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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use DocumentRewriteSession
org.eclipse.jface.text Provides a framework for creating and manipulating text documents. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.rules Provides a framework for rule based text scanning and uses the framework to provide rule-driven default implementations of IPresentationDamager, IPresentationRepairer and IDocumentPartitioner

Uses of DocumentRewriteSession in org.eclipse.jface.text

Fields in org.eclipse.jface.text declared as DocumentRewriteSession
  DocumentRewriteSession DocumentRewriteSessionEvent. fSession
          The session

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text that return DocumentRewriteSession
  DocumentRewriteSession AbstractDocument. getActiveRewriteSession ()
  DocumentRewriteSession IDocumentPartitionerExtension3. getActiveRewriteSession ()
          Returns the active rewrite session of this document or null.
  DocumentRewriteSession IDocumentExtension4. getActiveRewriteSession ()
          Returns the active rewrite session of this document or null.
  DocumentRewriteSession DocumentRewriteSessionEvent. getSession ()
          Returns the rewrite session.
  DocumentRewriteSession AbstractDocument. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSessionType sessionType)
  DocumentRewriteSession IDocumentExtension4. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSessionType sessionType)
          Tells the document that it is about to be rewritten.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text with parameters of type DocumentRewriteSession
 void AbstractLineTracker. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
 void ILineTrackerExtension. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Tells the line tracker that a rewrite session started.
 void IDocumentPartitionerExtension3. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Tells the document partitioner that a rewrite session started.
protected  void AbstractDocument. startRewriteSessionOnPartitioners ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Starts the given rewrite session.
 void AbstractDocument. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
 void IDocumentPartitionerExtension3. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Tells the document partitioner that the rewrite session has finished.
 void IDocumentExtension4. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Tells the document to stop the rewrite session.
 void AbstractLineTracker. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session, String text)
 void ILineTrackerExtension. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session, String text)
          Tells the line tracker that the rewrite session has finished.
protected  void AbstractDocument. stopRewriteSessionOnPartitioners ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Stops the given rewrite session.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.text with parameters of type DocumentRewriteSession
DocumentRewriteSessionEvent ( IDocument doc, DocumentRewriteSession session, Object changeType)
          Creates a new document event.

Uses of DocumentRewriteSession in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules that return DocumentRewriteSession
  DocumentRewriteSession FastPartitioner. getActiveRewriteSession ()
          Returns the active rewrite session of this document or null.
  DocumentRewriteSession DefaultPartitioner. getActiveRewriteSession ()

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules with parameters of type DocumentRewriteSession
 void FastPartitioner. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
 void DefaultPartitioner. startRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
 void FastPartitioner. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)
          Tells the document partitioner that the rewrite session has finished.
 void DefaultPartitioner. stopRewriteSession ( DocumentRewriteSession session)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire