/* A decorative applet that draws symmetric picrures of moving shapes, looking something like a view in a kaleidascope. Many aspects of the image are chosen randomly. A given random animation plays for about 10 seconds, then a new selection is made. There are four types of symmetry that are possible: no symmetry, two-fold symmetry obtained by reflecting each shape horizontally, four-fold symmetry obtained by vertical and horizontal reflection, and eight-fold symmetry which adds diagonal reflections. This applet works well at a size of 150 by 150 pixels. If the applet is larger, you might want to increase the size or the number of shapes created in the makeFigures() method. This applet is based on and requires the SimpleAnimationApplet class. When it is compiled, this file produces two classes, KaleidaAnimate.class and KaleidaAnimate$Figure.class. */ import java.awt.*; import java.util.Vector; public class KaleidaAnimate extends SimpleAnimationApplet { int symmetryStyle; // A number between 0 and 18 specifying the type of symmetry that // the animation displays. The value is set in makeFigures() // and is used in putMultiFigure(). The meaning of the values: // 0 for none, 1-2 for two-way, 2-8 for four-way, 8-19 for 8-way. Vector figureList = new Vector(); // Contains the figures in the current animation. // The figures belong to the class Figure, defined below. public void init() { // A animation plays for 100 frames, then a blank screen is shown for 10 // frames. When frameNumber goes back to 0, a new animation is created. // The timing is set in SimpleAnimationApplet so that 10 frames are about // one second. setFrameCount(110); } public void drawFrame(Graphics g) { // Draw one frame in the animation. A new random animation is // begun each time the frame number is zero (including the first // frame that is shown). For frames numbered 100 to 109, only a // black rectangle is shown. int frameNumber = getFrameNumber(); // Current frame number, from 0 to 109; if (frameNumber == 0) // Create new animation data makeFigures(); if (frameNumber >= 100) { g.setColor(Color.black); // For frames 100-109, just draw a black rectangle. g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } else { // Draw the figures over the applet's background color. g.setColor(getBackground()); // Fill the frame with the background color. g.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(),getHeight()); for (int i = 0; i < figureList.size(); i++) { Figure fig = (Figure)figureList.elementAt(i); // Get the figure from the vector. fig.drift(); // The figure moves itself a bit. putMultiFigure(g, fig); // Draw the figure, plus required reflections. } g.setColor(Color.black); // Draw a 1-pixel black border around the frame. g.drawRect(0,0,getWidth()-1,getHeight()-1); } } // end drawFrame() private void makeFigures() { // Create the random data for a new random animation. figureList.removeAllElements(); int figureCt = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*40); // Number of figures. int figStyle = (int)(Math.random()*5); // What type if figures will be used? // 0 = all lines, 1 = all rectangles, // 2 = all ovals, 3 or 4 = a mixture boolean monochrome = Math.random() < 0.1; // A 10% chance that the picture will be in grayscale. boolean useOneColor = Math.random() < 0.15; // A 15% change that all the figures will be the same color. Color useColor = null; // If useOneColor is true, this will be the color used. if (useOneColor) { if (monochrome) useColor = Color.getHSBColor(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)Math.random()); // A random gray. else useColor = Color.getHSBColor((float)Math.random(), 1.0F, 1.0F); // A random bright color. } symmetryStyle = (int)(Math.random()*20); // Determines the type of symmetry used in // the animation. See comment on the declaration // of this instance varible, above. /* Set a random background color. */ if (Math.random() < 0.1) // A 10% chance that the background is white. setBackground(Color.white); else if (Math.random() < 0.11) // A 10% chance (1/9 of 9/10) that the color is black setBackground(Color.black); else if (monochrome) setBackground(Color.gray); // A gray background for most monochrome images. else setBackground(Color.getHSBColor((float)Math.random(), 0.5F, 0.5F)); // A random not-so-bright color. for (int i = 0; i < figureCt; i++) { // Create a random figure. Figure fig = new Figure(); fig.x1 = (int)(Math.random()*getWidth()); // Somewhere on the screen, horizontally. fig.x2 = fig.x1 + (int)(Math.random()*20) + 10; // 10 to 29 pixels wide. fig.y1 = (int)(Math.random()*getHeight()); // Somewhere on the screen, vertically. fig.y2 = fig.y1 + (int)(Math.random()*20) + 10; // 10 to 29 pixels tall. fig.driftx = (int)(Math.random()*13) - 6; // Moves horizontally between -6 and 6 pixels per frame. fig.drifty = (int)(Math.random()*13) - 6; // Moves vertically between -6 and 6 pixels per frame. if (figStyle > 2) fig.style = (int)(Math.random()*3); // Randomly make it a line, rect, or oval. else fig.style = figStyle; if (useOneColor) fig.color = useColor; else if (monochrome) fig.color = Color.getHSBColor(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)Math.random()); // A random gray. else fig.color = Color.getHSBColor((float)Math.random(), 1.0F, 1.0F); // A random bright color. figureList.addElement(fig); // Add the figure to the vector. } } // end makeFigures(); private void put(Graphics g, int figureType, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // Draws a figure of the specified type, between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2); if (figureType == 0) { // If the figure is a line, just draw it. g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); } else { // For a rect or oval, we need the top-left corner, the height, and the width. // The height and width must be positive. int x, y, w, h; if (x2 > x1) { x = x1; w = x2 - x1; } else { x = x2; w = x1 - x2; } if (y2 > y1) { y = y1; h = y2 - y1; } else { y = y2; h = y1 - y2; } if (figureType == 1) g.fillRect(x,y,w,h); else g.fillOval(x,y,w,h); } } // end put() private void putMultiFigure(Graphics g, Figure figure) { // Draw the figure and its reflections in the graphics context g. // The reflections that we need are specified by the instance // variable, symmetryStyle. g.setColor(figure.color); // Use the color specified by figure. put(g, figure.style, figure.x1, figure.y1, // Draw the figure. figure.x2, figure.y2); if (symmetryStyle > 0) { // Draw the horizontal reflection. put(g, figure.style, getWidth() - figure.x1, figure.y1, getWidth() - figure.x2, figure.y2); } if (symmetryStyle > 2) { // Draw the vertical reflection and the figure obtained // by reflecting both horizontally and vertically. put(g, figure.style, figure.x1, getHeight() - figure.y1, figure.x2, getHeight() - figure.y2); put(g, figure.style, getWidth() - figure.x1, getHeight() - figure.y1, getWidth() - figure.x2, getHeight() - figure.y2); } if (symmetryStyle > 8) { // Calculate the diagonal reflection of the figure. // Draw that reflection, then draw its three reflections. int a1 = (int)(((double)figure.y1 / getHeight()) * getWidth()); int b1 = (int)(((double)figure.x1 / getWidth()) * getHeight()); int a2 = (int)(((double)figure.y2 / getHeight()) * getWidth()); int b2 = (int)(((double)figure.x2 / getWidth()) * getHeight()); put(g, figure.style, a1, b1, a2, b2); put(g, figure.style, getWidth() - a1, b1, getWidth() - a2, b2); put(g, figure.style, a1, getHeight() - b1, a2, getHeight() - b2); put(g, figure.style, getWidth() - a1, getHeight() - b1, getWidth() - a2, getHeight() - b2); } } // end putMultiFigure() private class Figure { // This class holds all the data relevant to one of the // figures in an animation. The values of the instance // variables in this class are set when the figures // are created in the makeFigures() method. int x1, x2, y1, y2; // The two corners of the figure. // (These satisfy x2 > x1 and y2 > y1) int driftx, drifty; // How much this figure moves from frame to frame. int style; // Type of figure. 0 for line, 1 for rect, 2 for oval. Color color; // Color of this figure. void drift() { // Displace the figure by the amout given in the instance // variables driftx and drifty. If the figure has moved // off the applet, move it to the other side of the // applet so it will reappear. x1 += driftx; x2 += driftx; y1 += drifty; y2 += drifty; if (x2 < 0) { x2 = getWidth() + (x2 - x1); x1 = getWidth(); } else if (x1 > getWidth()) { x1 = -(x2 - x1); x2 = 0; } if (y2 < 0) { y2 = getHeight() + (y2 - y1); y1 = getHeight(); } else if (y1 > getHeight()) { y1 = -(y2 - y1); y2 = 0; } } } // end nested class Figure } // end class KaleidascopeAnimation