Selecting sheets
You can select either one or multiple sheets. It can be advantageous to select multiple sheets at times when you want to make changes to many sheets at once.
Single sheet
Click on the sheet tab for the sheet you want to select. The active sheet becomes white (see Figure 4).
Multiple contiguous sheets
To select multiple contiguous sheets:
- Click on the sheet tab for the first sheet.
- Move the mouse pointer over the last sheet tab.
- Hold down the Shift key and click on the sheet tab.
All the tabs between these two sheets will turn white. Any actions that you perform will now affect all highlighted sheets.
Multiple non contiguous sheets
To select multiple non contiguous sheets:
- Click on the sheet tab for the first sheet.
- Move the mouse pointer over the second sheet tab.
- Hold down the Control key and click on the sheet tab.
- Repeat as necessary.
The selected tabs will turn white. Any actions that you perform will now affect all highlighted sheets.
All sheets
Right-click over any one of the sheet tabs and select Select All Sheets from the popup menu.
Working with columns and rows