Using AutoCorrect
Writer’s AutoCorrect function has a long list of common misspellings and typing errors, which it corrects automatically. For example, “hte” will be changed to “the”. Select Tools > AutoCorrect to open the AutoCorrect dialog. There you can define which strings of text are corrected and how. In most cases, the defaults are fine.
 | AutoCorrect is turned on by default. To turn it off, uncheck Format > AutoFormat > While Typing.
- To stop Writer from replacing a specific spelling, use Tools > AutoCorrect > Replace, highlight the word pair and click Delete.
- To add a new spelling to correct, type it into the Replace and With boxes and click New.
- See the different tabs of the dialog for the wide variety of other options available to fine-tune AutoCorrect.
 | AutoCorrect can be used as a quick way to insert special characters. For example, (c) will be autocorrected to ©. You can add your own special characters.