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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use Point
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. 
org.eclipse.jface.contentassist Provides a content assist add-on for implementors of IContentAssistSubjectControl
org.eclipse.jface.dialogs Provides support for dialogs. 
org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist Provides classes that help communicate proper content for fields in dialogs and wizards. 
org.eclipse.jface.layout Provides support for layout generation. 
org.eclipse.jface.preference Provides a framework for preferences. 
org.eclipse.jface.resource Provides support for managing resources such as SWT fonts and images. 
org.eclipse.jface.text Provides a framework for creating and manipulating text documents. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist Provides a content assist add-on for an ITextViewer
org.eclipse.jface.text.source Provides a framework for connecting document regions with annotations and for displaying those. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection This package provides the UI part for projection documents of which the most important part is the projection viewer. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.templates Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse text template support. 
org.eclipse.jface.util Provides useful building blocks used throughout JFace, including property change events, a listener list implementation, and runtime checked assertions. 
org.eclipse.jface.viewers Provides a framework for viewers, which are model-based content adapters for SWT widgets. 
org.eclipse.jface.window Provides a general framework for creating and managing windows. 
org.eclipse.jface.wizard Provides a framework for wizards. 
org.eclipse.swt.browser SWT Browser widget. 
org.eclipse.swt.custom SWT Custom widgets. SWT graphics classes. 
org.eclipse.swt.layout This package contains the SWT layout classes. 
org.eclipse.swt.printing SWT Printing support classes. 
org.eclipse.swt.widgets SWT widget public API classes. Provides basic support for managing Team providers. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.application Application-level APIs for configuring and controling the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets Custom widgets and controls for forms-based parts. 
org.eclipse.ui.menus Provides the public API and default implementation for contributing menu and toolbars to the menu service. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.presentations Classes for contributing presentations to eclipse. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return Point
protected   Point DebugPopup. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the initial location to use for the shell based upon the current selection in the viewer.
protected   Point InspectPopupDialog. getInitialSize ()

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type Point
protected   Point DebugPopup. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the initial location to use for the shell based upon the current selection in the viewer.

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type Point
DebugPopup ( Shell parent, Point anchor, String commandId)
          Constructs a new popup dialog of type PopupDialog.INFOPOPUPRESIZE_SHELLSTYLE
InspectPopupDialog ( Shell shell, Point anchor, String commandId, IExpression expression)
          Creates a new inspect popup.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.action

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.action that return Point
  Point StatusLineContributionItem. getDisplayLocation ()
          An accessor for the current location of this status line contribution item -- relative to the display.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.contentassist

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.contentassist that return Point
  Point IContentAssistSubjectControl. getLocationAtOffset (int offset)
          Returns the x, y location of the upper left corner of the character bounding box at the specified offset in the text.
  Point ComboContentAssistSubjectAdapter. getLocationAtOffset (int offset)
  Point TextContentAssistSubjectAdapter. getLocationAtOffset (int offset)
  Point IContentAssistSubjectControl. getSelectedRange ()
          Returns the selected range.
  Point ComboContentAssistSubjectAdapter. getSelectedRange ()
  Point TextContentAssistSubjectAdapter. getSelectedRange ()
  Point IContentAssistSubjectControl. getWidgetSelectionRange ()
          Returns the selected range in the subject's widget.
  Point ComboContentAssistSubjectAdapter. getWidgetSelectionRange ()
  Point TextContentAssistSubjectAdapter. getWidgetSelectionRange ()

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs that return Point
protected   Point PopupDialog. getDefaultLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the default location to use for the shell.
protected   Point PopupDialog. getDefaultSize ()
          Return the default size to use for the shell.
protected   Point PopupDialog. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
protected   Point Dialog. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the initial location to use for the shell.
protected   Point ProgressMonitorDialog. getInitialSize ()
protected   Point PopupDialog. getInitialSize ()
protected   Point Dialog. getInitialSize ()
          Returns the initial size to use for the shell.
protected   Point TitleAreaDialog. getInitialSize ()
          The TitleAreaDialog implementation of this Window methods returns an initial size which is at least some reasonable minimum.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs with parameters of type Point
protected   Point PopupDialog. getDefaultLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the default location to use for the shell.
protected   Point PopupDialog. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
protected   Point Dialog. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the initial location to use for the shell.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist that return Point
  Point ContentProposalAdapter. getPopupSize ()
          Return the size, in pixels, of the content proposal popup.
  Point ComboContentAdapter. getSelection ( Control control)
  Point TextContentAdapter. getSelection ( Control control)
  Point IControlContentAdapter2. getSelection ( Control control)
          Get the current selection range in the control.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist with parameters of type Point
 void ContentProposalAdapter. setPopupSize ( Point size)
          Set the size, in pixels, of the content proposal popup.
 void ComboContentAdapter. setSelection ( Control control, Point range)
 void TextContentAdapter. setSelection ( Control control, Point range)
 void IControlContentAdapter2. setSelection ( Control control, Point range)
          Set the current selection range in the control.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.layout

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.layout that return Point
protected   Point AbstractColumnLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
static  Point LayoutConstants. getMargins ()
          Returns the default dialog margins, in pixels
static  Point LayoutConstants. getMinButtonSize ()
          Returns the default minimum button size, in pixels
static  Point LayoutConstants. getSpacing ()
          Returns the default dialog spacing, in pixels

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.layout with parameters of type Point
static void GridDataFactory. generate ( Control theControl, Point span)
          Generates layout data to the given control, given the number of cells spanned by the control.
  GridDataFactory GridDataFactory. hint ( Point hint)
          Sets the width and height hints.
  RowDataFactory RowDataFactory. hint ( Point hint)
          Sets the width and height hints.
  GridDataFactory GridDataFactory. indent ( Point indent)
          Sets the indent of the control within the cell.
  GridLayoutFactory GridLayoutFactory. margins ( Point margins)
          Sets the margins for layouts created with this factory.
  RowLayoutFactory RowLayoutFactory. margins ( Point margins)
          Sets the margins for layouts created with this factory.
  GridDataFactory GridDataFactory. minSize ( Point min)
          Sets the minimum size for the control.
  GridLayoutFactory GridLayoutFactory. spacing ( Point spacing)
          Sets the spacing for layouts created with this factory.
  GridDataFactory GridDataFactory. span ( Point span)
          Sets the GridData span.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.preference

Fields in org.eclipse.jface.preference declared as Point
static  Point PreferenceConverter. POINT_DEFAULT_DEFAULT
          The default-default value for point preferences (the origin, (0,0)).

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.preference that return Point
protected   Point ColorFieldEditor. computeImageSize ( Control window)
          Computes the size of the color image displayed on the button.
  Point PreferencePage. computeSize ()
          Computes the size for this page's UI control.
  Point IPreferencePage. computeSize ()
          Computes a size for this page's UI component.
protected   Point PreferencePage. doComputeSize ()
          Computes the size needed by this page's UI control.
static  Point PreferenceConverter. getDefaultPoint ( IPreferenceStore store, String name)
          Returns the default value for the point-valued preference with the given name in the given preference store.
static  Point PreferenceConverter. getPoint ( IPreferenceStore store, String name)
          Returns the current value of the point-valued preference with the given name in the given preference store.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.preference with parameters of type Point
static void PreferenceConverter. setDefault ( IPreferenceStore store, String name, Point value)
          Sets the default value of the preference with the given name in the given preference store.
 void PreferenceDialog. setMinimumPageSize ( Point size)
          Sets the minimum page size.
 void PreferencePage. setSize ( Point uiSize)
 void IPreferencePage. setSize ( Point size)
          Sets the size of this page's UI component.
static void PreferenceConverter. setValue ( IPreferenceStore store, String name, Point value)
          Sets the current value of the preference with the given name in the given preference store.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.resource

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource that return Point
static  Point StringConverter. asPoint ( String value)
          Converts the given value into an SWT point.
static  Point StringConverter. asPoint ( String value, Point dflt)
          Converts the given value into an SWT point.
protected abstract   Point CompositeImageDescriptor. getSize ()
          Return the size of this composite image.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource with parameters of type Point
static  Point StringConverter. asPoint ( String value, Point dflt)
          Converts the given value into an SWT point.
static  String StringConverter. asString ( Point value)
          Converts the given SWT point object to a string.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.text

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text that return Point
protected   Point AbstractInformationControlManager. computeInformationControlLocation ( Rectangle subjectArea, Point controlSize)
          Computes the location of the information control depending on the subject area and the size of the information control.
protected   Point AbstractInformationControlManager. computeLocation ( Rectangle subjectArea, Point controlSize, AbstractInformationControlManager.Anchor anchor)
          Computes the display location of the information control.
protected   Point AbstractInformationControlManager. computeSizeConstraints ( Control subjectControl, IInformationControl informationControl)
          Computes the size constraints of the information control in points based on the default font of the given subject control as well as the size constraints in character width.
protected   Point AbstractInformationControlManager. computeSizeConstraints ( Control subjectControl, Rectangle subjectArea, IInformationControl informationControl)
          Computes the size constraints of the information control in points.
  Point AbstractInformationControl. computeSizeConstraints (int widthInChars, int heightInChars)
          Computes the size constraints based on the dialog font.
  Point IInformationControlExtension5. computeSizeConstraints (int widthInChars, int heightInChars)
          Computes the width- and height constraints of the information control in pixels, based on the given width and height in characters.
  Point DefaultInformationControl. computeSizeHint ()
  Point IInformationControl. computeSizeHint ()
          Computes and returns a proposal for the size of this information control depending on the information to present.
  Point AbstractInformationControl. computeSizeHint ()
  Point TextViewer. getHoverEventLocation ()
protected   Point AbstractHoverInformationControlManager. getHoverEventLocation ()
          Returns the location at which the most recent mouse hover event has been issued.
  Point ITextViewerExtension2. getHoverEventLocation ()
          Returns the location at which the most recent mouse hover event has occurred.
  Point IFindReplaceTargetExtension. getLineSelection ()
          Returns the currently selected range of lines as a offset and length.
  Point TextViewer. getSelectedRange ()
  Point ITextViewer. getSelectedRange ()
          Returns the range of the current selection in coordinates of this viewer's document.
  Point IFindReplaceTarget. getSelection ()
          Returns the currently selected range of characters as a offset and length in widget coordinates.
protected   Point AbstractInformationControl. getSizeConstraints ()
          Returns the size constraints.
protected   Point TextViewer. modelSelection2WidgetSelection ( Point modelSelection)
          Translates the given selection range of the viewer's document into the corresponding widget range or returns null of this fails.
protected   Point TextViewer. widgetSelection2ModelSelection ( Point widgetSelection)
          Translates the given widget selection into the corresponding region of the viewer's document or returns null if this fails.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text with parameters of type Point
protected   Point AbstractInformationControlManager. computeInformationControlLocation ( Rectangle subjectArea, Point controlSize)
          Computes the location of the information control depending on the subject area and the size of the information control.
protected   Point AbstractInformationControlManager. computeLocation ( Rectangle subjectArea, Point controlSize, AbstractInformationControlManager.Anchor anchor)
          Computes the display location of the information control.
protected   Point TextViewer. modelSelection2WidgetSelection ( Point modelSelection)
          Translates the given selection range of the viewer's document into the corresponding widget range or returns null of this fails.
 void IInformationControl. setLocation ( Point location)
          Sets the location of this information control.
 void AbstractInformationControl. setLocation ( Point location)
protected  boolean AbstractInformationControlManager. updateLocation ( Point location, Point size, Rectangle displayArea, AbstractInformationControlManager.Anchor anchor)
          Checks whether a control of the given size at the given location would be completely visible in the given display area when laid out by using the given anchor.
protected   Point TextViewer. widgetSelection2ModelSelection ( Point widgetSelection)
          Translates the given widget selection into the corresponding region of the viewer's document or returns null if this fails.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist that return Point
  Point ICompletionProposal. getSelection ( IDocument document)
          Returns the new selection after the proposal has been applied to the given document in absolute document coordinates.
  Point CompletionProposal. getSelection ( IDocument document)
protected   Point ContentAssistant. restoreCompletionProposalPopupSize ()
          Restores the content assist pop-up's size.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.text.source

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source that return Point
protected   Point LineChangeHover. computeLineRange ( ISourceViewer viewer, int line, int min, int max)
          Computes the block of lines which form a contiguous block of changes covering line.
protected   Point AnnotationBarHoverManager. computeLocation ( Rectangle subjectArea, Point controlSize, AbstractInformationControlManager.Anchor anchor)
protected   Point SourceViewer.RulerLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
protected   Point AnnotationBarHoverManager. computeSizeConstraints ( Control subjectControl, Rectangle subjectArea, IInformationControl informationControl)
protected   Point SourceViewer. rememberSelection ()
          Remembers and returns the current selection.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source with parameters of type Point
protected   Point AnnotationBarHoverManager. computeLocation ( Rectangle subjectArea, Point controlSize, AbstractInformationControlManager.Anchor anchor)

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection that return Point
protected   Point ProjectionViewer. widgetSelection2ModelSelection ( Point widgetSelection)
          Adapts the behavior of the super class to respect line based folding.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection with parameters of type Point
protected   Point ProjectionViewer. widgetSelection2ModelSelection ( Point widgetSelection)
          Adapts the behavior of the super class to respect line based folding.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.text.templates

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.templates that return Point
  Point TemplateProposal. getSelection ( IDocument document)

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.util

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.util that return Point
static  Point Geometry. add ( Point point1, Point point2)
          Adds two points as 2d vectors.
static  Point Geometry. centerPoint ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns the point in the center of the given rectangle.
static  Point Geometry. copy ( Point toCopy)
          Returns a copy of the given point
static  Point Geometry. divide ( Point toDivide, int scalar)
          Divides both coordinates of the given point by the given scalar.
static  Point Geometry. getDirectionVector (int distance, int direction)
          Returns a vector in the given direction with the given magnitude.
static  Point Geometry. getLocation ( Rectangle toQuery)
          Returns the x,y position of the given rectangle.
static  Point Geometry. getSize ( Rectangle rectangle)
          Returns the size of the rectangle, as a Point
static  Point Geometry. max ( Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns a new point whose coordinates are the maximum of the coordinates of the given points
static  Point Geometry. min ( Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns a new point whose coordinates are the minimum of the coordinates of the given points
static  Point Geometry. subtract ( Point point1, Point point2)
          Performs vector subtraction on two points.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.util with parameters of type Point
static  Point Geometry. add ( Point point1, Point point2)
          Adds two points as 2d vectors.
static  Point Geometry. copy ( Point toCopy)
          Returns a copy of the given point
static  Rectangle Geometry. createRectangle ( Point position, Point size)
          Returns a new rectangle with the given position and dimensions, expressed as points.
static int Geometry. distanceSquared ( Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns the square of the distance between two points.
static  Point Geometry. divide ( Point toDivide, int scalar)
          Divides both coordinates of the given point by the given scalar.
static int Geometry. dotProduct ( Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns the dot product of the given vectors (expressed as Points)
static void Geometry. flipXY ( Point toFlip)
          Swaps the X and Y coordinates of the given point.
static int Geometry. getClosestSide ( Rectangle boundary, Point toTest)
          Returns the edge of the given rectangle is closest to the given point.
static int Geometry. getCoordinate ( Point toMeasure, boolean width)
          Returns the x or y coordinates of the given point.
static int Geometry. getDistanceFrom ( Rectangle boundary, Point toTest)
          Returns the distance from the point to the nearest edge of the given rectangle.
static int Geometry. getDistanceFromEdge ( Rectangle rectangle, Point testPoint, int edgeOfInterest)
          Returns the distance of the given point from a particular side of the given rectangle.
static int Geometry. getRelativePosition ( Rectangle boundary, Point toTest)
          Determines where the given point lies with respect to the given rectangle.
static double Geometry. magnitude ( Point p)
          Returns the magnitude of the given 2d vector (represented as a Point)
static int Geometry. magnitudeSquared ( Point p)
          Returns the square of the magnitude of the given 2-space vector (represented using a point)
static  Point Geometry. max ( Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns a new point whose coordinates are the maximum of the coordinates of the given points
static  Point Geometry. min ( Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns a new point whose coordinates are the minimum of the coordinates of the given points
static void Geometry. moveRectangle ( Rectangle rect, Point delta)
          Moves the given rectangle by the given delta.
static void Geometry. set ( Point result, Point toCopy)
          Sets result equal to toCopy
static void Geometry. setCoordinate ( Point toSet, boolean width, int newCoordinate)
          Sets one coordinate of the given point.
static void Geometry. setLocation ( Rectangle rectangle, Point newLocation)
          Sets the x,y position of the given rectangle.
static void Geometry. setSize ( Rectangle rectangle, Point newSize)
          Sets the size of the given rectangle to the given size
static  Point Geometry. subtract ( Point point1, Point point2)
          Performs vector subtraction on two points.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.viewers

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.viewers that return Point
  Point TableLayout. computeSize ( Composite c, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flush)
protected   Point DecorationOverlayIcon. getSize ()
  Point ViewerLabel. getTooltipShift ()
  Point CellLabelProvider. getToolTipShift ( Object object)
          Return the amount of pixels in x and y direction you want the tool tip to pop up from the mouse pointer.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.viewers with parameters of type Point
  ViewerCell ViewerRow. getCell ( Point point)
          Get the ViewerCell at point.
  ViewerCell ColumnViewer. getCell ( Point point)
          Returns the viewer cell at the given widget-relative coordinates, or null if there is no cell at that location
 int ViewerRow. getColumnIndex ( Point point)
          Get the columnIndex of the point.
protected   Item TreeViewer. getItemAt ( Point p)
protected   Item TableTreeViewer. getItemAt ( Point p)
protected   Item AbstractTreeViewer. getItemAt ( Point point)
          This implementation of AbstractTreeViewer.getItemAt(Point) returns null to ensure API backwards compatibility.
protected   Item TableViewer. getItemAt ( Point p)
protected abstract   Item ColumnViewer. getItemAt ( Point point)
          Returns the Item at the given widget-relative coordinates, or null if there is no item at the given coordinates.
protected   ViewerRow ColumnViewer. getViewerRow ( Point point)
          Returns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates.
 void ViewerLabel. setTooltipShift ( Point tooltipShift)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.viewers with parameters of type Point
DecorationOverlayIcon ( Image baseImage, ImageDescriptor[] overlaysArray, Point sizeValue)
          Create the decoration overlay for the base image using the array of provided overlays.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.window

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.window that return Point
protected   Point Window. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the initial location to use for the shell.
protected   Point Window. getInitialSize ()
          Returns the initial size to use for the shell.
  Point ToolTip. getLocation ( Point tipSize, Event event)
          Get the display relative location where the tooltip is displayed.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.window with parameters of type Point
protected   Point Window. getInitialLocation ( Point initialSize)
          Returns the initial location to use for the shell.
  Point ToolTip. getLocation ( Point tipSize, Event event)
          Get the display relative location where the tooltip is displayed.
 void ToolTip. setShift ( Point p)
          Set the shift (from the mouse position triggered the event) used to display the tooltip.
 void ToolTip. show ( Point location)
          Start up the tooltip programmatically

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.jface.wizard

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.wizard that return Point
  Point WizardDialog.PageContainerFillLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean force)
  Point IWizardNode. getExtent ()
          Returns the extent of the wizard for this node.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.wizard with parameters of type Point
 void WizardDialog. setMinimumPageSize ( Point size)
          Sets the minimum page size used for the pages.
 void WizardDialog. setPageSize ( Point size)
          Sets the size of all pages.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.swt.browser

Fields in org.eclipse.swt.browser declared as Point
  Point WindowEvent. location
          Requested location for the Shell hosting the Browser.
  Point WindowEvent. size
          Requested Browser size.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.swt.custom

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom that return Point
protected   Point StackLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
  Point StyledText. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point TableTree. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point CCombo. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point CLabel. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point AnimatedProgress. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point StyledText. getLocationAtOffset (int offset)
          Returns the x, y location of the upper left corner of the character bounding box at the specified offset in the text.
  Point ScrolledComposite. getOrigin ()
          Return the point in the content that currently appears in the top left corner of the scrolled composite.
  Point CBanner. getRightMinimumSize ()
          Returns the minimum size of the control that appears on the right of the banner.
  Point StyledText. getSelection ()
          Returns the selection.
  Point CCombo. getSelection ()
          Returns a Point whose x coordinate is the start of the selection in the receiver's text field, and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
  Point StyledText. getSelectionRange ()
          Returns the selection.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom with parameters of type Point
  CTabItem CTabFolder. getItem ( Point pt)
          Gets the item at a point in the widget.
  TableTreeItem TableTree. getItem ( Point point)
          Deprecated. Returns the item at the given point in the receiver or null if no such item exists.
 int StyledText. getOffsetAtLocation ( Point point)
          Returns the offset of the character at the given location relative to the first character in the document.
 void ScrolledComposite. setMinSize ( Point size)
          Specify the minimum width and height at which the ScrolledComposite will begin scrolling the content with the horizontal scroll bar.
 void ScrolledComposite. setOrigin ( Point origin)
          Scrolls the content so that the specified point in the content is in the top left corner.
 void CBanner. setRightMinimumSize ( Point size)
          Set the minimum height of the control that appears on the right side of the banner.
 void StyledText. setSelection ( Point point)
          Sets the selection and scrolls it into view.
 void CCombo. setSelection ( Point selection)
          Sets the selection in the receiver's text field to the range specified by the argument whose x coordinate is the start of the selection and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.

Uses of Point in

Methods in that return Point
  Point Device. getDPI ()
          Returns a point whose x coordinate is the horizontal dots per inch of the display, and whose y coordinate is the vertical dots per inch of the display.
  Point TextLayout. getLocation (int offset, boolean trailing)
          Returns the location for the specified character offset.
  Point GC. stringExtent ( String string)
          Returns the extent of the given string.
  Point GC. textExtent ( String string)
          Returns the extent of the given string.
  Point GC. textExtent ( String string, int flags)
          Returns the extent of the given string.

Methods in with parameters of type Point
 boolean Rectangle. contains ( Point pt)
          Returns true if the given point is inside the area specified by the receiver, and false otherwise.
 boolean Region. contains ( Point pt)
          Returns true if the given point is inside the area specified by the receiver, and false otherwise.
 int TextLayout. getOffset ( Point point, int[] trailing)
          Returns the character offset for the specified point.
 void Region. translate ( Point pt)
          Translate all of the polygons the receiver maintains to describe its area by the specified point.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.swt.layout

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.layout that return Point
protected   Point RowLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
protected   Point FormLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
protected   Point FillLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
protected   Point GridLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)

Constructors in org.eclipse.swt.layout with parameters of type Point
RowData ( Point point)
          Constructs a new instance of RowData according to the parameter.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.swt.printing

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.printing that return Point
  Point Printer. getDPI ()
          Returns a point whose x coordinate is the horizontal dots per inch of the printer, and whose y coordinate is the vertical dots per inch of the printer.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that return Point
protected abstract   Point Layout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
          Computes and returns the size of the specified composite's client area according to this layout.
  Point Control. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of the receiver.
  Point CoolItem. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of the receiver.
  Point ExpandBar. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Scale. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Group. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Control. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Returns the preferred size of the receiver.
  Point Tree. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point TabFolder. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Label. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Sash. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point DateTime. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Slider. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Table. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point List. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point ToolBar. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Button. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point CoolBar. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Link. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Combo. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Text. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Composite. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point ProgressBar. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Spinner. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
  Point Text. getCaretLocation ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's location relative to its parent (or its display if its parent is null).
  Point Display. getCursorLocation ()
          Returns the location of the on-screen pointer relative to the top left corner of the screen.
  Point[] Display. getCursorSizes ()
          Returns an array containing the recommended cursor sizes.
  Point[] Display. getIconSizes ()
          Returns an array containing the recommended icon sizes.
  Point[] CoolBar. getItemSizes ()
          Returns an array of points whose x and y coordinates describe the widths and heights (respectively) of the items in the receiver in the order in which they are currently being displayed.
  Point Shell. getLocation ()
  Point Caret. getLocation ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's location relative to its parent (or its display if its parent is null).
  Point Decorations. getLocation ()
  Point Control. getLocation ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's location relative to its parent (or its display if its parent is null), unless the receiver is a shell.
  Point Shell. getMinimumSize ()
          Returns a point describing the minimum receiver's size.
  Point CoolItem. getMinimumSize ()
          Returns the minimum size that the cool item can be resized to using the cool item's gripper.
  Point CoolItem. getPreferredSize ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's ideal size.
  Point Combo. getSelection ()
          Returns a Point whose x coordinate is the character position representing the start of the selection in the receiver's text field, and whose y coordinate is the character position representing the end of the selection.
  Point Text. getSelection ()
          Returns a Point whose x coordinate is the character position representing the start of the selected text, and whose y coordinate is the character position representing the end of the selection.
  Point Shell. getSize ()
  Point Caret. getSize ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's size.
  Point Decorations. getSize ()
  Point Control. getSize ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's size.
  Point CoolItem. getSize ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's size.
  Point ScrollBar. getSize ()
          Returns a point describing the receiver's size.
  Point Display. map ( Control from, Control to, int x, int y)
          Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
  Point Display. map ( Control from, Control to, Point point)
          Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
  Point Control. toControl (int x, int y)
          Returns a point which is the result of converting the argument, which is specified in display relative coordinates, to coordinates relative to the receiver.
  Point Control. toControl ( Point point)
          Returns a point which is the result of converting the argument, which is specified in display relative coordinates, to coordinates relative to the receiver.
  Point Control. toDisplay (int x, int y)
          Returns a point which is the result of converting the argument, which is specified in coordinates relative to the receiver, to display relative coordinates.
  Point Control. toDisplay ( Point point)
          Returns a point which is the result of converting the argument, which is specified in coordinates relative to the receiver, to display relative coordinates.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type Point
  TreeItem Tree. getItem ( Point point)
          Returns the item at the given point in the receiver or null if no such item exists.
  TabItem TabFolder. getItem ( Point point)
          Returns the tab item at the given point in the receiver or null if no such item exists.
  TableItem Table. getItem ( Point point)
          Returns the item at the given point in the receiver or null if no such item exists.
  ToolItem ToolBar. getItem ( Point point)
          Returns the item at the given point in the receiver or null if no such item exists.
  Point Display. map ( Control from, Control to, Point point)
          Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 void Display. setCursorLocation ( Point point)
          Sets the location of the on-screen pointer relative to the top left corner of the screen.
 void CoolBar. setItemLayout (int[] itemOrder, int[] wrapIndices, Point[] sizes)
          Sets the receiver's item order, wrap indices, and item sizes all at once.
 void Caret. setLocation ( Point location)
          Sets the receiver's location to the point specified by the argument which is relative to the receiver's parent (or its display if its parent is null).
 void Control. setLocation ( Point location)
          Sets the receiver's location to the point specified by the arguments which are relative to the receiver's parent (or its display if its parent is null), unless the receiver is a shell.
 void ToolTip. setLocation ( Point location)
          Sets the location of the receiver, which must be a tooltip, to the point specified by the argument which is relative to the display.
 void Menu. setLocation ( Point location)
          Sets the location of the receiver, which must be a popup, to the point specified by the argument which is relative to the display.
 void Shell. setMinimumSize ( Point size)
          Sets the receiver's minimum size to the size specified by the argument.
 void CoolItem. setMinimumSize ( Point size)
          Sets the minimum size that the cool item can be resized to using the cool item's gripper, to the point specified by the argument.
 void CoolItem. setPreferredSize ( Point size)
          Sets the receiver's ideal size to the point specified by the argument.
 void Combo. setSelection ( Point selection)
          Sets the selection in the receiver's text field to the range specified by the argument whose x coordinate is the start of the selection and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
 void Text. setSelection ( Point selection)
          Sets the selection to the range specified by the given point, where the x coordinate represents the start index and the y coordinate represents the end index.
 void Caret. setSize ( Point size)
          Sets the receiver's size to the point specified by the argument.
 void Control. setSize ( Point size)
          Sets the receiver's size to the point specified by the argument.
 void CoolItem. setSize ( Point size)
          Sets the receiver's size to the point specified by the argument.
  Point Control. toControl ( Point point)
          Returns a point which is the result of converting the argument, which is specified in display relative coordinates, to coordinates relative to the receiver.
  Point Control. toDisplay ( Point point)
          Returns a point which is the result of converting the argument, which is specified in coordinates relative to the receiver, to display relative coordinates.

Uses of Point in

Methods in that return Point
protected   Point SaveablePartDialog. getInitialSize ()

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions that return Point
protected   Point QuickMenuCreator. computeMenuLocation ( Control focus)
          Determine the optimal point for this menu to appear.
protected   Point QuickMenuCreator. computeMenuLocation ( StyledText text)
          Hook to compute the menu location if the focus widget is a styled text widget.
protected   Point QuickMenuCreator. computeMenuLocation ( Table table)
          Hook to compute the menu location if the focus widget is a table widget.
protected   Point QuickMenuCreator. computeMenuLocation ( Tree tree)
          Hook to compute the menu location if the focus widget is a tree widget.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.application

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.application that return Point
  Point IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer. getInitialSize ()
          Returns the size to use for the window's shell when it is created.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.application with parameters of type Point
 void IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer. setInitialSize ( Point initialSize)
          Sets the size to use for the window's shell when it is created.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets that return Point
  Point SizeCache. computeAdjustedSize (int widthHint, int heightHint)
          Compute the control's size, and ensure that non-default hints are returned verbatim (this tries to compensate for SWT's hints, which aren't really the outer width of the control).
  Point SizeCache. computeMinimumSize ()
protected   Point TableWrapLayout. computeSize ( Composite parent, int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
protected   Point ColumnLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
  Point SizeCache. computeSize (int widthHint, int heightHint)
          Computes the preferred size of the control.
  Point ScrolledPageBook. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Removes the default size of the composite, allowing the control to shrink to the trim.
  Point FormText. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Overrides the method by fully trusting the layout manager (computed width or height may be larger than the provider width or height hints).
  Point Form. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Fully delegates the size computation to the internal layout manager.
  Point ToggleHyperlink. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Computes the size of the control.
  Point ExpandableComposite. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Computes the size of the expandable composite.
  Point Hyperlink. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Overrides the parent by incorporating the margin.
  Point ImageHyperlink. computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
          Computes the control size by reserving space for images in addition to text.
  Point LayoutCache. computeSize (int controlIndex, int widthHint, int heightHint)
          Computes the preferred size of the nth control
protected   Point Hyperlink. computeTextSize (int wHint, int hHint)

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets with parameters of type Point
 void SizeCache. setSize ( Point newSize)

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.menus

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.menus that return Point
  Point AbstractWorkbenchTrimWidget. getPreferredSize ()

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part that return Point
protected   Point PageBook.PageBookLayout. computeSize ( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.presentations

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.presentations that return Point
  Point StackPresentation. computeMinimumSize ()
          Deprecated. replaced by computePreferredSize

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.presentations with parameters of type Point
abstract   StackDropResult StackPresentation. dragOver ( Control currentControl, Point location)
          This method is invoked whenever a part is dragged over the stack's control.
 void IStackPresentationSite. dragStart ( IPresentablePart beingDragged, Point initialPosition, boolean keyboard)
          Begins dragging the given part
 void IStackPresentationSite. dragStart ( Point initialPosition, boolean keyboard)
          Begins dragging the entire stack of parts
 void IPartMenu. showMenu ( Point location)
          Displays the local menu for this part as a popup at the given location.

Uses of Point in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type Point
protected  void TextNavigationAction. fireSelectionChanged ( Point oldSelection)
          Fires a selection event to all selection listener of the action's text widget if the current selection differs from the given selection.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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