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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWorkbenchSite Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.handlers Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.intro Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the product introduction parts. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 

Uses of IWorkbenchSite in

Methods in that return IWorkbenchSite
  IWorkbenchSite ISynchronizePageSite. getWorkbenchSite ()
          Return the workbench site for the page or null if a workbench site is not available (e.g. if the page is being shown in a dialog).

Methods in with parameters of type IWorkbenchSite
 void SubscriberParticipant. refresh ( IResource[] resources, String shortTaskName, String longTaskName, IWorkbenchSite site)
          Refresh a participant in the background the result of the refresh are shown in the progress view.
 void ModelSynchronizeParticipant. refresh ( IWorkbenchSite site, ResourceMapping[] mappings)
          Refresh a participant in the background the result of the refresh are shown in the progress view.
 void SubscriberParticipant. refreshInDialog ( Shell shell, IResource[] resources, String jobName, String taskName, ISynchronizePageConfiguration configuration, IWorkbenchSite site)
          Refresh this participants synchronization state and displays the result in a model dialog.

Uses of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui

Subinterfaces of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui
 interface IEditorSite
          The primary interface between an editor part and the workbench.
 interface IViewSite
          The primary interface between a view part and the workbench.
 interface IWorkbenchPartSite
          The primary interface between a workbench part and the workbench.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui with parameters of type IWorkbenchSite
 boolean INestableKeyBindingService. activateKeyBindingService ( IWorkbenchSite nestedSite)
          Deprecated. Marks the service associated with nestedSite as active if one exists.
  IKeyBindingService INestableKeyBindingService. getKeyBindingService ( IWorkbenchSite nestedSite)
          Deprecated. An accessor for the nested key binding service associated with a particular site.
 boolean INestableKeyBindingService. removeKeyBindingService ( IWorkbenchSite nestedSite)
          Deprecated. Removes a nested key binding service from this key binding service.

Uses of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui.handlers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.handlers that return IWorkbenchSite
static  IWorkbenchSite HandlerUtil. getActiveSite ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active part site.
static  IWorkbenchSite HandlerUtil. getActiveSiteChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active part site.

Uses of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui.intro

Subinterfaces of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui.intro
 interface IIntroSite
          The primary interface between an intro part and the workbench.

Uses of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui.part

Subinterfaces of IWorkbenchSite in org.eclipse.ui.part
 interface IPageSite
          The primary interface between a page and the outside world.

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.part that implement IWorkbenchSite
 class MultiPageEditorSite
          Site for a nested editor within a multi-page editor.
 class PageSite
          This implementation of IPageSite provides a site for a page within a PageBookView.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire