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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRegion

Provides a set of interfaces and classes for rendering and annotating text in the debug console. 

org.eclipse.jface.text Provides a framework for creating and manipulating text documents. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter Provides a content formatter add-on for an ITextViewer
org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink Provides support for detecting and displaying hyperlinks in ISourceViewers. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.information Provides an information provider add-on for an ITextViewer Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse text editor's linked position support. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.presentation Provides a presentation reconciler add-on for an ITextViewer
org.eclipse.jface.text.projection This package provides an implementation of projection documents. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler Provides a reconciler add-on for an ITextViewer
org.eclipse.jface.text.rules Provides a framework for rule based text scanning and uses the framework to provide rule-driven default implementations of IPresentationDamager, IPresentationRepairer and IDocumentPartitioner
org.eclipse.jface.text.source Provides a framework for connecting document regions with annotations and for displaying those. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection This package provides the UI part for projection documents of which the most important part is the projection viewer. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.templates Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse text template support. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring Application programmer interface to implement semantic preserving workspace transformations. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring Application programming interface to implement a wizard based user interface for refactorings. Provides the base classes to implement a search result view part for searches with textual matches. 
org.eclipse.text.edits Provides support for describing and applying textual document editions. 
org.eclipse.ui.console Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse console. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling Partial infrastructure for spell checking in text editors. 

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.debug.ui.console

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.console that return IRegion
  IRegion IConsole. getRegion ( IConsoleHyperlink link)
          Deprecated. replaced with getRegion(IHyperlink link) instead
  IRegion IConsole. getRegion ( IHyperlink link)
          Returns the region of text associated with the given hyperlink, or null if the given hyperlink is not contained in this console.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.console with parameters of type IRegion
 void IConsoleLineTracker. lineAppended ( IRegion line)
          Notification that a line of text has been appended to the console.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text

Subinterfaces of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text
 interface ITypedRegion
          Describes a region of an indexed text store such as a document or a string.

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.text that implement IRegion
 class Region
          The default implementation of the IRegion interface.
 class TypedRegion
          Default implementation of ITypedRegion.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text that return IRegion
protected   IRegion TextViewer. _internalGetVisibleRegion ()
          Returns the visible region if it is not equal to the whole document.
  IRegion IDocumentPartitionerExtension. documentChanged2 ( DocumentEvent event)
          The document has been changed.
protected   IRegion TextViewer. event2ModelRange ( VerifyEvent event)
          Translates the widget region of the given verify event into the corresponding region of the viewer's document.
  IRegion FindReplaceDocumentAdapter. find (int startOffset, String findString, boolean forwardSearch, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord, boolean regExSearch)
          Returns the location of a given string in this adapter's document based on a set of search criteria.
protected   IRegion DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy. findExtendedDoubleClickSelection ( IDocument document, int offset)
          Tries to find a suitable double click selection for the given offset.
protected   IRegion DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy. findWord ( IDocument document, int offset)
          Tries to find the word at the given offset.
  IRegion DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent. getChangedRegion ( String partitioning)
          Returns the changed region of the given partitioning or null if the given partitioning did not change.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMapping. getCoverage ()
          Returns the minimal region of the original document that completely comprises all of the image document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent. getCoverage ()
          Returns the coverage of this event.
  IRegion TextPresentation. getCoverage ()
          Returns the coverage of this presentation as clipped by the presentation's result window.
  IRegion[] ITextViewerExtension5. getCoveredModelRanges ( IRegion modelRange)
          Returns the maximal subranges of the given model range thus that there is no offset inside a subrange for which there is no image offset.
static  IRegion[] JFaceTextUtil. getCoveredRanges ( ITextViewer viewer, ITextSelection selection)
          Returns the text regions covered by the given selection in the given viewer.
  IRegion[] IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. getExactCoverage ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the maximal sub-regions of the given origin region which are completely covered.
  IRegion TextPresentation. getExtent ()
          Returns the extent of this presentation clipped by the presentation's result window.
protected   IRegion TextViewer. getExtent (int start, int end)
          Returns the region covered by the given start and end offset.
  IRegion DefaultTextHover. getHoverRegion ( ITextViewer textViewer, int offset)
  IRegion ITextHover. getHoverRegion ( ITextViewer textViewer, int offset)
          Returns the text region which should serve as the source of information to compute the hover popup display information.
  IRegion AbstractLineTracker. getLineInformation (int line)
  IRegion AbstractDocument. getLineInformation (int line)
  IRegion ILineTracker. getLineInformation (int line)
          Returns a line description of the given line.
  IRegion IDocument. getLineInformation (int line)
          Returns a description of the specified line.
  IRegion AbstractLineTracker. getLineInformationOfOffset (int offset)
  IRegion AbstractDocument. getLineInformationOfOffset (int offset)
  IRegion ILineTracker. getLineInformationOfOffset (int offset)
          Returns a line description of the line at the given offset.
  IRegion IDocument. getLineInformationOfOffset (int offset)
          Returns a description of the line at the given offset.
  IRegion TextViewer. getModelCoverage ()
          Implements the contract of ITextViewerExtension5.getModelCoverage().
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension3. getModelCoverage ()
          Deprecated. Returns the minimal region of the viewer's document that completely comprises everything that is visible in the viewer's widget or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension5. getModelCoverage ()
          Returns the minimal region of the viewer's input document that completely comprises everything that is visible in the viewer's widget or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion[] IBlockTextSelection. getRegions ()
          Returns a non-empty array containing the selected text range for each line covered by the selection.
  IRegion[] BlockTextSelection. getRegions ()
  IRegion IFindReplaceTargetExtension. getScope ()
          Returns the find scope of the target, null for global scope.
  IRegion TextViewer. getVisibleRegion ()
  IRegion ITextViewer. getVisibleRegion ()
          Returns the current visible region of this viewer's document.
protected   IRegion TextViewer. modelRange2ClosestWidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Similar to TextViewer.modelRange2WidgetRange(IRegion), but more forgiving: if modelRange describes a region entirely hidden in the image, then this method returns the zero-length region at the offset of the folded region.
  IRegion TextViewer. modelRange2WidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Implements the contract of ITextViewerExtension5.modelRange2WidgetRange(IRegion).
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension3. modelRange2WidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Deprecated. Returns the minimal region of the viewer's widget that completely comprises the given region of the viewer's document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension5. modelRange2WidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Returns the minimal region of the viewer's widget that completely comprises the given region of the viewer's input document or null if there is no such region.
protected   IRegion TextViewer. modelRange2WidgetRange ( Position modelPosition)
          Same as TextViewer.modelRange2WidgetRange(IRegion) just for a Position.
  IRegion FindReplaceDocumentAdapter. replace ( String text, boolean regExReplace)
          Substitutes the previous match with the given text.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMappingExtension2. toClosestImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the minimal region of the image document that completely comprises the given region of the original document.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. toExactImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
          Adheres to originRegion=toOriginRegion(toExactImageRegion(originRegion)), if toExactImageRegion(originRegion) !
  IRegion[] IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. toExactImageRegions ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the segments of the image document that exactly correspond to the given region of the original document.
  IRegion[] IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. toExactOriginRegions ( IRegion imageRegion)
          Returns the fragments of the original document that exactly correspond to the given region of the image document.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMapping. toImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the minimal region of the image document that completely comprises the given region of the original document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMapping. toOriginLines (int imageLine)
          Returns the range of lines of the original document that corresponds to the given line of the image document or null if there are no such lines.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMapping. toOriginRegion ( IRegion imageRegion)
          Returns the minimal region of the original document that completely comprises the given region of the image document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion TextViewer. widgetRange2ModelRange ( IRegion widgetRange)
          Implements the contract of ITextViewerExtension5.widgetRange2ModelRange(IRegion).
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension3. widgetRange2ModelRange ( IRegion widgetRange)
          Deprecated. Returns the minimal region of the viewer's document that completely comprises the given widget region or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension5. widgetRange2ModelRange ( IRegion widgetRange)
          Returns the minimal region of the viewer's input document that completely comprises the given widget region or null if there is no such region.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text with parameters of type IRegion
static  Rectangle JFaceTextUtil. computeArea ( IRegion region, ITextViewer textViewer)
          Determines the graphical area covered by the given text region in the given viewer.
 void IDocumentPartitioningListenerExtension. documentPartitioningChanged ( IDocument document, IRegion region)
          The partitioning of the given document changed in the given region.
protected  void AbstractDocument. doFireDocumentChanged ( DocumentEvent event, boolean firePartitionChange, IRegion partitionChange)
          Deprecated. as of 3.0. Use doFireDocumentChanged2(DocumentEvent) instead; this method will be removed.
 boolean ITextViewerExtension5. exposeModelRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Exposes the given model range.
protected  void AbstractDocument. fireDocumentPartitioningChanged ( IRegion region)
          Deprecated. as of 3.0. Use fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent) instead.
  IRegion[] ITextViewerExtension5. getCoveredModelRanges ( IRegion modelRange)
          Returns the maximal subranges of the given model range thus that there is no offset inside a subrange for which there is no image offset.
  IRegion[] IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. getExactCoverage ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the maximal sub-regions of the given origin region which are completely covered.
  String DefaultTextHover. getHoverInfo ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion)
          Deprecated. As of 3.4, replaced by ITextHoverExtension2.getHoverInfo2(ITextViewer, IRegion)
  String ITextHover. getHoverInfo ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion)
          Deprecated. As of 3.4, replaced by ITextHoverExtension2.getHoverInfo2(ITextViewer, IRegion)
  Object ITextHoverExtension2. getHoverInfo2 ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion)
          Returns the information which should be presented when a hover popup is shown for the specified hover region.
 boolean IEditingSupport. isOriginator ( DocumentEvent event, IRegion subjectRegion)
          Returns true if the receiver is the originator of a DocumentEvent and if that event is related to subjectRegion.
protected   IRegion TextViewer. modelRange2ClosestWidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Similar to TextViewer.modelRange2WidgetRange(IRegion), but more forgiving: if modelRange describes a region entirely hidden in the image, then this method returns the zero-length region at the offset of the folded region.
  IRegion TextViewer. modelRange2WidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Implements the contract of ITextViewerExtension5.modelRange2WidgetRange(IRegion).
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension3. modelRange2WidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Deprecated. Returns the minimal region of the viewer's widget that completely comprises the given region of the viewer's document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension5. modelRange2WidgetRange ( IRegion modelRange)
          Returns the minimal region of the viewer's widget that completely comprises the given region of the viewer's input document or null if there is no such region.
static boolean TextUtilities. overlaps ( IRegion left, IRegion right)
          Returns true if the two regions overlap.
 void TextPresentation. setResultWindow ( IRegion resultWindow)
          Sets the result window for this presentation.
 void IFindReplaceTargetExtension. setScope ( IRegion scope)
          Sets the find scope of the target to operate on.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMappingExtension2. toClosestImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the minimal region of the image document that completely comprises the given region of the original document.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. toExactImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
          Adheres to originRegion=toOriginRegion(toExactImageRegion(originRegion)), if toExactImageRegion(originRegion) !
  IRegion[] IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. toExactImageRegions ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the segments of the image document that exactly correspond to the given region of the original document.
  IRegion[] IDocumentInformationMappingExtension. toExactOriginRegions ( IRegion imageRegion)
          Returns the fragments of the original document that exactly correspond to the given region of the image document.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMapping. toImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
          Returns the minimal region of the image document that completely comprises the given region of the original document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion IDocumentInformationMapping. toOriginRegion ( IRegion imageRegion)
          Returns the minimal region of the original document that completely comprises the given region of the image document or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion TextViewer. widgetRange2ModelRange ( IRegion widgetRange)
          Implements the contract of ITextViewerExtension5.widgetRange2ModelRange(IRegion).
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension3. widgetRange2ModelRange ( IRegion widgetRange)
          Deprecated. Returns the minimal region of the viewer's document that completely comprises the given widget region or null if there is no such region.
  IRegion ITextViewerExtension5. widgetRange2ModelRange ( IRegion widgetRange)
          Returns the minimal region of the viewer's input document that completely comprises the given widget region or null if there is no such region.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.text with parameters of type IRegion
TextPresentation ( IRegion extent, int sizeHint)
          Creates a new empty text presentation with the given extent.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter with parameters of type IRegion
 void MultiPassContentFormatter. format ( IDocument medium, IRegion region)
 void IContentFormatter. format ( IDocument document, IRegion region)
          Formats the given region of the specified document.The formatter may safely assume that it is the only subject that modifies the document at this point in time.
 void ContentFormatter. format ( IDocument document, IRegion region)

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink that return IRegion
  IRegion URLHyperlink. getHyperlinkRegion ()
  IRegion IHyperlink. getHyperlinkRegion ()
          The region covered by this type of hyperlink.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink with parameters of type IRegion
  IHyperlink[] URLHyperlinkDetector. detectHyperlinks ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion region, boolean canShowMultipleHyperlinks)
  IHyperlink[] IHyperlinkDetector. detectHyperlinks ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion region, boolean canShowMultipleHyperlinks)
          Tries to detect hyperlinks for the given region in the given text viewer and returns them.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink with parameters of type IRegion
URLHyperlink ( IRegion region, String urlString)
          Creates a new URL hyperlink.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.information

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.information that return IRegion
  IRegion IInformationProvider. getSubject ( ITextViewer textViewer, int offset)
          Returns the region of the text viewer's document close to the given offset that contains a subject about which information can be provided.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.information with parameters of type IRegion
  String IInformationProvider. getInformation ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion subject)
          Deprecated. As of 2.1, replaced by IInformationProviderExtension.getInformation2(ITextViewer, IRegion)
  Object IInformationProviderExtension. getInformation2 ( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion subject)
          Returns the element for the given subject or null if no element is available.

Uses of IRegion in

Methods in that return IRegion
  IRegion LinkedModeUI. getSelectedRegion ()
          Returns the currently selected region or null.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.presentation

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.presentation that return IRegion
  IRegion IPresentationDamager. getDamageRegion ( ITypedRegion partition, DocumentEvent event, boolean documentPartitioningChanged)
          Returns the damage in the document's presentation caused by the given document change.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.presentation with parameters of type IRegion
protected   TextPresentation PresentationReconciler. createPresentation ( IRegion damage, IDocument document)
          Constructs a "repair description" for the given damage and returns this description as a text presentation.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.projection

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.projection that return IRegion
  IRegion[] ProjectionDocument. computeProjectedMasterRegions (int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster)
          Returns the sequence of all master document regions with are contained in the given master document range and which are part of this projection document.
  IRegion[] ProjectionDocument. computeUnprojectedMasterRegions (int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster)
          Returns the sequence of all master document regions which are contained in the given master document range and which are not yet part of this projection document.
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. getCoverage ()
  IRegion[] ProjectionMapping. getExactCoverage ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toClosestImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toExactImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion[] ProjectionMapping. toExactImageRegions ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion[] ProjectionMapping. toExactOriginRegions ( IRegion imageRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toOriginLines (int imageLine)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toOriginRegion ( IRegion imageRegion)

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.projection with parameters of type IRegion
  IRegion[] ProjectionMapping. getExactCoverage ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toClosestImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toExactImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion[] ProjectionMapping. toExactImageRegions ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion[] ProjectionMapping. toExactOriginRegions ( IRegion imageRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toImageRegion ( IRegion originRegion)
  IRegion ProjectionMapping. toOriginRegion ( IRegion imageRegion)

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler that implement IRegion
 class DirtyRegion
          A dirty region describes a document range which has been changed.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler with parameters of type IRegion
  IReconcileResult[] IReconcileStep. reconcile ( DirtyRegion dirtyRegion, IRegion subRegion)
          Activates incremental reconciling of the specified dirty region.
  IReconcileResult[] AbstractReconcileStep. reconcile ( DirtyRegion dirtyRegion, IRegion subRegion)
 void IReconcilingStrategy. reconcile ( DirtyRegion dirtyRegion, IRegion subRegion)
          Activates incremental reconciling of the specified dirty region.
  IReconcileResult[] IReconcileStep. reconcile ( IRegion partition)
          Activates non-incremental reconciling.
  IReconcileResult[] AbstractReconcileStep. reconcile ( IRegion partition)
 void IReconcilingStrategy. reconcile ( IRegion partition)
          Activates non-incremental reconciling.
protected abstract   IReconcileResult[] AbstractReconcileStep. reconcileModel ( DirtyRegion dirtyRegion, IRegion subRegion)
          Reconciles the model of this reconcile step.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules that return IRegion
  IRegion RuleBasedPartitioner. documentChanged2 ( DocumentEvent e)
  IRegion FastPartitioner. documentChanged2 ( DocumentEvent e)
          The document has been changed.
  IRegion DefaultPartitioner. documentChanged2 ( DocumentEvent e)
  IRegion DefaultDamagerRepairer. getDamageRegion ( ITypedRegion partition, DocumentEvent e, boolean documentPartitioningChanged)

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.source

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source that return IRegion
  IRegion ISourceViewer. getRangeIndication ()
          Returns the viewer's range indication.
  IRegion SourceViewer. getRangeIndication ()
  IRegion DefaultCharacterPairMatcher. match ( IDocument doc, int offset)
  IRegion ICharacterPairMatcher. match ( IDocument iDocument, int i)
          Starting at the given offset, the matcher chooses a character close to this offset.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection that return IRegion
  IRegion ProjectionViewer. computeCollapsedRegion ( Position position)
          Computes the region that must be collapsed when the given position is the position of an expanded projection annotation.
  IRegion[] IProjectionPosition. computeProjectionRegions ( IDocument document)
          Returns an array of regions that should be collapsed when the annotation belonging to this position is collapsed.
  IRegion[] ProjectionViewer. getCoveredModelRanges ( IRegion modelRange)
  IRegion ProjectionViewer. getVisibleRegion ()

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection with parameters of type IRegion
 boolean ProjectionViewer. exposeModelRange ( IRegion modelRange)
  IRegion[] ProjectionViewer. getCoveredModelRanges ( IRegion modelRange)

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.jface.text.templates

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.templates with parameters of type IRegion
protected   TemplateContext TemplateCompletionProcessor. createContext ( ITextViewer viewer, IRegion region)
          Creates a concrete template context for the given region in the document.
protected   ICompletionProposal TemplateCompletionProcessor. createProposal ( Template template, TemplateContext context, IRegion region, int relevance)
          Creates a new proposal.
protected abstract   TemplateContextType TemplateCompletionProcessor. getContextType ( ITextViewer viewer, IRegion region)
          Returns the context type that can handle template insertion at the given region in the viewer's document.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.text.templates with parameters of type IRegion
TemplateProposal ( Template template, TemplateContext context, IRegion region, Image image)
          Creates a template proposal with a template and its context.
TemplateProposal ( Template template, TemplateContext context, IRegion region, Image image, int relevance)
          Creates a template proposal with a template and its context.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring that return IRegion
  IRegion TextEditBasedChangeGroup. getRegion ()
          Returns the region covered by the underlying text edit group.
  IRegion FileStatusContext. getTextRegion ()
          Returns the context's source region

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring with parameters of type IRegion
  String TextChange. getCurrentContent ( IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the current content of the text edit change clipped to a specific region.
abstract   String TextEditBasedChange. getCurrentContent ( IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the current content of the text edit change clipped to a specific region.
  String MultiStateTextFileChange. getCurrentContent ( IRegion region, boolean expand, int surround, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  String TextChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a preview of the text change clipped to a specific region.
abstract   String TextEditBasedChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a preview of the text edit change clipped to a specific region.
  String MultiStateTextFileChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] groups, IRegion region, boolean expand, int surround, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  String TextChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a preview of the text change clipped to a specific region.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring with parameters of type IRegion
FileStatusContext ( IFile file, IRegion region)
          Creates an status entry context for the given file and source region.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring that return IRegion
abstract   IRegion LanguageElementNode. getTextRange ()
          Returns the text region the of this language element node.

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring with parameters of type IRegion
protected  void TextStatusContextViewer. setInput ( IDocument document, IRegion region)
          Sets the input of the source viewer to the given document and reveals the region determined by the given parameter region.

Uses of IRegion in

Methods in that return IRegion
  IRegion AbstractTextSearchViewPage. getCurrentMatchLocation ( Match match)
          Returns the current location of the match.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.text.edits

Methods in org.eclipse.text.edits that return IRegion
static  IRegion TextEdit. getCoverage ( TextEdit[] edits)
          Returns the text range spawned by the given array of text edits.
  IRegion TextEdit. getRegion ()
          Returns the range that this edit is manipulating.
  IRegion TextEditGroup. getRegion ()
          Returns the text region covered by the edits managed via this edit group.
static  IRegion MoveSourceEdit. intersect ( TextEdit op1, TextEdit op2)

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.ui.console

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.console that return IRegion
  IRegion TextConsole. getRegion ( IHyperlink link)
          Returns the region associated with the given hyperlink.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that return IRegion
protected static  IRegion AbstractTextEditor. getCoverage ( ISourceViewer viewer)
          Returns the minimal region of the given source viewer's document that completely comprises everything that is visible in the viewer's widget.
  IRegion AbstractTextEditor. getHighlightRange ()
  IRegion ITextEditor. getHighlightRange ()
          Returns the highlighted range of this text editor.

Uses of IRegion in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling with parameters of type IRegion
 void ISpellingEngine. check ( IDocument document, IRegion[] regions, SpellingContext context, ISpellingProblemCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Checks the given regions in the given document.
 void SpellingService. check ( IDocument document, IRegion[] regions, SpellingContext context, ISpellingProblemCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Checks the given regions in the given document.
 void SpellingReconcileStrategy. reconcile ( DirtyRegion dirtyRegion, IRegion subRegion)
 void SpellingReconcileStrategy. reconcile ( IRegion region)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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