Creating a table by copying an existing table
If you have a large collection of music, you might want to create a table for each type of music you have. Rather than creating each table from the wizard, you can make a copy of the original table. Each table can be named according to the type of music contained in it. Possible names could include Classical, Pop, Country and Western, and Rock among others.
- Click on the Tables icon in the Database pane to see the existing tables.
- Right-click on the CD-Collection table icon. Select Copy from the context menu.
- Move the mouse pointer below this table, right-click, and select Paste from the context menu. The Copy table window opens.
- Change the table name to Pop and click Next.
- Click the >> button to move all the Fields from the left window to the right window and click Next.
- Since all the Fields already have the proper File Type formating, no changes should be needed. However, this is the time and place to make these changes if they are needed. (See Caution below for the reason why.) Click Create. The new table is created.
 | Once tables have been created using the wizard, editing them should be very limited if any editing is done at all. Fields can be added or deleted. But adding a field requires taking the time to enter the data for that one field for every record having an entry for that field. Deleting a field deletes all the data once contained in that field. Changing the field type of a field can lead to data being lost either partially or completely. When creating a new table, it pays to create the fields with the correct names, length and format before data is added.
 | Tables can be deleted in a very simple way. But doing so removes all of the data contained in every field of the table. Unless you are sure, do not delete a table.
To delete a table, right-click it in the list of tables. Select Delete from the context menu. A popup window asks if you are sure you want to delete the table. Once you click Yes, the table and its data are gone forever unless you have a backup.
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