation annotation)
          Changes the state of the given annotation to collapsed.
 void ProjectionAnnotationModel. expand ( Annotation annotation)
          Changes the state of the given annotation to expanded.
 void ProjectionAnnotationModel. modifyAnnotations ( Annotation[] deletions, Map additions, Annotation[] modifications)
          Modifies the annotation model.
 void ProjectionAnnotationModel. modifyAnnotations ( Annotation[] deletions, Map additions, Annotation[] modifications)
          Modifies the annotation model.
 void AnnotationBag. remove ( Annotation annotation)
          Removes the given annotation from the annotation bag.
 void ProjectionAnnotationModel. toggleExpansionState ( Annotation annotation)
          Toggles the expansion state of the given annotation.

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type Annotation
protected  boolean TextSourceViewerConfiguration. isShowInOverviewRuler ( Annotation annotation)
protected  boolean TextSourceViewerConfiguration. isShowInVerticalRuler ( Annotation annotation)
protected  boolean TextSourceViewerConfiguration. isShownInText ( Annotation annotation)

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Subclasses of Annotation in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
 class DefaultRangeIndicator
          Specialized annotation to indicate a particular range of text lines.
 class MarkerAnnotation
          Annotation representing a marker on a resource in the workspace.
 class SimpleMarkerAnnotation
          An annotation representing a marker.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that return Annotation
protected   Annotation AbstractTextEditor. findAnnotation (int offset, int length, boolean forward, Position annotationPosition)
          Returns the annotation closest to the given range respecting the given direction.
protected   Annotation AbstractTextEditor. getRangeIndicator ()
          Returns the editor's range indicator.
  Annotation AbstractTextEditor. gotoAnnotation (boolean forward)
          Jumps to the next annotation according to the given direction.
  Annotation ITextEditorExtension4. gotoAnnotation (boolean forward)
          Jumps to the next annotation according to the given direction.
  Annotation AbstractDecoratedTextEditor. gotoAnnotation (boolean forward)
          Jumps to the next annotation according to the given direction.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type Annotation
  AnnotationPreference AnnotationPreferenceLookup. getAnnotationPreference ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the annotation preference of a given annotation.
  String IAnnotationImageProvider. getImageDescriptorId ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the image descriptor id of the image for the given annotation.
 int DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. getLayer ( Annotation annotation)
  Image IAnnotationImageProvider. getManagedImage ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns the image for the given annotation or null.
  Object DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. getType ( Annotation annotation)
          Deprecated. use Annotation.getType()
  String DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. getTypeLabel ( Annotation annotation)
protected  boolean DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. hasQuickFix ( Annotation annotation)
          Checks whether there's a quick assist assistant and if so, whether the assistant has a possible fix for the given annotation.
 boolean DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. isMultiLine ( Annotation annotation)
          Deprecated. assumed to always return true
protected  boolean AbstractTextEditor. isNavigationTarget ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns whether the given annotation is configured as a target for the "Go to Next/Previous Annotation" actions.
protected  boolean AbstractDecoratedTextEditor. isNavigationTarget ( Annotation annotation)
          Returns whether the given annotation is configured as a target for the "Go to Next/Previous Annotation" actions.
 boolean DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. isPaintable ( Annotation annotation)
 boolean DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. isTemporary ( Annotation annotation)
          Deprecated. assumed to always return true
 void DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess. paint ( Annotation annotation, GC gc, Canvas canvas, Rectangle bounds)
protected  void AbstractTextEditor. setRangeIndicator ( Annotation rangeIndicator)
          Sets the annotation which this editor uses to represent the highlight range if the editor is configured to show the entire document.
protected  void AbstractDecoratedTextEditor. updateMarkerViews ( Annotation annotation)
          Updates visible views that show markers.

Uses of Annotation in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling

Subclasses of Annotation in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling
 class SpellingAnnotation
          Spelling annotation.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling with parameters of type Annotation
 boolean SpellingCorrectionProcessor. canFix ( Annotation annotation)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire