Adding text to all slides
Some of the supplied slide masters have text objects in the footer. You can add other text objects to the master page for your slides to act as a header or a footer.
- Choose View > Master > Slide Master from the menu bar.
- On the Drawing toolbar, select the Text icon.
- Click once and drag in the master page to draw a text object, and then type or paste your text into the object or add fields as described below.
- Choose View > Normal when you are finished.
To add a field, such as the date or page number, to a text object in the header or footer, choose Insert > Fields. and select the required field from the submenu. If you want to edit a field in your slide, select it and choose Edit > Fields.
The fields you can use in Impress are:
- Date (fixed)
- Date (variable) —updates automatically when you reload the file
- Time (fixed)
- Time (variable)—updates automatically when you reload the file
- Author—First and last names listed in the OpenOffice.org user data
- Page number (slide number)
- File name
 | To change the number format (1,2,3 or a,b,c or i,ii,iii, etc.) for the page number field, choose Format > Page and then select a format from the list in the Layout Settings area.
To change the author information, go to Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org > User Data.