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Release 3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISystemProfile
org.eclipse.rse.persistence.dom Application programming interface for manipulating the RSE document object model. 

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.core

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core with parameters of type ISystemProfile
  IHost IRSESystemType. createNewHostInstance ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Creates a new IHost object instance.
  IHost AbstractRSESystemType. createNewHostInstance ( ISystemProfile profile)

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.core.filters

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.filters that return ISystemProfile
  ISystemProfile ISystemFilterPoolManager. getSystemProfile ()
          Return the owning profile for this provider

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.filters with parameters of type ISystemProfile
  ISystemFilterPoolManager ISystemFilterStartHere. createSystemFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile, Logger logger, ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider caller, String name, boolean allowNestedFilters)
          Factory to create a filter pool manager, when you do NOT want it to worry about saving and restoring the filter data to disk.

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.core.model

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.model that return ISystemProfile
  ISystemProfile ISystemProfileManager. cloneSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, String newName)
          Clone the given profile
  ISystemProfile ISystemRegistry. copySystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, String newName, boolean makeActive, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copy a SystemProfile.
  ISystemProfile ISystemRegistry. createSystemProfile ( String profileName, boolean makeActive)
          Create a SystemProfile given its name and whether or not to make it active Note that there are some naming restrictions on profile names.
  ISystemProfile ISystemProfileManager. createSystemProfile ( String name, boolean makeActive)
          Create a new profile with the given name, and add to the list.
static  ISystemProfile[] SystemStartHere. getActiveSystemProfiles ()
          Return all active profiles.
  ISystemProfile[] ISystemRegistry. getActiveSystemProfiles ()
          Return the profiles currently selected by the user as his "active" profiles
  ISystemProfile[] ISystemProfileManager. getActiveSystemProfiles ()
  ISystemProfile ISystemProfileManager. getDefaultPrivateSystemProfile ()
  ISystemProfile ISystemProfileManager. getDefaultTeamSystemProfile ()
  ISystemProfile ISystemHostPool. getSystemProfile ()
          Return the system profile that owns this connection pool.
  ISystemProfile DummyHost. getSystemProfile ()
  ISystemProfile Host. getSystemProfile ()
  ISystemProfile IHost. getSystemProfile ()
          Return the system profile that owns this connection
  ISystemProfile ISystemRegistry. getSystemProfile ( String profileName)
          Get a SystemProfile given its name
  ISystemProfile ISystemProfileManager. getSystemProfile ( String name)
          Get a profile given its name.
  ISystemProfile[] ISystemProfileManager. getSystemProfiles ()

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.model with parameters of type ISystemProfile
 void ISystemProfileManager. addSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Adds a system profile to this profile manager.
  ISystemProfile ISystemProfileManager. cloneSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, String newName)
          Clone the given profile
  IStatus ISystemProfileManager. commitSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Commit a system profile
  IHost ISystemRegistry. copyHost ( IHost conn, ISystemProfile targetProfile, String newName, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copy a SystemConnection.
  ISystemProfile ISystemRegistry. copySystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, String newName, boolean makeActive, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copy a SystemProfile.
  IHost ISystemRegistry. createLocalHost ( ISystemProfile profile, String name, String userId)
          Convenience method to create a local connection, as it often that one is needed for access to the local file system.
 void ISystemRegistry. deleteSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Delete a SystemProfile.
 void ISystemProfileManager. deleteSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean persist)
          Delete the given profile.
  IHost ISystemRegistry. getHost ( ISystemProfile profile, String connectionName)
          Return a SystemConnection object given a system profile containing it, and a connection name uniquely identifying it.
  Vector ISystemRegistry. getHostAliasNames ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Return a vector of previously-used connection names in the given profile.
 int ISystemRegistry. getHostCount ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Return the number of SystemConnection objects within the given profile.
  IHost[] ISystemRegistry. getHostsByProfile ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Return all connections in a given profile.
 void ISystemProfileManager. makeSystemProfileActive ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean makeActive)
          Toggle an existing profile's state between active and inactive.
  IHost ISystemRegistry. moveHost ( IHost conn, ISystemProfile targetProfile, String newName, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Move a SystemConnection to another profile.
 void ISystemRegistry. renameSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, String newName)
          Rename a SystemProfile.
 void ISystemProfileManager. renameSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, String newName)
          Rename the given profile.
 void ISystemRegistry. setSystemProfileActive ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean makeActive)
          Make or unmake the given profile active.

Constructors in org.eclipse.rse.core.model with parameters of type ISystemProfile
Host ( ISystemProfile profile)

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems that return ISystemProfile
static  ISystemProfile SubSystemHelpers. getParentSystemProfile ( ISystemFilterPool pool)
          Give a filter pool, return its parent profile
  ISystemProfile SubSystem. getSystemProfile ()
          Return the system profile object this subsystem is associated with.
  ISystemProfile ISubSystem. getSystemProfile ()
          Return the system profile object this subsystem is associated with.
protected   ISystemProfile SubSystemConfiguration. getSystemProfile ( ISystemFilter filter)
          Get a profile object given a filter object
  ISystemProfile SubSystemConfiguration. getSystemProfile ( ISystemFilterPool pool)
          Get owning profile object given a filter pool object
  ISystemProfile ISubSystemConfiguration. getSystemProfile ( ISystemFilterPool pool)
          Get owning profile object given a filter pool object
protected   ISystemProfile SubSystemConfiguration. getSystemProfile ( ISystemFilterPoolManager poolMgr)
          Get a profile object given a filter pool manager object
  ISystemProfile SubSystemConfiguration. getSystemProfile ( String name)
          Get a profile object given its name
  ISystemProfile ISubSystemConfiguration. getSystemProfile ( String name)

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems with parameters of type ISystemProfile
protected  void SubSystemConfiguration. addFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile, ISystemFilterPoolManager mgr)
          Add the given filter pool manager object to internal lists
 void SubSystemConfiguration. changingSystemProfileActiveStatus ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean newStatus)
          Called by SystemRegistry when we have toggled the active-status of a profile
 void ISubSystemConfiguration. changingSystemProfileActiveStatus ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean newStatus)
          Called by SystemRegistry when we have toggled the active-status of a profile
  ISystemFilterPoolManager SubSystemConfiguration. copyFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile oldProfile, ISystemProfile newProfile)
          Copy the filter pool manager and return a new one.
  ISystemFilterPoolManager ISubSystemConfiguration. copyFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile oldProfile, ISystemProfile newProfile)
          Copy the filter pool manager and return a new one.
protected  void SubSystemConfiguration. deleteFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Delete the filter pool manager associated with the given profile
 void SubSystemConfiguration. deletingSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Called by SystemRegistry when we are about to delete a profile.
 void ISubSystemConfiguration. deletingSystemProfile ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Called by SystemRegistry when we are about to delete a profile.
protected  void SubSystemConfiguration. fireSubSystemEvent ( SystemResourceChangeEvent event, ISystemProfile profile)
          Fire given event to all subsystems in the given profile
  ISystemFilterPool SubSystemConfiguration. getDefaultFilterPool ( ISystemProfile profile, String oldProfileName)
          Return the default filter pool for the given profile...
  ISystemFilterPool ISubSystemConfiguration. getDefaultFilterPool ( ISystemProfile profile, String oldProfileName)
  ISystemFilterPool SubSystemConfiguration. getDefaultSystemFilterPool ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Given a profile, return the first (hopefully only) default pool for this profile.
  ISystemFilterPool SubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPool ( ISystemProfile profile, String name)
          Returns a filter pool, given its profile and pool name
  ISystemFilterPoolManager SubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile)
  ISystemFilterPoolManager ISubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Get the filter pool manager for the given profile.
  ISystemFilterPoolManager SubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean force)
          Get the filter pool manager for the given profile.
  ISystemFilterPoolManager ISubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile, boolean force)
          Get the filter pool manager for the given profile.
protected   String SubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPoolManagerName ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Return the name of the filter pool manager, given the profile.
  ISystemFilterPool[] SubSystemConfiguration. getFilterPools ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Returns an array of filter pool objects within a profile.
  ISubSystem[] SubSystemConfiguration. getSubSystems ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Returns a list of subsystem objects existing for all the connections in the given profile.
 void SubSystemConfiguration. renameFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Rename the filter pool manager associated with the given profile
 void ISubSystemConfiguration. renameFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile)
  ISubSystem[] SubSystemConfiguration. testForActiveReferences ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Test if any filter pools in the given profile are referenced by other profiles, which are active.
  ISubSystem[] ISubSystemConfiguration. testForActiveReferences ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Test if any filter pools in the given profile are referenced by other profiles, which are active.

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.persistence

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.persistence that return ISystemProfile
  ISystemProfile[] IRSEPersistenceManager. commitProfiles (long timeout)
          Save all profiles.
  ISystemProfile[] IRSEPersistenceManager. restoreProfiles ( IRSEPersistenceProvider provider, long timeout)
          Restore the profiles for a particular provider.
  ISystemProfile[] IRSEPersistenceManager. restoreProfiles (long timeout)
          Restore all profiles known to autostart persistence providers.

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.persistence with parameters of type ISystemProfile
 boolean IRSEPersistenceManager. commitProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, long timeout)
          Schedules a save of particular profile.
 void IRSEPersistenceManager. migrateProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, IRSEPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider)
          Migrates a profile to a new persistence provider.
  IStatus IRSEPersistenceManager. migrateProfile ( ISystemProfile profile, IRSEPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, boolean delete)
          Migrates a profile to a new persistence provider.

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.persistence.dom

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.persistence.dom that return ISystemProfile
  ISystemProfile RSEDOM. getProfile ()

Constructors in org.eclipse.rse.persistence.dom with parameters of type ISystemProfile
RSEDOM ( ISystemProfile profile)

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui with parameters of type ISystemProfile
static  ISystemValidator SystemConnectionForm. getConnectionNameValidator ( ISystemProfile profile)
          Reusable method to return a name validator for renaming a connection.

Uses of ISystemProfile in org.eclipse.rse.ui.view

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.view with parameters of type ISystemProfile
  ISystemFilterPool SubSystemConfigurationAdapter. getDefaultSystemFilterPool ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemProfile profile)
          Given a profile, return the first (hopefully only) default pool for this profile.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire