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RedHat Fedora Core Installation Guide - 1.2. Using Other Removable Media

1.2. Using Other Removable Media

To use a USB device such as a pen drive or Compact Flash card as boot media, write the supplied image file to the device. The media must be large enough to contain the image.

1.2.1. Preparing the Boot Media

[Warning]Data Loss

This procedure destroys data on the media. Back up any important information before you begin. Some models of USB media use additional partitions or software to provide functions such as encryption. This procedure may make it difficult or impossible to access these special areas on your boot media.

The images/diskboot.img file on the first Fedora Core installation disc is a boot image designed for USB media. This file also appears on FTP and Web sites providing Fedora Core.

Several software utilities are available for Windows and Linux that can write image files to a device. Linux includes the dd command for this purpose. To write an image file to boot media with dd on a current version of Fedora Core:

  1. Locate the image file.

  2. Attach or insert the media.

  3. Your system may automatically detect and open the media. If that happens, close or unmount the media before continuing.

  4. Open a terminal window.

  5. In the terminal window, type the following command:

    dd if=diskboot.img of=/dev/sda1

1.2.2. Booting from the Media

Boot your computer with the prepared media:

  1. Attach or insert the media.

  2. Switch on the computer.

  3. A boot screen appears, with a boot: prompt at the bottom. To begin, simply press the Enter key.

[Note]BIOS Boot Order

The BIOS contains settings that control the order of boot devices. If your PC boots from a device other than the Fedora Core boot media, check the BIOS boot configuration.

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