Slide Sorter view
Slide Sorter view contains all the slide thumbnails. Use this view to work with a group of slides or with only one slide.
Slide Sorter view
Change the number of slide per row if desired.
- Check View > Toolbars > Slide View to make the Slide View toolbar visible.
- Adjust the number of slides (up to a maximum of 15).
- When you have adjusted the number of slide per row, click View > Toolbars > Slide View to remove this toolbar from view.
Slide Sorter and Slide View toolbars
To move a slide in a presentation in the Slide Sorter:
- Click the slide. A thick black border is drawn around it.
- Drag and drop it to the location you want.
- As you move the slide, a black vertical line appears to one side of the slide.
- Drag the slide until this black vertical line is located where you want the slide to be moved.
To select a group of slides, use one of these methods:
- Use the Control (Ctrl) key: Click on the first slide and, while pressing Control, select the other desired slides.
- Use the Shift key: Click on the first slide, and while pressing the Shift key, click on the final slide in the group. This selects all of the other slides in between the first and the last.
- Use the mouse cursor: Click on the first slide to be selected. Hold down the left mouse button. Drag the cursor to the last slide thumbnail. A dashed outline of a rectangle forms as you drag the cursor through the slide thumbnails and a thick black border is drawn around the selected slides. Make sure the rectangle includes all the slides you want to select.
To move a group of slides:
- Select the group.
- Drag and drop the group to their new location. The same vertical black line appears to show you where the group of slides will go.
 | Selection of a group of slides works in a rectangular fashion. Slides that do not fall within a rectangular area cannot be grouped.
You can work with slides in the Slide Sorter view just as you can in the Slide pane. To make changes, right-click a slide and do the following using the pop-up menu:
- Add a new slide after the selected slide.
- Delete the selected slide.
- Change the slide layout.
- Change the slide transition.
- For one slide, click the slide to select it. Then add the desired transition.
- For more than one slide, select the group of slides and add the desired transition.
- Mark a slide as hidden. Hidden slides are not shown in the slide show.
- Copy or cut and paste a slide.