Creating bulleted and numbered lists
The procedure to create a bulleted or numbered list is quite different depending on the type of text box used, although the tools to manage the list and customize the appearance are the same.
In text boxes created automatically by Impress (called AutoLayout), the outline styles available are by default bulleted lists, while for normal text boxes an additional step is required to create a bulleted list.
Creating lists in AutoLayout text boxes
Every text box included in the available layouts is already formatted as a bulleted list, therefore to create a bulleted list the only necessary steps are:
- From the Layout pane, choose a slide design that contains a text box. Those are easily recognizable from the thumbnail.
- Click in the text box that reads Click to add an outline.
- Type the text, then press Enter to start a new bulleted line.
- The default list type is a bulleted list. The mechanisms to change the list from bulleted to numbered and vice versa are explained in
Changing the appearance of the list.
 | Press Shift + Enter to start a new line without creating a new bullet or number. The new line will have the same indentation of the previous line. Press instead the button bullets on/off on the text formatting toolbar for a line without bullet. If the text formatting toolbar is not showing, enable it selecting View > Toolbar > Formatting in the menu bar.
Creating lists in other text boxes
To create a list in a text box, follow these steps:
- Place the cursor in the text box.
- Click the Bullets On/Off button
on the text formatting toolbar. If the text formatting toolbar is not showing, enable it by selecting View > Toolbar > Formatting from the menu bar.
- Type the text and press Enter to start a new bulleted line.
- The default list type is a bulleted list. The mechanisms to change the appearance of the list are explained
Creating a new outline level
- If necessary, press Enter to begin a new line.
- Press Tab. Each time you press Tab the line indents to the next outline level. Pressing Enter creates a new line at the same level as the previous one. To return to the previous level, press Shift+Tab.
In the AutoLayout text boxes, promoting or demoting an item in the list corresponds to applying a different outline style, so the second outline level corresponds to Outline 2 style, the third to Outline 3 style, and so on.
 | Unlike styles in Writer, do not try to change the outline level by selecting the text and then clicking the desired outline style. Due to the way the presentation styles work, it is not possible to apply them in this way.
Changing the appearance of the list
You can fully customize the appearance of a list, changing the bullet type or numbering for the entire list or for single entry. All the changes can be made using the Bullets and Numbering dialog, which is accessed by selecting Format > Bullets and Numbering or by clicking on the Bullets and Numbering icon
on the text formatting toolbar.
For the entire list:
- Select the entire list or click on the gray border of the text box so that just the green resizing handles are displayed.
- Select Format > Bullets and Numbering or click on the Bullets and Numbering icon.
- The Bullets and Numbering dialog contains five tabs: Bullets, Numbering type, Graphics, Position, and Customize.
- If a bullet list is needed, select the desired bullet style from the six default styles available on the Bullets page.
- If a graphics style is needed, select one from those available on the Graphics page.
- If a numbered list is needed, select one of the 6 default numbering styles on the Numbering type page.
For a single line in the list:
- Click anywhere in the line to place the cursor in it.
- Follow steps 2–4 of the previous instruction set.
If the list was created in an AutoLayout text box, then an alternative way to change the entire list is to modify the Outline styles. Changes made to the outline style will apply to all the slides using them. Sometimes this is what you want; sometimes it is not, so some care must be taken.