Modifying the slide show
Now review the entire presentation and answer some questions. Run the slide show at least once before answering them. You might want to add some questions of your own.
- Are the slides in the correct order? If not, some of them will need to be moved.
- Would an additional slide make a particular point clearer? If so, another slide needs to be created.
- Would some custom animations help some of the slides? (Advanced technique.)
- Should some of the slides have a different slide transition than others? The transition of those slides should be changed.
- Do some of the slides seem unnecessary? Delete the affected slide or slides after checking if they are indeed unnecessary.
 | If one or more slides seems to be unnecessary, hide the slide or slides, and view the slide show a few more times to make sure. To hide a slide, right-click the slide in the Slides pane and select Hide Slide in the pop-up menu. Do not delete a slide until you have done this, otherwise you may have to create that slide again.
Once you have answered these and your own questions, you should make the necessary changes. This is done most easily in the Slide Sorter view. If you need one or more new slides, create them using the steps listed in “Inserting additional slides” on page 19.