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Eclipse RAP Development Guide
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Prepare Custom Widgets for Theming

This article relates to the old property-based theming system. Since 1.1M4, RAP provides a new mechanism for theming based on CSS which is now the default (see here). Thus, the preferred way of making widgets themeable is currently changing. If you develop new custom widgets, please refer to the RAP newsgroup and look for updates of this article in the Eclipse CVS.

Once you wrote a custom widget, you might want to allow your users to customize some aspects of its presentation. To do so, you have to provide a couple of resources that are relevant for the theming and register the widget with the extension point org.eclipse.rap.ui.themeableWidgets. The resources must conform to a naming convention so that they can be found. Once a custom widget is registered with the extension point, they are located by their name.

Extension Point themeableWidgets

You have to register your custom RWT widget with the extension point org.eclipse.rap.ui.themeableWidgets. As a result of the resolve-by-name strategy, only the custom widget class must be registered. The following is an example of a themeable widget extension definition:


Resources that are relevant for Theming

The custom widget must provide the theme-relevant resources in a package which is named after the schema <internal-package>.<widget>kit where <internal-package> is the package name with the segment "internal" inserted somewhere in the path and <widget> is the lower case class name of the custom widget. For example, if your custom widget is my.custom.XWidget, you must create a package my.custom.internal.xwidgetkit or attribute my.internal.custom.xwidgetkit for your files. By the way, if you are already familiar with the concept of life-cycle adapters (LCAs), they reside in the very same package.

Theming relevant resources include:

  • A theme adapter class that provides a bridge between your theming and SWT.
  • A theme definition file that defines new theming keys for your widget.
  • An appearance fragment file which defines new qooxdoo appearances.
None of these resources are mandatory, resources which are found are respected, but those which are missing do not hurt. For more complex widgets, you might also need to provide a JavaScript file of its own to be passed to client side. However, those are additional resources which are not automatically discovered but must be registered manually.

Theme Adapter

This is a class that implements the interface org.eclipse.rwt.theme.IControlThemeAdapter. The name must match the pattern <Widget>ThemeAdapter. You must provide such a class if your custom widget's default values for background color, foreground color, font, or border width differ from the defaults of its superclass.

What's the use of the Theme Adapter?

Your custom widget will always be an (indirect) descendant of the class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control. This class defines a couple of getter methods, which must be aware of the widget's default values, which depend on the current theme. Namely, this includes the methods

  • getBackground(),
  • getForeground(),
  • getFont(), and
  • getBorderWidth().
If a custom value has been set for one of these properties using the according setter method, the getters will simply return this value. But if either no custom value has been set or the value has explicitly been set to null, the widget displays its default and the getters must reflect the actual state of the widget. For example, if your custom widget has a light gray background by default, the method getBackground should return this color instead of null. The value can depend on the particular instance of the widget, e.g. a widget created with the style flag SWT.BORDER might be displayed with a different border than one without this flag. In order to provide the Control class with the necessary information, you have to implement the theme adapter.

Theme Definition File

The theme definition file is an XML-file with the name <Widget>.theme.xml. You must provide this file if you want to define new theming keys which allow to make certain aspects of your widget's presentation configurable. Its contents must conform with the schema that is outlined by the following example:

   <color name="mywidget.background"
         description="Background color for MyWidget"
         default="248, 248, 255"/>

   <border name="mywidget.border"
         description="Default border for MyWidget"
         default="1 black"/>

   <image name=""
         description="Background image for title bar of active Shells"

The root element is named theme and contains one or more elements that define new theming keys. The possible types are:
  • Color (color)
  • Dimension (dimension)
  • Box Dimension (boxdim)
  • Border (border)
  • Font (font)
  • Image (image)
Every definition must provide the following attributes:
  • name: contains the name of the key. This name can be freely chosen, but to avoid conflicts, it should start with the custom widget name.
  • description: contains a description that allows the user to understand which aspects of the widget are affected by this key.
  • default contains the default value for this theming key in a valid format (see the article on RWT Theming) for format definitions.
  • targetPath: (optional) only for images, this attribute must can specify a target path to copy the image to. Within the qooxdoo appearance theme, you can later refer to the image using the path widget/<targetPath>.
    Update: Since RAP 1.1, this attribute is optional. It might be dropped completely in the future. If you don't specify a targetPath, it is automatically set to the key given in the attribute name.

Appearance Fragment

The appearance fragment file is a piece of JavaScipt code to be included in the qooxdoo appearance theme. For details on the qooxdoo theming, refer to, especially the section on appearances. The appearance fragment file must have the name <Widget>.appearances.js.

Normally, the contents of the file are directly included in the appearance section of the generated qooxdoo theme file. Unfortunately, some JavaScript editors might generate warnings as the file contains only a fragment and not a complete valid JavaScript program. In this case, you can surround the fragment with some extra dummy code that makes your JavaScript editor happy. The fragment to be actually included must be enclosed in two lines that contain the words BEGIN TEMPLATE and END TEMPLATE as shown in the example below. If these lines are present, only the lines in between are included in the appearance theme.

appearances = {

  "my-custom" : {
    style : function( states ) {
      var tv = new org.eclipse.swt.theme.ThemeValues( states );
      return {
        border : tv.getBorder( states.rwt_BORDER ? "mycontrol.BORDER.border" : "mycontrol.border" ),
        backgroundColor : tv.getColor( "mycontrol.background" ),
        padding : tv.getBoxDimension( "mycontrol.padding" ),
        backgroundImage : tv.getImage( "mycontrol.background.image" )


In the above example, the state rwt_BORDER signals that the SWT.BORDER style flag is set. This state is not automatically available. It must explicitly be set in the life-cycle adapter (LCA). If you don't provide an LCA on your own, this is done in the LCA of your super class (usually CompositeLCA), otherwise it is your responsibility to make the required states available.

Update: Since RAP 1.1M3, you should not refer to the names of colors, borders, and fonts in your appearance. Also, the makro THEME_VALUE() is obsolete. To refer to theme values, use an instance of the class ThemeValues as shown in the example above. This class transforms all types of theme values in a format suitable for the qooxdoo appearance theme. Moreover, it supports widget variants and tries to resolve the variant value first.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire