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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAction Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 

Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications. Provides an implementation of IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate for opening a URL in a browser. 
org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. 
org.eclipse.jface.commands Provides JFace-specific support for commands. 
org.eclipse.jface.preference Provides a framework for preferences. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring Application programming interface to implement a wizard based user interface for refactorings. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions Application programming interface to actions related to the refactoring history. Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages. Provides basic support for managing Team providers. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.application Application-level APIs for configuring and controling the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets Provides support for working with cheat sheets. 
org.eclipse.ui.commands Provides support for retrieving information on Commands from the workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.console Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse console. 

Application programming interfaces for Eclipse console specific actions. 

org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. Classes for integration with the help support system in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator Provides the Common Navigator framework. 
org.eclipse.ui.operations Classes that provide the basic workbench UI support for undo and redo of operations. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.preferences Classes for using the preferences support in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences Package Specification This package has the convenience classes provided by the Eclipse workbench for use by clients who wish to use the core preference support added in 3.0. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff Provides interfaces to for the org.eclipse.ui.editors.quickDiffReferenceProvider extension point and adds an action to enable quick diff display for an editor. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist Provides support for a web-browser style of navigation within a view by maintaining a list of frames. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection. 

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class NavigationAction
          A NavigationAction is used to navigate through the individual differences of a CompareEditorInput.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return IAction
  IAction AbstractDebugView. getAction ( String actionID)
  IAction IDebugView. getAction ( String actionID)
          Returns the action installed under the given action id.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type IAction
protected   String AbstractDebugView. generatePreferenceKey ( IAction action)
          Generate a String that can be used as a key into a preference store based on the specified action.
protected  void AbstractDebugView. initActionState ( IAction action)
          Restores the persisted checked state of the specified action that was stored in preferences.
protected  void AbstractDebugView. saveCheckedActionState ( IAction action)
          Save the checked state of the specified action in the Debug UI plugin's preference store.
 void AbstractDebugView. setAction ( String actionID, IAction action)
 void IDebugView. setAction ( String actionID, IAction action)
          Installs the given action under the given action id.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions

Classes in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions that implement IAction
 class AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate
          A cascade menu to add a memory rendering to the memory view.
 class LaunchAction
          Launches a launch configuration in a specific mode.
 class LaunchAsAction
          Deprecated. The use of perspective based launch shortcuts has been deprecated in the 3.1 release. Instead, selection sensitive launch is supported in the top level menus. Use LaunchShorcutsAction instead.
 class LaunchShortcutsAction
          A cascading sub-menu that shows all launch shortcuts pertinent to a selection.
 class OpenLaunchDialogAction
          Opens the launch configuration dialog in the context of a launch group.
 class RulerBreakpointAction
          Abstract action that works on breakpoints in the vertical ruler.
 class ToggleBreakpointAction
          Action to toggle a breakpoint in a vertical ruler of a workbench part containing a document.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions that return IAction
protected   IAction RulerEnableDisableBreakpointActionDelegate. createAction ( ITextEditor editor, IVerticalRulerInfo rulerInfo)
protected   IAction RulerToggleBreakpointActionDelegate. createAction ( ITextEditor editor, IVerticalRulerInfo rulerInfo)
protected   IAction AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. getAction ()
          Returns the action used to render this delegate.
protected   IAction AbstractLaunchToolbarAction. getOpenDialogAction ()
          Returns an action to open the launch dialog

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions with parameters of type IAction
protected  void AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. addToMenu ( Menu menu, IAction action, int accelerator)
          Adds the given action to the specified menu with an accelerator specified by the given number.
 void RunToLineActionDelegate. init ( IAction action)
 void RulerToggleBreakpointActionDelegate. init ( IAction action)
 void AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate. init ( IAction action)
 void OpenLaunchDialogAction. init ( IAction action)
 void AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. run ( IAction action)
 void RunToLineActionDelegate. run ( IAction action)
 void ContextualLaunchAction. run ( IAction action)
 void AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate. run ( IAction action)
 void AbstractLaunchToolbarAction. run ( IAction action)
          Launch the last launch, or open the launch config dialog if none.
 void OpenLaunchDialogAction. run ( IAction action)
 void LaunchShortcutsAction. run ( IAction action)
 void LaunchAsAction. run ( IAction action)
 void RulerBreakpointTypesActionDelegate. run ( IAction action)
 void RunToLineActionDelegate. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
 void RulerToggleBreakpointActionDelegate. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
 void AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
 void OpenLaunchDialogAction. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
 void AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void RunToLineActionDelegate. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void ContextualLaunchAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void OpenLaunchDialogAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void LaunchShortcutsAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void LaunchAsAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void RulerBreakpointTypesActionDelegate. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void RunToLineActionDelegate. setActiveEditor ( IAction action, IEditorPart targetEditor)
 void RulerToggleBreakpointActionDelegate. setActiveEditor ( IAction callerAction, IEditorPart targetEditor)
 void AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate. setActiveEditor ( IAction action, IEditorPart targetEditor)
 void RulerBreakpointTypesActionDelegate. setActiveEditor ( IAction callerAction, IEditorPart targetEditor)
 void ContextualLaunchAction. setActivePart ( IAction action, IWorkbenchPart targetPart)
 void AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate. setActivePart ( IAction action, IWorkbenchPart targetPart)

Uses of IAction in

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void LaunchURL. run ( IAction action)
 void LaunchURL. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.jface.action

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.action that implement IAction
 class AbstractAction
           Some common functionality to share between implementations of IAction.
 class Action
          The standard abstract implementation of an action.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.action that return IAction
  IAction ActionContributionItem. getAction ()
          Returns the action associated with this contribution item.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.action with parameters of type IAction
 void ContributionManager. add ( IAction action)
 void SubContributionManager. add ( IAction action)
 void IContributionManager. add ( IAction action)
          Adds an action as a contribution item to this manager.
 void ContributionManager. appendToGroup ( String groupName, IAction action)
 void SubContributionManager. appendToGroup ( String groupName, IAction action)
 void IContributionManager. appendToGroup ( String groupName, IAction action)
          Adds a contribution item for the given action at the end of the group with the given name.
 void ContributionManager. insertAfter ( String ID, IAction action)
 void SubContributionManager. insertAfter ( String id, IAction action)
 void IContributionManager. insertAfter ( String id, IAction action)
          Inserts a contribution item for the given action after the item with the given id.
 void ContributionManager. insertBefore ( String ID, IAction action)
 void SubContributionManager. insertBefore ( String id, IAction action)
 void IContributionManager. insertBefore ( String id, IAction action)
          Inserts a contribution item for the given action before the item with the given id.
 boolean ExternalActionManager.IExecuteApplicable. isApplicable ( IAction action)
          Allow the callback to filter out actions that should not fire execution events.
 void ExternalActionManager.CommandCallback. notDefined ( IAction action, NotDefinedException exception)
 void ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback. notDefined ( IAction action, NotDefinedException exception)
          Fires a NotDefinedException because the action was not defined.
 void ExternalActionManager.CommandCallback. notEnabled ( IAction action, NotEnabledException exception)
 void ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback. notEnabled ( IAction action, NotEnabledException exception)
          Fires a NotEnabledException because the action was not enabled.
 void ExternalActionManager.CommandCallback. postExecuteFailure ( IAction action, ExecutionException exception)
 void ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback. postExecuteFailure ( IAction action, ExecutionException exception)
          Creates an ExecutionException when the action returned a failure.
 void ExternalActionManager.CommandCallback. postExecuteSuccess ( IAction action, Object returnValue)
 void ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback. postExecuteSuccess ( IAction action, Object returnValue)
          Fires an execution event when the action returned a success.
 void ExternalActionManager.CommandCallback. preExecute ( IAction action, Event event)
 void ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback. preExecute ( IAction action, Event e)
          Fires an execution event before an action is run.
 void ContributionManager. prependToGroup ( String groupName, IAction action)
 void SubContributionManager. prependToGroup ( String groupName, IAction action)
 void IContributionManager. prependToGroup ( String groupName, IAction action)
          Adds a contribution item for the given action at the beginning of the group with the given name.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.action with parameters of type IAction
ActionContributionItem ( IAction action)
          Creates a new contribution item from the given action.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.jface.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.commands that return IAction
  IAction ActionHandler. getAction ()
          Returns the action associated with this handler

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.commands with parameters of type IAction
ActionHandler ( IAction action)
          Creates a new instance of this class given an instance of IAction.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.jface.preference

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.preference that implement IAction
 class BooleanPropertyAction
          The BooleanPropertyAction is an action that set the values of a boolean property in the preference store.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring with parameters of type IAction
 void UndoRefactoringAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection s)
 void RedoRefactoringAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection s)

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions with parameters of type IAction
 void ApplyRefactoringScriptAction. run ( IAction action)
          Performs this action.
 void CreateRefactoringScriptAction. run ( IAction action)
          Performs this action.
 void ShowRefactoringHistoryAction. run ( IAction action)
          Performs this action.
 void ApplyRefactoringScriptAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
          Notifies this action delegate that the selection in the workbench has changed.
 void CreateRefactoringScriptAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
          Notifies this action delegate that the selection in the workbench has changed.
 void ShowRefactoringHistoryAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
          Notifies this action delegate that the selection in the workbench has changed.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void ISearchResultView. searchStarted ( IActionGroupFactory groupFactory, String singularLabel, String pluralLabelPattern, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, String pageId, ILabelProvider labelProvider, IAction gotoAction, IGroupByKeyComputer groupByKeyComputer, IRunnableWithProgress operation)
          Deprecated. Informs the view that a search has started.
 void ISearchResultView. searchStarted ( String pageId, String label, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, IContextMenuContributor contributor, ILabelProvider labelProvider, IAction gotoAction, IGroupByKeyComputer groupByKeyComputer, IRunnableWithProgress operation)
          Deprecated. As of build > 20011107, replaced by the new version with additional parameter
 void ISearchResultView. searchStarted ( String pageId, String singularLabel, String pluralLabelPattern, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, IContextMenuContributor contributor, ILabelProvider labelProvider, IAction gotoAction, IGroupByKeyComputer groupByKeyComputer, IRunnableWithProgress operation)
          Deprecated. As of build > 20020514, replaced by the new version which provides an action group factory

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
protected   IAction TeamOperation. getGotoAction ()
          This method is called to allow subclasses to configure an action that could be run to show the results of the action to the user.

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class ModelParticipantAction
          Model provider actions for use with a ModelSynchronizeParticipant.
 class SynchronizeModelAction
          This action provides utilities for performing operations on selections that contain ISynchronizeModelElement instances.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
protected  boolean SynchronizePageActionGroup. appendToGroup ( IContributionManager manager, String groupId, IAction action)
          Helper method to add an action to a group in a menu.
protected  void SynchronizePageActionGroup. appendToGroup ( String menuId, String groupId, IAction action)
          Helper method that can be invoked during initialization to add an action to a particular menu (one of P_TOOLBAR_MENU, P_VIEW_MENU, P_CONTEXT_MENU from ISynchronizePageConfiguration).

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.ui that return IAction
  IAction SubActionBars. getGlobalActionHandler ( String actionID)
          Get the handler for a window action.
  IAction IActionBars. getGlobalActionHandler ( String actionId)
          Returns the global action handler for the action with the given id.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui with parameters of type IAction
 void IActionDelegate2. init ( IAction action)
          Allows the action delegate to initialize itself after being created by the proxy action.
 void IKeyBindingService. registerAction ( IAction action)
          Deprecated. Registers an action with the key binding service.
 void IActionDelegate. run ( IAction action)
          Performs this action.
 void IActionDelegateWithEvent. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
          Deprecated. Use org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate2 instead.
 void IActionDelegate2. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
          Performs this action, passing the SWT event which triggered it.
 void IActionDelegate. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
          Notifies this action delegate that the selection in the workbench has changed.
 void IEditorActionDelegate. setActiveEditor ( IAction action, IEditorPart targetEditor)
          Sets the active editor for the delegate.
 void IObjectActionDelegate. setActivePart ( IAction action, IWorkbenchPart targetPart)
          Sets the active part for the delegate.
 void SubActionBars. setGlobalActionHandler ( String actionID, IAction handler)
          Add a handler for a window action.
 void IActionBars. setGlobalActionHandler ( String actionId, IAction handler)
          Sets the global action handler for the action with the given id.
 void IKeyBindingService. unregisterAction ( IAction action)
          Deprecated. Unregisters an action with the key binding service.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Subinterfaces of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.actions
static interface ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction
          Interface for a workbench action.

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.actions that implement IAction
 class AddBookmarkAction
          Standard action for adding a bookmark to the currently selected file resource(s).
 class AddTaskAction
          Standard action for adding a task to the currently selected file resource(s).
 class BaseSelectionListenerAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to selection change events.
 class BuildAction
          Standard actions for full and incremental builds of the selected project(s).
 class CloseResourceAction
          Standard action for closing the currently selected project(s).
 class CloseUnrelatedProjectsAction
          This action closes all projects that are unrelated to the selected projects.
 class ContributedAction
          For a declarative editor action, see if we can link it to a command.
 class CopyProjectAction
          The CopyProjectAction is the action designed to copy projects specifically as they have different semantics from other resources.
 class CopyResourceAction
          Standard action for copying the currently selected resources elsewhere in the workspace.
 class CreateFileAction
          Deprecated. should use NewWizardMenu to populate a New submenu instead (see Navigator view)
 class CreateFolderAction
          Deprecated. should use NewWizardMenu to populate a New submenu instead (see Navigator view)
 class DeleteResourceAction
          Standard action for deleting the currently selected resources.
 class ExportResourcesAction
          Action representing a generic export operation.
 class GlobalBuildAction
          Standard action for full and incremental builds of all projects within the workspace.
 class ImportResourcesAction
          Action representing a generic import operation.
 class LabelRetargetAction
          A LabelRetargetAction extends the behavior of RetargetAction.
 class MoveProjectAction
          The MoveProjectAction is the action designed to move projects specifically as they have different semantics from other resources.
 class MoveResourceAction
          Standard action for moving the currently selected resources elsewhere in the workspace.
 class NewExampleAction
          Standard action for launching the create project selection wizard.
 class NewProjectAction
          Standard action for launching the create project selection wizard.
 class NewWizardAction
          Invoke the resource creation wizard selection Wizard.
 class NewWizardDropDownAction
          Action which, when run, will open the new wizard dialog.
 class OpenFileAction
          Standard action for opening an editor on the currently selected file resource(s).
 class OpenInNewWindowAction
          Opens a new window.
 class OpenPerspectiveAction
          Opens a perspective.
 class OpenResourceAction
          Standard action for opening the currently selected project(s).
 class OpenSystemEditorAction
          Standard action for opening a system editor on the currently selected file resource.
 class PartEventAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to part activation and open/close events.
 class QuickStartAction
          Deprecated. the IDE now uses the new intro mechanism
 class RefreshAction
          Standard action for refreshing the workspace from the local file system for the selected resources and all of their descendants.
 class RenameResourceAction
          Standard action for renaming the selected resources.
 class RetargetAction
          A RetargetAction tracks the active part in the workbench.
 class ScrubLocalAction
          Deprecated. This class is obsolete; there is no support in the workspace for scrubbing local content.
 class SelectionListenerAction
          The abstract superclass for resource-based actions that listen to selection change events.
 class SelectionProviderAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to selection changes from a particular selection provider.
 class WorkspaceAction
          The abstract superclass for actions which invoke commands implemented in org.eclipse.core.* on a set of selected resources.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions that return IAction
  IAction RetargetAction. getActionHandler ()
          Returns the action handler.
protected   IAction BaseNewWizardMenu. getShowDialogAction ()
          Returns the "Other..." action, used to show the new wizards dialog.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions with parameters of type IAction
 void ActionDelegate. init ( IAction action)
          The ActionDelegate implementation of this IActionDelegate2 method does nothing.
 void ActionDelegate. run ( IAction action)
          The ActionDelegate implementation of this IActionDelegate method does nothing.
 void ActionDelegate. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
          The ActionDelegate implementation of this IActionDelegate2 method redirects to the run method.
 void ActionDelegate. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
          The ActionDelegate implementation of this IActionDelegate method does nothing.
protected  void LabelRetargetAction. setActionHandler ( IAction handler)
          Sets the action handler.
protected  void RetargetAction. setActionHandler ( IAction newHandler)
          Sets the action handler.
 void TextActionHandler. setCopyAction ( IAction action)
          Set the default IAction handler for the Copy action.
 void TextActionHandler. setCutAction ( IAction action)
          Set the default IAction handler for the Cut action.
 void TextActionHandler. setDeleteAction ( IAction action)
          Set the default IAction handler for the Delete action.
 void TextActionHandler. setPasteAction ( IAction action)
          Set the default IAction handler for the Paste action.
 void TextActionHandler. setSelectAllAction ( IAction action)
          Set the default IAction handler for the Select All action.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.application

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.application that return IAction
protected   IAction ActionBarAdvisor. getAction ( String id)
          Returns the action with the given id, or null if not found.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.application with parameters of type IAction
protected  void ActionBarAdvisor. disposeAction ( IAction action)
          Disposes the given action.
protected  void ActionBarAdvisor. register ( IAction action)
          Registers the given action with the key binding service (by calling IActionBarConfigurer.registerGlobalAction(IAction)), and adds it to the list of actions to be disposed when the window is closed.
 void IActionBarConfigurer. registerGlobalAction ( IAction action)
          Register the action as a global action with a workbench window.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets that implement IAction
 class OpenCheatSheetAction
          Action for opening a cheat sheet.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.commands that return IAction
  IAction ActionHandler. getAction ()
          Deprecated. Returns the action associated with this handler

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.commands with parameters of type IAction
ActionHandler ( IAction action)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instance of this class given an instance of IAction.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.console

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.console with parameters of type IAction
protected  void TextConsolePage. setGlobalAction ( IActionBars actionBars, String actionID, IAction action)
          Configures an action for key bindings.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.console.actions

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.console.actions that implement IAction
 class ClearOutputAction
          Clears the output in a text console.
 class CloseConsoleAction
          Removes a console from the console manager.
 class TextViewerAction
          Common function for actions that operate on a text viewer.
 class TextViewerGotoLineAction
          Action to position a text viewer to a specific line.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that implement IAction
 class PropertyDialogAction
          Standard action for opening a Property Pages Dialog on the currently selected element.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text that implement IAction
 class FileBufferOperationAction
          File buffer operation action.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IAction
 void FileBufferOperationAction. run ( IAction action)
 void FileBufferOperationAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)

Uses of IAction in

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
static void WorkbenchHelp. setHelp ( IAction action, IContextComputer computer)
          Deprecated. context computers are no longer supported, clients should implement their own help listener
static void WorkbenchHelp. setHelp ( IAction action, Object[] contexts)
          Deprecated. use setHelp with a single context id parameter
static void WorkbenchHelp. setHelp ( IAction action, String contextId)
          Deprecated. Sets the given help context id on the given action.
 void IWorkbenchHelpSystem. setHelp ( IAction action, String contextId)
          Sets the given help context id on the given action.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.internal.actions

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.internal.actions that implement IAction
 class org.eclipse.ui.internal.actions.CommandAction
          Instantiate an action that will execute the command.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.navigator that return IAction
protected   IAction WizardActionGroup. getAction ( String id)

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.navigator with parameters of type IAction
protected  boolean CommonActionProvider. filterAction ( IAction action)
          Filters the specified action through the WorkbenchActivityHelper.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.operations

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.operations that implement IAction
 class OperationHistoryActionHandler
           OperationHistoryActionHandler implements common behavior for the undo and redo actions.
 class RedoActionHandler
           RedoActionHandler provides common behavior for redoing an operation, as well as labelling and enabling the menu item.
 class UndoActionHandler
           UndoActionHandler provides common behavior for performing an undo, as well as labelling and enabling the undo menu item.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part with parameters of type IAction
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setCopyAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Copy action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setCutAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Cut action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setDeleteAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Delete action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setFindAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Find action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setPasteAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Paste action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setRedoAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Redo action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setSelectAllAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Select All action.
 void CellEditorActionHandler. setUndoAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the default IAction handler for the Undo action.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.preferences

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.preferences that implement IAction
 class ViewPreferencesAction
          The ViewPreferencesAction is the action for opening a view preferences dialog on a class.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that implement IAction
protected  class AbstractTextEditor.LineEndAction
          This action implements smart end.
protected  class AbstractTextEditor.LineStartAction
          This action implements smart home.
 class AddMarkerAction
          Action for creating a marker of a specified type for the editor's input element based on the editor's selection.
 class CaseAction
          Action that converts the current selection to lower case or upper case.
 class ChangeEncodingAction
          Action for changing the encoding of the editor's input element.
 class ContentAssistAction
          A content assist action which gets its target from its text editor.
 class ConvertLineDelimitersAction
          Deprecated. since 3.1. Line delimiter conversion has been modified to work on groups of files rather than being editor specific
 class DeleteLineAction
          An action to delete a whole line, the fraction of the line that is left from the cursor or the fraction that is right from the cursor.
 class FindNextAction
          An action which finds the next/previous occurrence of the last search or the current selection if present.
 class FindReplaceAction
          An action which opens a Find/Replace dialog.
 class GotoAnnotationAction
          Action for jumping to a particular annotation in the editor's text viewer.
 class GotoLastEditPositionAction
          Goes to last edit position.
 class GotoLineAction
          Action for jumping to a particular line in the editor's text viewer.
 class IncrementalFindAction
          An action which enters the incremental find mode like in emacs.
 class InsertLineAction
          This action implements smart return.
 class JoinLinesAction
          Action for joining two or more lines together by deleting the line delimiters and trimming the whitespace between them.
 class MarkAction
          An action to handle emacs-like marked regions.
 class MarkerRulerAction
          A ruler action which can add and remove markers which have a visual representation in the ruler.
 class MarkerRulerInfoAction
          Deprecated. use MarkerRulerAction instead
 class MoveLinesAction
          Action for moving selected lines in an editor.
 class RecenterAction
          An action to handle emacs-like recenter.
 class ResourceAction
          An action which configures its label, image, tooltip, and description from a resource bundle using known keys.
 class RetargetTextEditorAction
          Action used by an editor action bar contributor to establish placeholders in menus or action bars which can be retargeted to dynamically changing actions, for example, those which come from the active editor.
 class RevertToSavedAction
          Action for abandoning changes made in the text editor since the last save operation.
 class SaveAction
          Deprecated. As of 3.5, replaced by ActionFactory.SAVE
 class SelectAnnotationRulerAction
          A ruler action which can select the textual range of an annotation that has a visual representation in a vertical ruler.
 class SelectMarkerRulerAction
          A ruler action which can select the textual range of a marker that has a visual representation in a vertical ruler.
 class SelectMarkerRulerInfoAction
          Deprecated. As of 2.1, replaced by SelectMarkerRulerAction
 class ShiftAction
          Action for shifting code to the right or left by one indentation level.
 class ShowWhitespaceCharactersAction
          This action toggles the display of whitespace characters by attaching/detaching an WhitespaceCharacterPainter to the associated text editor.
 class TextEditorAction
          Skeleton of a standard text editor action.
 class TextNavigationAction
          An Action wrapper for text widget navigation and selection actions.
 class TextOperationAction
          An action which gets a text operation target from its text editor.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that return IAction
protected abstract   IAction AbstractRulerActionDelegate. createAction ( ITextEditor editor, IVerticalRulerInfo rulerInfo)
          The factory method creating the underlying action.
protected   IAction SelectRulerAction. createAction ( ITextEditor editor, IVerticalRulerInfo rulerInfo)
protected   IAction BookmarkRulerAction. createAction ( ITextEditor editor, IVerticalRulerInfo rulerInfo)
protected   IAction TaskRulerAction. createAction ( ITextEditor editor, IVerticalRulerInfo rulerInfo)
protected   IAction BasicTextEditorActionContributor. getAction ( ITextEditor editor, String actionId)
          Returns the action registered with the given text editor.
  IAction AbstractTextEditor. getAction ( String actionID)
  IAction ITextEditor. getAction ( String actionId)
          Returns the action installed under the given action id.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type IAction
 void GotoLastEditPositionAction. run ( IAction action)
 void AbstractRulerActionDelegate. run ( IAction callerAction)
 void AbstractRulerActionDelegate. runWithEvent ( IAction action, Event event)
 void GotoLastEditPositionAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void AbstractRulerActionDelegate. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void RetargetTextEditorAction. setAction ( IAction action)
          Sets the underlying action.
 void AbstractTextEditor. setAction ( String actionID, IAction action)
 void ITextEditor. setAction ( String actionID, IAction action)
          Installs the given action under the given action id.
 void StatusLineContributionItem. setActionHandler ( IAction actionHandler)
 void AbstractRulerActionDelegate. setActiveEditor ( IAction callerAction, IEditorPart targetEditor)

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff with parameters of type IAction
 void QuickDiffToggleAction. run ( IAction action)
 void QuickDiffToggleAction. selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
 void QuickDiffToggleAction. setActiveEditor ( IAction action, IEditorPart targetEditor)

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist that implement IAction
 class BackAction
          Generic "Back" action which goes back one frame,
 class ForwardAction
          Generic "Forward" action which goes forward one frame.
 class FrameAction
          Abstract superclass for actions dealing with frames or a frame list.
 class GoIntoAction
          Generic "Go Into" action which goes to the frame for the current selection.
 class UpAction
          Generic "Up" action which goes to the parent frame for the current frame.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator that implement IAction
 class CollapseAllAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class FilterSelectionAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class GotoResourceAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigatorAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigatorMoveAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigatorRenameAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ShowInNavigatorAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class SortViewAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ToggleLinkingAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class PinPropertySheetAction
          Pins the properties view instance to the current selection.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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