# System-wide .bashrc file for interactive bash(1) shells. # shopt -s checkwinsize ### In order to have consistent feel over accounts, ### I customize this file instead of ~/.bashrc PS1='\u@\h:\W\$ ' # Some more alias to avoid making mistakes: alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' # short commands alias h='history' alias j="jobs -l" alias c="clear" alias m="less" alias pu="pushd" alias po="popd" # You may comment the following lines if you do not want `ls' to be colorized: export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval `dircolors` # set LS_COLORS alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -labF' alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -AbF' # useful functions for mc # does not do ctrl-Z # mc() { cd $(/usr/bin/mc -P "$@"); } # use secured temp-file (This is for Potato) #mc () #{ # mkdir -p ~/.mc/tmp 2> /dev/null # chmod 700 ~/.mc/tmp # MC=~/.mc/tmp/mc-$$ # /usr/bin/mc -P "$@" > "$MC" # cd "$(cat $MC)" # rm -f "$MC" # unset MC; #} # Sid if [ -f /usr/share/mc/bin/mc.sh ] ; then . /usr/share/mc/bin/mc.sh fi # Woody if [ -f /usr/lib/mc/bin/mc.sh ] ; then . /usr/lib/mc/bin/mc.sh fi