Drawing curves
The tools for drawing curves or polygons are on the toolbar that appears when you click the Curve icon
on the Drawing toolbar. This toolbar contains eight tools.
 | Hovering the mouse over this icon gives a tooltip of Curve. If you convert the icon to a floating toolbar, however, the title is Lines.
Floating Curves toolbar (incorrectly titled “Lines”)
If you move the mouse cursor over one of the icons, a tooltip pops up with a description of the function. For a more detailed description of the handling of Bézier curves (curves and filled curves), see Chapter 10 (Advanced Draw Techniques) in the Draw Guide.
Draw the first line from the start point with the left mouse button held down. As soon as you release the mouse button, a first corner point is drawn, and you can move the mouse to see how the second line will look. Every mouse click sets another corner point. A double-click ends the drawing. A filled polygon automatically joins the last point to the first point to close off the figure and fills it with the current standard fill color. A polygon without filling will not be closed at the end of the drawing.
Polygon 450
Just as with ordinary polygons, these will be formed from lines but with angles of 45 or 90 degrees between them.
Freeform Line
With this tool you can draw just like with a pencil. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse. It is not necessary to end the drawing with a double-click. Just release the mouse button and the drawing is completed. If you have selected Freeform Line, Filled, the end point is joined automatically to the start point and the object is filled with the appropriate color.