Inserting dashes and non-breaking spaces
You can insert a dash by using the Special Characters window or by using AutoCorrect. For more about AutoCorrect, see “Controlling OOO’s AutoCorrect functions” in Chapter 2 (Setting up and
Using AutoCorrect in this chapter.
– is an en-dash; that is, a dash the width of the letter “n” in the font you are using. It is U+2013 (scroll down to the General Punctuation section in the Special Characters window). To enter an en-dash using AutoCorrect, type at least one character, a space, one or two hyphens, another space, and at least one more letter, then a space. The one or two hyphens will be replaced by an en-dash.
— is an em-dash; that is, a dash the width of the letter “m” in the font you are using. It is U+2014. To enter it using AutoCorrect, type at least one character, two hyphens, and at least one more character, then a space. The two hyphens will be replaced by an em-dash.
To insert a non-breaking space (to keep characters together, for example in a telephone number), press Control+Space on the keyboard.