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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IProgressMonitor
org.eclipse.ant.core Provides support for running the Ant build tool in the platform. Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. Support for compare and merge viewers which show the content side-by-side. Provides support for applying and working with patches. Provides support for finding the differences between two or three sequences of comparable entities. Provides support for finding and displaying the differences between hierarchically structured data. 
org.eclipse.core.commands.operations Classes for the creation of undoable operations which can be added to an operations history and later be undone and redone. 
org.eclipse.core.filebuffers Provides the API for accessing file buffers. 
org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.manipulation Provides the API for manipulating file buffers. 
org.eclipse.core.filesystem Provides an interface for interacting with a file system. 
org.eclipse.core.filesystem.provider Provides an API to be extended by a file system implementation. 
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. 
org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping Provides APIs for integrating application models with the workspace Package Specification This package specifies the APIs in the Resources plug-in that are used to integrate application models with the workspace. Provides APIs intended to be implemented by the Team component. 
org.eclipse.core.runtime Provides support for the runtime platform, core utility methods and the extension registry. Provides core support for scheduling and interacting with background activity. 
org.eclipse.debug.core Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.model Defines interfaces for debug model elements, source lookup, and launching. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup Provides support for source lookup. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 

Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications. 

org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup Provides a user interface for debug platform source lookup facilities. Provides the ability to add participants to help search and is responsible for creating search indices. 
org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. 
org.eclipse.jface.dialogs Provides support for dialogs. 
org.eclipse.jface.operation Provides JFace support for long-running operations. 
org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist Provides a content assist add-on for an ITextViewer
org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler Provides a reconciler add-on for an ITextViewer
org.eclipse.jface.wizard Provides a framework for wizards. 
org.eclipse.jsch.core Provides support for the JSch SSH2 library. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring Application programmer interface to implement semantic preserving workspace transformations. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history Application programming interface to query refactoring history information from the refactoring infrastructure. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model Application programming interface to support logical models. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants Application programming interface to participant in existing rename, move and delete refactorings if the refactoring provider supports participation. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource Application programmer interface to implement resource dependend refactorings. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history Application programming interface to display and preview refactoring history information. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model Application programming interface to provide model integration for refactoring histories. Classes giving access to the file (text) search functionality. Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages. Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers. Application programming interfaces for working with diffs. Application programming interfaces for working with diffs. Application programming interfaces for describing the history associated with files. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for generating and refreshing synchronization state. Application programming interfaces for managing synchronization state. Application programming interfaces for accessing and managing resource variants. Provides basic support for managing Team providers. Application programming interfaces for working with history Package Specification This package specifies the API for providing history pages to the history view. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor Support for forms-based multi-page editors. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo APIs that provide undo and redo behavior for operations that manipulate the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator Provides the Common Navigator framework. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.progress Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.splash Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff Provides interfaces to for the org.eclipse.ui.editors.quickDiffReferenceProvider extension point and adds an action to enable quick diff display for an editor. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling Partial infrastructure for spell checking in text editors. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.markers Utility classes for working with markers in views
org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer Provides the standard Import and Export wizards for moving resources into and out of the workspace. 
org.eclipse.update.configuration Provides support for accessing local installation information. 
org.eclipse.update.core Provides support for extending the base installation and update services. 
org.eclipse.update.operations Provides support for performing various install/update operations. Provides support for performing searches and filtering of features. 
org.eclipse.update.standalone Provides support for performing various install/update operations from the command line. 

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ant.core

Methods in org.eclipse.ant.core with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void AntRunner. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the build file.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void CompareEditorInput. flushViewers ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Flush the viewer contents into the input.
  IStatus IStreamMerger. merge ( OutputStream output, String outputEncoding, InputStream ancestor, String ancestorEncoding, InputStream target, String targetEncoding, InputStream other, String otherEncoding, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Performs a merge operation on the given input streams and writes the merge result to the output stream.
protected abstract   Object CompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the compare operation and returns the compare result.
 void CompareEditorInput. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the compare operation and stores the compare result.
 void CompareEditorInput. save ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Deprecated. Override method saveChanges instead.
 void CompareEditorInput. saveChanges ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Save any unsaved changes.
protected  void SharedDocumentAdapter. saveDocument ( IDocumentProvider provider, IEditorInput documentKey, IDocument document, boolean overwrite, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          A helper method to save a document.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void ContentMergeViewer. flush ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Flush any modifications made in the viewer into the compare input.
 void IFlushable. flush ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Request that the view contents be flushed to the underlying compare input.
protected  void ContentMergeViewer. flushContent ( Object input, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Flush the modified content back to input elements via the content provider.
protected  void TextMergeViewer. flushContent ( Object oldInput, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void ContentMergeViewer. save ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. use IFlushable.flush(IProgressMonitor).

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IFilePatchResult IFilePatch. apply ( IStorage contents, PatchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Apply this patch to the given file contents.
  IFilePatchResult IFilePatch2. apply ( ReaderCreator content, PatchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Apply this patch to the given contents.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findDifferences ( AbstractRangeDifferenceFactory factory, IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences between two IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findDifferences ( AbstractRangeDifferenceFactory factory, IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator ancestor, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences among three IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findDifferences ( IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences between two IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findDifferences ( IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator ancestor, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences among three IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findRanges ( AbstractRangeDifferenceFactory factory, IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences among two IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findRanges ( AbstractRangeDifferenceFactory factory, IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator ancestor, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences among three IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findRanges ( IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences among two IRangeComparators.
static  RangeDifference[] RangeDifferencer. findRanges ( IProgressMonitor pm, IRangeComparator ancestor, IRangeComparator left, IRangeComparator right)
          Finds the differences among three IRangeComparators.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  ITypedElement StructureCreator. createElement ( Object element, Object input, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Default implementation of StructureCreator.createElement(Object, Object, IProgressMonitor) that uses StructureCreator.getPath(Object, Object) to determine the path for the element, StructureCreator.createStructure(Object, IProgressMonitor) to create the structure and StructureCreator.findElement(IStructureComparator, String[]) to find the element in the structure.
  ITypedElement IStructureCreator2. createElement ( Object element, Object input, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates the single node specified by path from the given input object.
  IStructureComparator StructureCreator. createStructure ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStructureComparator IStructureCreator2. createStructure ( Object input, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a tree structure consisting of IStructureComparators from the given object and returns its root object.
protected abstract   IStructureComparator StructureCreator. createStructureComparator ( Object element, IDocument document, ISharedDocumentAdapter sharedDocumentAdapter, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Create an IStructureComparator for the given element using the contents available in the given document.
protected  void StructureDiffViewer. diff ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree.
  Object Differencer. findDifferences (boolean threeWay, IProgressMonitor pm, Object data, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right)
          Starts the differencing engine on the three input objects.
protected  void StructureDiffViewer. postDiffHook ( Differencer differencer, IDiffContainer root, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called from within StructureDiffViewer.diff(IProgressMonitor) after the difference tree has been built.
protected  void StructureDiffViewer. preDiffHook ( IStructureComparator ancestor, IStructureComparator left, IStructureComparator right, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called from within StructureDiffViewer.diff(IProgressMonitor) before the difference tree is being built.
protected  void Differencer. updateProgress ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Object node)
          Called for every leaf or node compare to update progress information.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations

Methods in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IStatus IAdvancedUndoableOperation2. computeExecutionStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a status indicating the projected outcome of executing the receiver.
  IStatus IAdvancedUndoableOperation. computeRedoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a status indicating the projected outcome of redoing the receiver.
  IStatus TriggeredOperations. computeRedoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus IAdvancedUndoableOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a status indicating the projected outcome of undoing the receiver.
  IStatus TriggeredOperations. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus TriggeredOperations. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IUndoableOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
          Execute the operation.
abstract   IStatus AbstractOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IOperationHistory. execute ( IUndoableOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Execute the specified operation and add it to the operations history if successful.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. execute ( IUndoableOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus TriggeredOperations. redo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IUndoableOperation. redo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
          Redo the operation.
abstract   IStatus AbstractOperation. redo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IOperationHistory. redo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Redo the most recently undone operation in the given context.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. redo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IOperationHistory. redoOperation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Redo the specified operation.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. redoOperation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus TriggeredOperations. undo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IUndoableOperation. undo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
          Undo the operation.
abstract   IStatus AbstractOperation. undo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IOperationHistory. undo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Undo the most recently executed operation in the given context.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. undo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
  IStatus IOperationHistory. undoOperation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Undo the specified operation.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. undoOperation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers

Methods in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IFileBuffer. commit ( IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean overwrite)
          Commits this file buffer by changing the contents of the underlying file to the contents of this file buffer.
 void IFileBufferManager. connect ( IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, replaced by IFileBufferManager.connect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)
 void IFileBufferManager. connect ( IPath location, LocationKind locationKind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Connects the file at the given location to this manager.
 void IFileBufferManager. connectFileStore ( IFileStore fileStore, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Connects the given file store to this manager.
 void IFileBufferManager. disconnect ( IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, replaced by IFileBufferManager.disconnect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)
 void IFileBufferManager. disconnect ( IPath location, LocationKind locationKind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Disconnects the file at the given location from this manager.
 void IFileBufferManager. disconnectFileStore ( IFileStore fileStore, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Disconnects the given file store from this manager.
 void IFileBuffer. revert ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reverts the contents of this file buffer to the content of its underlying file.
 void IFileBufferManager. validateState ( IFileBuffer[] fileBuffers, IProgressMonitor monitor, Object computationContext)
          Validates the state of the given file buffers and tries to bring the buffer's underlying file into a state in which it can be modified.
 void IFileBuffer. validateState ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object computationContext)
          Validates the state of this file buffer and tries to bring the buffer's underlying file into a state in which it can be modified.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.manipulation

Methods in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.manipulation with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  UndoEdit MultiTextEditWithProgress. apply ( IDocument document, int style, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
  UndoEdit MultiTextEditWithProgress. apply ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected  void FileBufferOperationRunner. commit ( IFileBuffer[] fileBuffers, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected  void GenericFileBufferOperationRunner. commit ( IFileBuffer[] fileBuffers, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected   MultiTextEditWithProgress RemoveTrailingWhitespaceOperation. computeTextEdit ( ITextFileBuffer fileBuffer, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected   MultiTextEditWithProgress ConvertLineDelimitersOperation. computeTextEdit ( ITextFileBuffer fileBuffer, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected abstract   MultiTextEditWithProgress TextFileBufferOperation. computeTextEdit ( ITextFileBuffer textFileBuffer, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Computes and returns a text edit.
  IContainer ContainerCreator. createContainer ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Creates this container.
protected  void GenericFileBufferOperationRunner. doCommit ( IFileBuffer[] fileBuffers, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
 void GenericFileBufferOperationRunner. execute ( IPath[] locations, IFileBufferOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Executes the given operation for all file buffers specified by the given locations.
 void IFileBufferOperation. run ( IFileBuffer fileBuffer, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs this operation, that is manipulates the content of the given file buffer.
 void TextFileBufferOperation. run ( IFileBuffer fileBuffer, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.filesystem

Methods in org.eclipse.core.filesystem with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IFileInfo[] IFileStore. childInfos (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an IFileInfo instance for each file and directory contained within this store.
  String[] IFileStore. childNames (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the names of the files and directories contained within this store.
  IFileStore[] IFileStore. childStores (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an IFileStore instance for each file and directory contained within this store.
 void IFileStore. copy ( IFileStore destination, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the file represented by this store to the provided destination store.
 void IFileStore. delete (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the files and directories represented by this store.
  IFileTree IFileSystem. fetchFileTree ( IFileStore root, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a file tree containing information about the complete sub-tree rooted at the given store.
  IFileInfo IFileStore. fetchInfo (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Fetches and returns information about this file from the underlying file system.
  IFileStore IFileStore. mkdir (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a directory, and optionally its parent directories.
 void IFileStore. move ( IFileStore destination, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the file represented by this store to the provided destination store.
  InputStream IFileStore. openInputStream (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an open input stream on the contents of this file.
  OutputStream IFileStore. openOutputStream (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an open output stream on the contents of this file.
 void IFileStore. putInfo ( IFileInfo info, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Writes information about this file to the underlying file system.
  File IFileStore. toLocalFile (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a file in the local file system with the same state as this file.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.filesystem.provider

Methods in org.eclipse.core.filesystem.provider with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IFileInfo[] FileStore. childInfos (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.childInfos(int, IProgressMonitor).
abstract   String[] FileStore. childNames (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IFileStore[] FileStore. childStores (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.childStores(int, IProgressMonitor).
 void FileStore. copy ( IFileStore destination, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.copy(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor).
protected  void FileStore. copyDirectory ( IFileInfo sourceInfo, IFileStore destination, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Recursively copies a directory as specified by IFileStore.copy(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor).
protected  void FileStore. copyFile ( IFileInfo sourceInfo, IFileStore destination, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies a file as specified by IFileStore.copy(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor).
 void FileStore. delete (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.delete(int, IProgressMonitor).
  IFileTree FileSystem. fetchFileTree ( IFileStore root, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileSystem.fetchFileTree(IFileStore, IProgressMonitor).
abstract   IFileInfo FileStore. fetchInfo (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IFileStore FileStore. mkdir (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.mkdir(int, IProgressMonitor).
 void FileStore. move ( IFileStore destination, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.move(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor).
abstract   InputStream FileStore. openInputStream (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  OutputStream FileStore. openOutputStream (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.openOutputStream(int, IProgressMonitor).
 void FileStore. putInfo ( IFileInfo info, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor).
  File FileStore. toLocalFile (int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The default implementation of IFileStore.toLocalFile(int, IProgressMonitor).

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.resources

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IFile. appendContents ( InputStream source, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Appends the entire contents of the given stream to this file.
 void IFile. appendContents ( InputStream source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Appends the entire contents of the given stream to this file.
 void IWorkspace. build (int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds all projects in this workspace.
 void IProject. build (int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds this project.
protected abstract   IProject[] IncrementalProjectBuilder. build (int kind, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs this builder in the specified manner.
 void IProject. build (int kind, String builderName, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Invokes the build method of the specified builder for this project.
protected  void IncrementalProjectBuilder. clean ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Clean is an opportunity for a builder to discard any additional state that has been computed as a result of previous builds.
 void IResource. clearHistory ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Removes the local history of this resource and its descendents.
 void IProject. close ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Closes this project.
 void IResource. copy ( IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this resource at the given path.
 void IResource. copy ( IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this resource at the given path.
 void IResource. copy ( IProjectDescription description, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this project using the given project description.
 void IResource. copy ( IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this project using the given project description.
  IStatus IWorkspace. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the copies are the same as the corresponding originals.
  IStatus IWorkspace. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the copies are the same as the corresponding originals.
 void IFolder. create (boolean force, boolean local, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new folder resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFile. create ( InputStream source, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new file resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFile. create ( InputStream source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new file resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFolder. create (int updateFlags, boolean local, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new folder resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IProject. create ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace with files in the default location in the local file system.
 void IProject. create ( IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description.
 void IProject. create ( IProjectDescription description, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description.
 void IFolder. createLink ( IPath localLocation, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new folder resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFile. createLink ( IPath localLocation, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new file resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFolder. createLink ( URI location, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new folder resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFile. createLink ( URI location, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new file resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IWorkspaceRoot. delete (boolean deleteContent, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes everything in the workspace except the workspace root resource itself.
 void IFolder. delete (boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this resource from the workspace.
 void IProject. delete (boolean deleteContent, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this project from the workspace.
 void IFile. delete (boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this file from the workspace.
 void IResource. delete (boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this resource from the workspace.
 void IResource. delete (int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this resource from the workspace.
  IStatus IWorkspace. delete ( IResource[] resources, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given resources.
  IStatus IWorkspace. delete ( IResource[] resources, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given resources.
  IFile[] IContainer. findDeletedMembersWithHistory (int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a list of recently deleted files inside this container that have one or more saved states in the local history.
  IFileState[] IFile. getHistory ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a list of past states of this file known to this workspace.
 void IFolder. move ( IPath destination, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource so that it is located at the given path.
 void IFile. move ( IPath destination, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource to be at the given location.
 void IResource. move ( IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource so that it is located at the given path.
 void IResource. move ( IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource so that it is located at the given path.
 void IResource. move ( IProjectDescription description, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames or relocates this project so that it is the project specified by the given project description.
 void IProject. move ( IProjectDescription description, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames this project so that it is located at the name in the given description.
 void IResource. move ( IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames or relocates this project so that it is the project specified by the given project description.
  IStatus IWorkspace. move ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the new members are the same.
  IStatus IWorkspace. move ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the new members are the same.
 void IProject. open (int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Opens this project.
 void IProject. open ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Opens this project.
 void IResource. refreshLocal (int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource hierarchy from this resource and its children (to the specified depth) relative to the local file system.
 void IWorkspaceRunnable. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
 void IWorkspace. run ( IWorkspaceRunnable action, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the given action as an atomic workspace operation.
 void IWorkspace. run ( IWorkspaceRunnable action, ISchedulingRule rule, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the given action as an atomic workspace operation.
abstract   IStatus WorkspaceJob. runInWorkspace ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the operation, reporting progress to and accepting cancelation requests from the given progress monitor.
  IStatus IWorkspace. save (boolean full, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Saves this workspace's valuable state on disk.
 void IFile. setCharset ( String newCharset, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the charset for this file.
 void IFile. setContents ( IFileState source, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given file state.
 void IFile. setContents ( IFileState source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given file state.
 void IFile. setContents ( InputStream source, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given input stream.
 void IFile. setContents ( InputStream source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given input stream.
 void IContainer. setDefaultCharset ( String charset, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the default charset for this container.
 void IProject. setDescription ( IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Changes this project resource to match the given project description.
 void IProject. setDescription ( IProjectDescription description, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Changes this project resource to match the given project description.
 void IResource. setLocal (boolean flag, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. This API is no longer in use. Note that this API is unrelated to whether the resource is in the local file system versus some other file system.
 void IResource. touch ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Marks this resource as having changed even though its content may not have changed.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void ResourceMapping. accept ( ResourceMappingContext context, IResourceVisitor visitor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Accepts the given visitor for all existing resources in this mapping.
abstract   IStorage RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchBaseContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For three-way comparisons, returns an instance of IStorage in order to allow the caller to access the contents of the base resource that corresponds to the given local resource.
  IResource[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchBaseMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the members of the base resource corresponding to the given container.
abstract   IResource[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the combined members of the base and remote resources corresponding to the given container.
abstract   IStorage RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchRemoteContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an instance of IStorage in order to allow the caller to access the contents of the remote that corresponds to the given local resource.
  IResource[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchRemoteMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the members of the remote resource corresponding to the given container.
  IMarker[] ResourceMapping. findMarkers ( String type, boolean includeSubtypes, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns all markers of the specified type on the resources in this mapping.
  ResourceMapping[] ModelProvider. getMappings ( IResource[] resources, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the set of mappings that cover the given resources.
  ResourceMapping[] ModelProvider. getMappings ( IResource resource, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the resource mappings that cover the given resource.
  ResourceMapping[] ModelProvider. getMappings ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the set of mappings that overlap with the given resource traversals.
  ResourceTraversal[] ModelProvider. getTraversals ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a set of traversals that cover the given resource mappings.
abstract   ResourceTraversal[] ResourceMapping. getTraversals ( ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns one or more traversals that can be used to access all the physical resources that constitute the logical resource.
  ResourceTraversal[] CompositeResourceMapping. getTraversals ( ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
abstract  boolean RemoteResourceMappingContext. hasLocalChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For three-way comparisons, this method indicates whether local modifications have been made to the given resource.
abstract  boolean RemoteResourceMappingContext. hasRemoteChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For two-way comparisons, return whether the contents of the corresponding remote differs from the content of the local file in the context of the current operation.
abstract  void RemoteResourceMappingContext. refresh ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the known remote state for any resources covered by the given traversals.
  IStatus ResourceChangeValidator. validateChange ( IResourceDelta delta, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Validate the proposed changes contained in the given delta by consulting all model providers to determine if the changes have any adverse side effects.
  IStatus ModelProvider. validateChange ( IResourceDelta delta, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Validate the proposed changes contained in the given delta.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. deleteFile ( IResourceTree tree, IFile file, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.delete(int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a file.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. deleteFolder ( IResourceTree tree, IFolder folder, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.delete(int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a folder.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. deleteProject ( IResourceTree tree, IProject project, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.delete(int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a project.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. moveFile ( IResourceTree tree, IFile source, IFile destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.move(IPath,int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a file.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. moveFolder ( IResourceTree tree, IFolder source, IFolder destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.move(IPath,int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a project.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. moveProject ( IResourceTree tree, IProject source, IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.move(IPath,int,IProgressMonitor) and IResource.move(IProjectDescription,int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a project.
 void IResourceTree. standardDeleteFile ( IFile file, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given file in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardDeleteFolder ( IFolder folder, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given folder and its descendents in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardDeleteProject ( IProject project, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given project and its descendents in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardMoveFile ( IFile source, IFile destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given file in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardMoveFolder ( IFolder source, IFolder destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given folder and its descendents in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardMoveProject ( IProject source, IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames and/or relocates the given project in the standard manner.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.runtime

Subinterfaces of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.core.runtime
 interface IProgressMonitorWithBlocking
          An extension to the IProgressMonitor interface for monitors that want to support feedback when an activity is blocked due to concurrent activity in another thread.

Classes in org.eclipse.core.runtime that implement IProgressMonitor
 class NullProgressMonitor
          A default progress monitor implementation suitable for subclassing.
 class ProgressMonitorWrapper
          An abstract wrapper around a progress monitor which, unless overridden, forwards IProgressMonitor and IProgressMonitorWithBlocking methods to the wrapped progress monitor.
 class SubMonitor
          A progress monitor that uses a given amount of work ticks from a parent monitor.
 class SubProgressMonitor
          For new implementations consider using SubMonitor.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.runtime that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor ProgressMonitorWrapper. getWrappedProgressMonitor ()
          Returns the wrapped progress monitor.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.runtime with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
static  SubMonitor SubMonitor. convert ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Converts an unknown (possibly null) IProgressMonitor into a SubMonitor.
static  SubMonitor SubMonitor. convert ( IProgressMonitor monitor, int work)
          Converts an unknown (possibly null) IProgressMonitor into a SubMonitor allocated with the given number of ticks.
static  SubMonitor SubMonitor. convert ( IProgressMonitor monitor, String taskName, int work)
          Converts an unknown (possibly null) IProgressMonitor into a SubMonitor allocated with the given number of ticks.

Constructors in org.eclipse.core.runtime with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
ProgressMonitorWrapper ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new wrapper around the given monitor.
SubProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor, int ticks)
          Creates a new sub-progress monitor for the given monitor.
SubProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor, int ticks, int style)
          Creates a new sub-progress monitor for the given monitor.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in that return IProgressMonitor
abstract   IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. createMonitor ( Job job)
          Provides a new progress monitor instance to be used by the given job.
  IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. createMonitor ( Job job, IProgressMonitor group, int ticks)
          Returns a progress monitor that can be used by a running job to report progress in the context of a progress group.
  IProgressMonitor IJobManager. createProgressGroup ()
          Returns a progress monitor that can be used to provide aggregated progress feedback on a set of running jobs.
  IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. createProgressGroup ()
          Returns a progress monitor that can be used to provide aggregated progress feedback on a set of running jobs.
  IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. getDefaultMonitor ()
          Returns a progress monitor to use when none has been provided by the client running the job.

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IJobManager. beginRule ( ISchedulingRule rule, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Begins applying this rule in the calling thread.
  IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. createMonitor ( Job job, IProgressMonitor group, int ticks)
          Returns a progress monitor that can be used by a running job to report progress in the context of a progress group.
 void IJobManager. join ( Object family, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Waits until all jobs of the given family are finished.
protected abstract   IStatus Job. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Executes this job.
 void Job. setProgressGroup ( IProgressMonitor group, int ticks)
          Associates this job with a progress group.
 void IJobManager. suspend ( ISchedulingRule rule, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. This method is not safe and should not be used. Suspending a scheduling rule violates the thread safety of clients that use scheduling rules as a mutual exclusion mechanism, and can result in concurrency problems in all clients that use the suspended rule.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.debug.core

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  ILaunch ILaunchConfiguration. launch ( String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.
  ILaunch ILaunchConfiguration. launch ( String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean build)
          Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.
  ILaunch ILaunchConfiguration. launch ( String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean build, boolean register)
          Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.debug.core.model

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.model with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. buildForLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. buildForLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Optionally performs any required building before launching the given configuration in the specified mode, and returns whether the debug platform should perform an incremental workspace build before the launch continues.
protected  void LaunchConfigurationDelegate. buildProjects ( IProject[] projects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs an incremental build on each of the given projects.
 boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. finalLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. finalLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns whether a launch should proceed.
 void ILaunchConfigurationDelegate. launch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Launches the given configuration in the specified mode, contributing debug targets and/or processes to the given launch object.
 boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. preLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. preLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns whether a launch should proceed.
protected  boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. saveBeforeLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the scoped saving of resources before launching and returns whether the launch should continue.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  ISourceContainer[] ISourcePathComputerDelegate. computeSourceContainers ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a default collection source containers to be considered for the given launch configuration.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
static  ILaunch DebugUITools. buildAndLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds the workspace according to current preference settings, and launches the given configuration in the specified mode, returning the resulting launch object.
 void DeferredDebugElementWorkbenchAdapter. fetchDeferredChildren ( Object object, IElementCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
static void RefreshTab. refreshResources ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resources as specified by the given launch configuration.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void RunToLineHandler. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void ImportBreakpointsOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void ExportBreakpointsOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void CommonSourceNotFoundEditor. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void HelpIndexBuilder. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates the plug-in search index by parsing the provided plugin.xml file, looking for TOC extensions.
 void ISearchEngine. run ( String query, ISearchScope scope, ISearchEngineResultCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jface.action

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.action that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor IStatusLineManager. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns a progress monitor which reports progress in the status line.
  IProgressMonitor SubStatusLineManager. getProgressMonitor ()
  IProgressMonitor StatusLineManager. getProgressMonitor ()
protected   IProgressMonitor StatusLineManager. getProgressMonitorDelegate ()
          Returns the progress monitor delegate.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor ProgressMonitorDialog. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns the progress monitor to use for operations run in this progress dialog.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IDialogBlockedHandler. showBlocked ( IProgressMonitor blocking, IStatus blockingStatus, String blockedName)
          A blockage has occured.
 void IDialogBlockedHandler. showBlocked ( Shell parentShell, IProgressMonitor blocking, IStatus blockingStatus, String blockedName)
          A blockage has occured.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jface.operation

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.operation with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
static boolean ModalContext. canProgressMonitorBeUsed ( IProgressMonitor monitor1, IProgressMonitor monitor2)
          Returns whether the first progress monitor is the same as, or a wrapper around, the second progress monitor.
static void ModalContext. checkCanceled ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Checks with the given progress monitor and throws InterruptedException if it has been canceled.
 void IRunnableWithProgress. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs this operation.
static void ModalContext. run ( IRunnableWithProgress operation, boolean fork, IProgressMonitor monitor, Display display)
          Runs the given runnable in a modal context, passing it a progress monitor.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  Object ICompletionProposalExtension5. getAdditionalProposalInfo ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns additional information about the proposal.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor IReconcileStep. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns the progress monitor used to report progress.
protected   IProgressMonitor AbstractReconciler. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns the progress monitor of this reconciler.
  IProgressMonitor AbstractReconcileStep. getProgressMonitor ()

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IReconcileStep. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the progress monitor for this reconcile step.
 void AbstractReconciler. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the progress monitor of this reconciler.
 void AbstractReconcileStep. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void IReconcilingStrategyExtension. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Tells this reconciling strategy with which progress monitor it will work.
 void MonoReconciler. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void Reconciler. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jface.wizard

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.wizard that implement IProgressMonitor
 class ProgressMonitorPart
          A standard implementation of an IProgressMonitor.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.wizard that return IProgressMonitor
protected   IProgressMonitor WizardDialog. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns the progress monitor for this wizard dialog (if it has one).

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.jsch.core

Methods in org.eclipse.jsch.core with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IJSchService. connect (com.jcraft.jsch.Proxy proxy, String host, int port, int timeout, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Connect to the given host and port using the given proxy.
 void IJSchService. connect (com.jcraft.jsch.Session session, int timeout, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Connect the session using a responsive socket factory.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected   RefactoringStatus PerformRefactoringHistoryOperation. aboutToPerformRefactoring ( Refactoring refactoring, RefactoringDescriptor descriptor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called when the specified refactoring is going to be executed.
protected abstract   IDocument TextChange. acquireDocument ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Acquires a reference to the document to be changed by this text change.
protected   IDocument DocumentChange. acquireDocument ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Acquires a reference to the document to be changed by this text change.
protected   IDocument TextFileChange. acquireDocument ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Acquires a reference to the document to be changed by this text change.
  RefactoringStatus Refactoring. checkAllConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Checks all conditions.
abstract   RefactoringStatus Refactoring. checkFinalConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          After checkInitialConditions has been performed and the user has provided all input necessary to perform the refactoring this method is called to check the remaining preconditions.
abstract   RefactoringStatus Refactoring. checkInitialConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Checks some initial conditions based on the element to be refactored.
protected abstract  void TextChange. commit ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Commits the document acquired via a call to aquireDocument.
protected  void DocumentChange. commit ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Commits the document acquired via a call to aquireDocument.
protected  void TextFileChange. commit ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Commits the document acquired via a call to aquireDocument.
abstract   Change Refactoring. createChange ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Creates a Change object that performs the actual workspace transformation.
protected   Refactoring PerformRefactoringHistoryOperation. createRefactoring ( RefactoringDescriptor descriptor, RefactoringStatus status, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method which is called to create a refactoring instance from a refactoring descriptor.
protected  void PerformChangeOperation. executeChange ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Actually executes the change.
  String TextChange. getCurrentContent ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the current content of the document this text change is associated with.
abstract   String TextEditBasedChange. getCurrentContent ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the current content of the document this text change is associated with.
  String MultiStateTextFileChange. getCurrentContent ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  String TextChange. getCurrentContent ( IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the current content of the text edit change clipped to a specific region.
abstract   String TextEditBasedChange. getCurrentContent ( IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the current content of the text edit change clipped to a specific region.
  String MultiStateTextFileChange. getCurrentContent ( IRegion region, boolean expand, int surround, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IDocument TextChange. getCurrentDocument ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the document this text change is associated to.
  IDocument MultiStateTextFileChange. getCurrentDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a document representing the current state of the buffer, prior to the application of the change.
  String TextChange. getPreviewContent ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the preview content as a string.
abstract   String TextEditBasedChange. getPreviewContent ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns the preview content as a string.
  String MultiStateTextFileChange. getPreviewContent ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  String TextChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a preview of the text change clipped to a specific region.
abstract   String TextEditBasedChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a preview of the text edit change clipped to a specific region.
  String MultiStateTextFileChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] groups, IRegion region, boolean expand, int surround, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  String TextChange. getPreviewContent ( TextEditChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a preview of the text change clipped to a specific region.
  IDocument TextChange. getPreviewDocument ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Returns a document containing a preview of the text change.
  IDocument MultiStateTextFileChange. getPreviewDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a document representing the preview of the refactored buffer, after the application of the change object.
 void DocumentChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Hook method to initialize some internal state to provide an adequate answer for the isValid method.
abstract  void Change. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Hook method to initialize some internal state to provide an adequate answer for the isValid method.
 void UndoTextFileChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Hook method to initialize some internal state to provide an adequate answer for the isValid method.
 void TextFileChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method to initialize some internal state to provide an adequate answer for the isValid method.
 void MultiStateTextFileChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void NullChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Hook method to initialize some internal state to provide an adequate answer for the isValid method.
 void CompositeChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Hook method to initialize some internal state to provide an adequate answer for the isValid method.
  RefactoringStatus DocumentChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Verifies that this change object is still valid and can be executed by calling perform.
abstract   RefactoringStatus Change. isValid ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Verifies that this change object is still valid and can be executed by calling perform.
  RefactoringStatus UndoTextFileChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Verifies that this change object is still valid and can be executed by calling perform.
  RefactoringStatus TextFileChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Verifies that this change object is still valid and can be executed by calling perform.
  RefactoringStatus MultiStateTextFileChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  RefactoringStatus NullChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Verifies that this change object is still valid and can be executed by calling perform.
  RefactoringStatus CompositeChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Verifies that this change object is still valid and can be executed by calling perform.
  Change TextChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Performs this change.
abstract   Change Change. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Performs this change.
  Change UndoTextFileChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Performs this change.
  Change MultiStateTextFileChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  Change NullChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Performs this change.
  Change CompositeChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Performs this change.
 void IUndoManager. performRedo ( IValidationCheckResultQuery query, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Redo the top most redo change.
 void IUndoManager. performUndo ( IValidationCheckResultQuery query, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Undo the top most undo change.
protected  void PerformRefactoringHistoryOperation. refactoringPerformed ( Refactoring refactoring, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called when the specified refactoring has been performed.
protected abstract  void TextChange. releaseDocument ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Releases the document acquired via a call to aquireDocument.
protected  void DocumentChange. releaseDocument ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Releases the document acquired via a call to aquireDocument.
protected  void TextFileChange. releaseDocument ( IDocument document, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Releases the document acquired via a call to aquireDocument.
  RefactoringDescriptor RefactoringDescriptorProxy. requestDescriptor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Resolves this proxy and returns the associated refactoring descriptor.
 void PerformChangeOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
 void CheckConditionsOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
 void CreateChangeOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
 void PerformRefactoringHistoryOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
 void PerformRefactoringOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getProjectHistory ( IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a project refactoring history for the specified project.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getProjectHistory ( IProject project, long start, long end, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a project refactoring history for the specified project.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getRefactoringHistory ( IProject[] projects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the combined refactoring history for the specified projects.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getRefactoringHistory ( IProject[] projects, long start, long end, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the combined refactoring history for the specified projects.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getWorkspaceHistory ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the workspace refactoring history.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getWorkspaceHistory (long start, long end, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the workspace refactoring history.
 void IRefactoringHistoryService. writeRefactoringDescriptors ( RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies, OutputStream stream, int flags, boolean time, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Writes the specified refactoring descriptor proxies to the output stream.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  ResourceTraversal[] AbstractRefactoringHistoryResourceMapping. getTraversals ( ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns one or more traversals that can be used to access all the physical resources that constitute the logical resource.
  ResourceTraversal[] AbstractRefactoringDescriptorResourceMapping. getTraversals ( ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns one or more traversals that can be used to access all the physical resources that constitute the logical resource.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  RefactoringStatus ValidateEditChecker. check ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the actual condition checking.
  RefactoringStatus IConditionChecker. check ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the actual condition checking.
  RefactoringStatus CheckConditionsContext. check ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Checks the condition of all registered condition checkers and returns a merge status result.
  RefactoringStatus ResourceChangeChecker. check ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
abstract   RefactoringStatus RefactoringParticipant. checkConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm, CheckConditionsContext context)
          Checks the conditions of the refactoring participant.
static  RefactoringStatus ResourceChangeChecker. checkFilesToBeChanged ( IFile[] files, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          A helper method to check a set of changed files.
  RefactoringStatus ProcessorBasedRefactoring. checkFinalConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          After checkInitialConditions has been performed and the user has provided all input necessary to perform the refactoring this method is called to check the remaining preconditions.
abstract   RefactoringStatus RefactoringProcessor. checkFinalConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm, CheckConditionsContext context)
          Checks the final conditions based on the element to be refactored.
  RefactoringStatus ProcessorBasedRefactoring. checkInitialConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Checks some initial conditions based on the element to be refactored.
abstract   RefactoringStatus RefactoringProcessor. checkInitialConditions ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Checks some initial conditions based on the element to be refactored.
  Change ProcessorBasedRefactoring. createChange ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Creates a Change object that performs the actual workspace transformation.
abstract   Change RefactoringProcessor. createChange ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Creates a Change object describing the workspace modifications the processor contributes to the overall refactoring.
abstract   Change RefactoringParticipant. createChange ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Creates a Change object that contains the workspace modifications of this participant to be executed after the changes from the refactoring are executed.
  Change RefactoringParticipant. createPreChange ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          Creates a Change object that contains the workspace modifications of this participant to be executed before the changes from the refactoring are executed.
  Change RefactoringProcessor. postCreateChange ( Change[] participantChanges, IProgressMonitor pm)
          Additional hook allowing processors to add changes to the set of workspace modifications after all participant changes have been created.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void ResourceChange. initializeValidationData ( IProgressMonitor pm)
  RefactoringStatus ResourceChange. isValid ( IProgressMonitor pm)
          This implementation of Change.isValid(IProgressMonitor) tests the modified resource using the validation method specified by ResourceChange.setValidationMethod(int).
  Change RenameResourceChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)
  Change MoveResourceChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  Change DeleteResourceChange. perform ( IProgressMonitor pm)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected   RefactoringStatus RefactoringHistoryWizard. aboutToPerformHistory ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called before the first refactoring of the history is executed.
protected   RefactoringStatus RefactoringHistoryWizard. aboutToPerformRefactoring ( Refactoring refactoring, RefactoringDescriptor descriptor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called before the a refactoring of the history is executed.
protected   Refactoring RefactoringHistoryWizard. createRefactoring ( RefactoringDescriptor descriptor, RefactoringStatus status, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a refactoring from the specified refactoring descriptor.
protected   RefactoringStatus RefactoringHistoryWizard. historyPerformed ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called when all refactorings of the history have been executed.
protected   RefactoringStatus RefactoringHistoryWizard. refactoringPerformed ( Refactoring refactoring, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called when the specified refactoring has been performed, e.g. its change object has been successfully applied to the workspace.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected   IStatus AbstractResourceMappingMerger. aboutToPerformMerge ( IMergeContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called before the actual merge process happens.
protected   RefactoringHistory AbstractSynchronizationContentProvider. getRefactorings ( ISynchronizationContext context, IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the refactorings for the specified project which are not in sync.
  IStatus AbstractResourceMappingMerger. merge ( IMergeContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          A default implementation of merge that attempts to merge all the mappings in the context.
protected   IStatus AbstractResourceMappingMerger. mergePerformed ( IMergeContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Hook method which is called after the actual merge process happened.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
abstract   IStatus TextSearchEngine. search ( IFile[] scope, TextSearchRequestor requestor, Pattern searchPattern, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Uses a given search pattern to find matches in the content of workspace file resources.
abstract   IStatus TextSearchEngine. search ( TextSearchScope scope, TextSearchRequestor requestor, Pattern searchPattern, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Uses a given search pattern to find matches in the content of workspace file resources.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IStatus ISearchQuery. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This is the method that actually does the work, i.e. finds the results of the search query.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IProject[] ProjectSetCapability. addToWorkspace ( String[] referenceStrings, ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For every String in referenceStrings, load the corresponding project into the workspace.
  IProject[] IProjectSetSerializer. addToWorkspace ( String[] referenceStrings, String filename, Object context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. For every String in referenceStrings, create in the workspace a corresponding IProject.
  String[] IProjectSetSerializer. asReference ( IProject[] providerProjects, Object context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. For every IProject in providerProjects, return an opaque UTF-8 encoded String to act as a reference to that project.
  String[] ProjectSetCapability. asReference ( IProject[] providerProjects, ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For every project in providerProjects, return an opaque UTF-8 encoded String to act as a reference to that project.
 void ProjectSetCapability. projectSetCreated ( File file, Object context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. should use or override projectSetCreated(File, ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor) instead
 void ProjectSetCapability. projectSetCreated ( File file, ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Notify the provider that a project set has been created at path.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IDiffTree. clearBusy ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Clear all busy properties in this tree.
 void IDiffChangeListener. diffsChanged ( IDiffChangeEvent event, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The diff contained in the originating tree has changed.
abstract  boolean DiffFilter. select ( IDiff diff, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return true if the provided IDiffNode matches the filter.
 boolean FastDiffFilter. select ( IDiff diff, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void IDiffTree. setBusy ( IDiff[] diffs, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Set the given diff nodes and all their parents to busy

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void DiffTree. clearBusy ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void DiffTree. endInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is used to release the lock on this set.
 void DiffTree. setBusy ( IDiff[] diffs, IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IFileHistory IFileHistoryProvider. getFileHistoryFor ( IFileStore store, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an IFileHistory for the specified IFileStore.
  IFileHistory IFileHistoryProvider. getFileHistoryFor ( IResource resource, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the file history for the given in resource.
  IStorage IFileRevision. getStorage ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the storage for this file revision.
  IFileRevision IFileRevision. withAllProperties ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an IFileRevision with all supported properties present.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void ISynchronizationScopeManager. initialize ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Build the scope that is used to determine the complete set of resource mappings, and hence resources, that an operation should be performed on.
 void IMergeContext. markAsMerged ( IDiff[] nodes, boolean inSyncHint, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Mark the files associated with the given diff nodes as being merged.
 void IMergeContext. markAsMerged ( IDiff node, boolean inSyncHint, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method that allows the model merger to signal that the file associated with the given diff node has been completely merged.
  IStatus IMergeContext. merge ( IDiff[] diffs, boolean ignoreLocalChanges, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Attempt to merge any files associated with the given diffs.
  IStatus IMergeContext. merge ( IDiff diff, boolean ignoreLocalChanges, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method that can be called by the model merger to attempt a file-system level merge.
  IStatus ResourceMappingMerger. merge ( IMergeContext mergeContext, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          A default implementation of merge that attempts to merge all the mappings in the context.
  IStatus IResourceMappingMerger. merge ( IMergeContext mergeContext, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Attempt to automatically merge the mappings of the merge context(MergeContext#getMappings()).
  IStatus DelegatingStorageMerger. merge ( OutputStream output, String outputEncoding, IStorage ancestor, IStorage target, IStorage other, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus IStorageMerger. merge ( OutputStream output, String outputEncoding, IStorage ancestor, IStorage target, IStorage other, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs a merge operation on the given storage instances and writes the merge result to the output stream.
 void ISynchronizationContext. refresh ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the portion of the context related to the given resource mappings.
  ResourceTraversal[] ISynchronizationScopeManager. refresh ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the scope of this manager for the given mappings.
 void ISynchronizationContext. refresh ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the context in order to update the diff tree returned by ISynchronizationContext.getDiffTree() to include the latest synchronization state for the resources.
 void IMergeContext. reject ( IDiff[] diffs, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reject the changes associated with the given diffs.
 void IMergeContext. reject ( IDiff diff, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reject the change associated with the given diff.
 void IMergeContext. run ( IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, ISchedulingRule rule, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the given action as an atomic workspace operation.
  IStatus ResourceMappingMerger. validateMerge ( IMergeContext mergeContext, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus IResourceMappingMerger. validateMerge ( IMergeContext mergeContext, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Validate an auto-merge for the given context.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void MergeContext. ensureParentsExist ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Ensure that the parent folders of the given resource exist.
static  ResourceMapping[] SynchronizationScopeManager. getMappingsFromProviders ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Convenience method for obtaining the set of resource mappings from all model providers that overlap with the given resources.
 void SynchronizationScopeManager. initialize ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected abstract  void MergeContext. makeInSync ( IDiff diff, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method that is invoked from MergeContext.performReplace(IDiff, IProgressMonitor) after the local has been changed to match the remote.
 void MergeContext. markAsMerged ( IDiff[] nodes, boolean inSyncHint, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus MergeContext. merge ( IDiff[] deltas, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus MergeContext. merge ( IDiff diff, boolean ignoreLocalChanges, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void MergeContext. performReplace ( IDiff diff, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Make the local state of the resource associated with the given diff match that of the remote.
protected   IStatus MergeContext. performThreeWayMerge ( IThreeWayDiff diff, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform a three-way merge on the given three-way diff that contains a content conflict.
 void SynchronizationContext. refresh ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the portion of the context related to the given resource mappings.
  ResourceTraversal[] SynchronizationScopeManager. refresh ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void MergeContext. reject ( IDiff[] diffs, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void MergeContext. run ( IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, ISchedulingRule rule, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Default implementation of run that invokes the corresponding run on IWorkspace.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void Subscriber. collectOutOfSync ( IResource[] resources, int depth, SyncInfoSet set, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Adds all out-of-sync resources (getKind() !
 boolean SubscriberResourceMappingContext. contentDiffers ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStorage SubscriberResourceMappingContext. fetchBaseContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IResource[] SubscriberResourceMappingContext. fetchMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStorage SubscriberResourceMappingContext. fetchRemoteContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 int Subscriber. getState ( ResourceMapping mapping, int stateMask, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the synchronization state of the given resource mapping.
 boolean SubscriberResourceMappingContext. hasLocalChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean SubscriberResourceMappingContext. hasRemoteChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void SubscriberScopeManager. initialize ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void SubscriberResourceMappingContext. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the subscriber and cache the fact that the resources were refreshed by calling the refreshed method.
abstract  void Subscriber. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource hierarchy from the given resources and their children (to the specified depth) from the corresponding resources in the remote location.
  ResourceTraversal[] SubscriberScopeManager. refresh ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void SubscriberResourceMappingContext. refresh ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void SubscriberMergeContext. refresh ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void Subscriber. refresh ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the subscriber for the given traversals.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 boolean SyncInfoFilter.ContentComparisonSyncInfoFilter. compareContents ( IFile local, IResourceVariant remote, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Compare the contents of the local file and its variant.
 void SyncInfoSet. connect ( ISyncInfoSetChangeListener listener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Connect the listener to the sync set in such a fashion that the listener will be connected the the sync set using addChangeListener and issued a reset event.
 void SyncInfoSet. endInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is used to release the lock on this set.
abstract  boolean SyncInfoFilter. select ( SyncInfo info, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return true if the provided SyncInfo matches the filter.
 boolean SyncInfoFilter.ContentComparisonSyncInfoFilter. select ( SyncInfo info, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean FastSyncInfoFilter. select ( SyncInfo info, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void ISyncInfoSetChangeListener. syncInfoChanged ( ISyncInfoSetChangeEvent event, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sent when a SyncInfoSet changes.
 void ISyncInfoSetChangeListener. syncInfoSetErrors ( SyncInfoSet set, ITeamStatus[] errors, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called when errors have occurred calculating the SyncInfo for a resource.
 void ISyncInfoSetChangeListener. syncInfoSetReset ( SyncInfoSet set, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sent when the contents of a SyncInfoSet have been reset or the listener has been connected to the set for the first time using SyncInfoSet#connect(ISyncInfoSetChangeListener, IProgressMonitor).

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Collect the changes in the remote tree to the specified depth.
protected   IResource[] ResourceVariantTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   IResource[] ThreeWayRemoteTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected abstract  void CachedResourceVariant. fetchContents ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method that is invoked when the contents of the resource variant need to be fetched.
protected abstract   IResourceVariant[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. fetchMembers ( IResourceVariant variant, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Fetch the members of the given resource variant handle.
protected abstract   IResourceVariant AbstractResourceVariantTree. fetchVariant ( IResource resource, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Fetch the resource variant corresponding to the given resource.
  IStorage IResourceVariant. getStorage ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return an instance of IStorage or null if the remote resource does not have contents (i.e. is a folder).
  IStorage CachedResourceVariant. getStorage ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
 void ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IResource[] IResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource resource, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Helper method invoked from refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor monitor) for each resource.
 void ResourceVariantByteStore. run ( IResource root, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Run the given action which may contain multiple modifications to the byte store.
 void ThreeWaySynchronizer. run ( IResource resourceRule, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform multiple sync state modifications and fire only a single change notification at the end.
 void PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. run ( IResource root, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void CachedResourceVariant. setContents ( InputStream stream, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method should be invoked by subclasses from within their fetchContents method in order to cache the contents for this resource variant.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void PageSaveablePart. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. This method flushes the content in any viewers.
protected abstract  void PageSaveablePart. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Prepare the compare input for display in a content viewer.
protected abstract  void PageCompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prepare the compare input for display in a content viewer.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void HistoryPageSaveablePart. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void IHistoryCompareAdapter. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prepare the compare input for display.
protected  void HistoryPageCompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   Object HistoryPageCompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void SynchronizationContentProvider. diffsChanged ( IDiffChangeEvent event, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void SaveableComparison. doRevert ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Revert any changes in the buffer back to the last saved state.
 void SaveableComparison. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Saves the contents of this saveable.
protected abstract  void SynchronizationOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Execute the operation.
 int SynchronizationStateTester. getState ( Object element, int stateMask, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the synchronization state of the given element.
  ITeamStateDescription ITeamStateProvider. getStateDescription ( Object element, int stateMask, String[] properties, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the state description for the given element.
 int ISynchronizationCompareAdapter. getSynchronizationState ( ITeamStateProvider provider, ResourceMapping mapping, int stateMask, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the synchronization state of the resource mapping with respect to the given team state provider.
 int SynchronizationCompareAdapter. getSynchronizationState ( ITeamStateProvider provider, ResourceMapping mapping, int stateMask, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the synchronization state of the resource mapping with respect to the given team state provider.
protected abstract  void SaveableComparison. performRevert ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method invoked from SaveableComparison.doRevert(IProgressMonitor) to discard the changes in the buffer.
protected abstract  void SaveableComparison. performSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method invoked from SaveableComparison.doSave(IProgressMonitor) to write out the buffer.
 void ISynchronizationCompareInput. prepareInput ( CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prepare the compare input associated with a model element for display using the compare configuration.
 void SynchronizationOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void ModelOperation. beginOperation ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method called from before the ModelOperation.execute(IProgressMonitor) method is invoked.
 boolean ModelSynchronizeParticipant. checkForBufferChange ( Shell shell, ISynchronizationCompareInput input, boolean cancelAllowed, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Convenience method for switching the active saveable of this participant to the saveable of the given input.
 void ParticipantPageSaveablePart. doSave ( IProgressMonitor pm)
protected  void ModelOperation. endOperation ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method called from after the ModelOperation.execute(IProgressMonitor) completes of if an exception is thrown from the ModelOperation.beginOperation(IProgressMonitor) or the ModelOperation.execute(IProgressMonitor).
protected  void ModelMergeOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform a merge.
protected  void ModelParticipantMergeOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected abstract  void ModelOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Execute the operation.
protected  void ModelMergeOperation. executeMerge ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform a merge.
protected  void ModelParticipantMergeOperation. executeMerge ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  ITeamStateDescription SubscriberTeamStateProvider. getStateDescription ( Object element, int stateMask, String[] properties, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  int SubscriberTeamStateProvider. getSynchronizationState ( Object element, int stateMask, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Obtain the synchronization state of the element.
static void ModelParticipantAction. handleTargetSaveableChange ( Shell shell, SaveableComparison targetSaveable, SaveableComparison activeSaveable, boolean allowCancel, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Convenience method that prompts if the currently active saveable is dirty and either saves or reverts the saveable depending on the users input.
protected abstract  void ModelMergeOperation. initializeContext ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Initialize the merge context for this merge operation.
protected  void ModelParticipantMergeOperation. initializeContext ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void ModelOperation. initializeScope ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Adjust the input of the operation according to the selected resource mappings and the set of interested participants.
protected   IStatus ModelMergeOperation. performMerge ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Attempt a headless merge of the elements in the context of this operation.
protected   IStatus ModelMergeOperation. performMerge ( ModelProvider provider, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Attempt to merge all the mappings that come from the given provider.
protected abstract   ICompareInput SaveableCompareEditorInput. prepareCompareInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Method called from SaveableCompareEditorInput.prepareInput(IProgressMonitor) to obtain the input.
protected   ICompareInput SyncInfoCompareInput. prepareCompareInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void AbstractSynchronizeParticipant. prepareCompareInput ( ISynchronizeModelElement element, CompareConfiguration config, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Default implementation will update the labels in the given configuration using information from the provided element if it adapts to SyncInfo.
 void ISynchronizeParticipant. prepareCompareInput ( ISynchronizeModelElement element, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prepare the given element and compare configuration for use with a compare editor input.
protected  void ParticipantPageSaveablePart. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Prepare the compare input for display in a content viewer.
protected  void ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   Object SaveableCompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prepare the compare input of this editor input.
protected   Object ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput. prepareInput ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  boolean ModelOperation. promptForInputChange ( String requestPreviewMessage, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prompt the user to inform them that additional resource mappings have been included in the operations.
protected  void ModelOperation. promptIfInputChange ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Prompt the user by calling ModelOperation.promptForInputChange(String, IProgressMonitor) if the scope of the operation was expanded (as described in ModelOperation.initializeScope(IProgressMonitor)).
  IStatus SubscriberParticipant. refreshNow ( IResource[] resources, String taskName, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh a participant.
 void ModelOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Run the operation.
 void ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput. saveChanges ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
static  IStatus ModelMergeOperation. validateMerge ( IMergeContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Validate the merge context with the model providers that have mappings in the scope of the context.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.ui with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void ISaveablePart. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Saves the contents of this part.
abstract  void Saveable. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Saves the contents of this saveable.
  IJobRunnable Saveable. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IShellProvider shellProvider)
          Saves this saveable, or prepares this saveable for a background save operation.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, IProgressMonitor subMonitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, the work is performed in the undoable operation created in CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[], IPath)
protected  void MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, IProgressMonitor subMonitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, the work is performed in the undoable operation created in MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation.getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[], IPath)
 void CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyFilesInCurrentThread ( String[] fileNames, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given files and folders to the destination without forking a new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation.
 void CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyFilesInCurrentThread ( URI[] uris, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given files and folders to the destination without forking a new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation.
  IResource[] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyResourcesInCurrentThread ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given resources to the destination in the current Thread without forking a new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation.
protected  void WorkspaceModifyDelegatingOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected abstract  void WorkspaceModifyOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the steps that are to be treated as a single logical workspace change.
protected  void OpenResourceAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void CloseResourceAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void BuildAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void WorkspaceAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Since 3.3, subclasses should instead implement the method WorkspaceAction.createOperation(IStatus[]) and provide an empty implementation for this method.

protected  void ScrubLocalAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void RefreshAction. refreshResource ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the resource (with a check for deleted projects).
 void WorkspaceModifyOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The WorkspaceModifyOperation implementation of this IRunnableWithProgress method initiates a batch of changes by invoking the execute method as a workspace runnable (IWorkspaceRunnable).

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void WizardNewFileCreationPage. createFile ( IFile fileHandle, InputStream contents, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, use or override WizardNewFileCreationPage.createNewFile() which uses the undoable operation support. To supply customized file content for a subclass, use WizardNewFileCreationPage.getInitialContents().
protected  void WizardNewFolderMainPage. createFolder ( IFolder folderHandle, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, use WizardNewFolderMainPage.createNewFolder() which uses the undoable operation support.
protected abstract  void FilteredItemsSelectionDialog. fillContentProvider ( FilteredItemsSelectionDialog.AbstractContentProvider contentProvider, FilteredItemsSelectionDialog.ItemsFilter itemsFilter, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Fills the content provider with matching items.
protected  void FilteredResourcesSelectionDialog. fillContentProvider ( FilteredItemsSelectionDialog.AbstractContentProvider contentProvider, FilteredItemsSelectionDialog.ItemsFilter itemsFilter, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
  IContainer ContainerGenerator. generateContainer ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Ensures that this generator's container resource exists.
protected  void WizardResourceImportPage. getSelectedResources (org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.dialogs.IElementFilter filter, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns this page's list of currently-specified resources to be imported filtered by the IElementFilter.
 void FilteredItemsSelectionDialog. reloadCache (boolean checkDuplicates, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Notifies the content provider - fires filtering of content provider elements.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor TextFileDocumentProvider. getProgressMonitor ()
  IProgressMonitor TextFileDocumentProvider.NullProvider. getProgressMonitor ()
  IProgressMonitor ForwardingDocumentProvider. getProgressMonitor ()

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void TextFileDocumentProvider. commitFileBuffer ( IProgressMonitor monitor, TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info, boolean overwrite)
          Commits the given file info's file buffer by changing the contents of the underlying file to the contents of this file buffer.
protected  void TextFileDocumentProvider. createFileFromDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IFile file, IDocument document)
          Creates the given file with the given document content.
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. doResetDocument ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void StorageDocumentProvider. doSaveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. doSaveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. doSynchronize ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected abstract  void TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The actual functionality of this operation.
protected  void TextFileDocumentProvider. executeOperation ( TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Executes the given operation in the providers runnable context.
protected   IPath[] FileBufferOperationHandler. generateLocations ( IFile[] files, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Generates the file buffer locations out of the given files.
protected   IPath[] FileBufferOperationAction. generateLocations ( IFile[] files, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected   IRunnableContext TextFileDocumentProvider. getOperationRunner ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the runnable context for this document provider.
protected   IRunnableContext StorageDocumentProvider. getOperationRunner ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   IRunnableContext FileDocumentProvider. getOperationRunner ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. refreshFile ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the given file resource.
 void TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void TextFileDocumentProvider. saveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
 void TextFileDocumentProvider.NullProvider. saveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
 void ForwardingDocumentProvider. saveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
 void TextFileDocumentProvider. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
 void TextFileDocumentProvider.NullProvider. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
 void ForwardingDocumentProvider. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void FormPage. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IStatus DeleteResourcesOperation. computeExecutionStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus AbstractWorkspaceOperation. computeExecutionStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a status indicating the projected outcome of executing the receiver.
  IStatus CreateFileOperation. computeExecutionStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus DeleteResourcesOperation. computeRedoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus AbstractWorkspaceOperation. computeRedoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a status indicating the projected outcome of redoing the receiver.
  IStatus DeleteResourcesOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus AbstractWorkspaceOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a status indicating the projected outcome of undoing the receiver.
  IStatus MoveResourcesOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus MoveProjectOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus CopyProjectOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStatus CopyResourcesOperation. computeUndoableStatus ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void CopyResourcesOperation. copy ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Move or copy any known resources according to the destination parameters known by this operation.
abstract  void ResourceDescription. createExistentResourceFromHandle ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Given a resource handle, create an actual resource with the attributes of the receiver resource description.
abstract   IResource ResourceDescription. createResource ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Create an existent resource from this resource description.
protected  void DeleteResourcesOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void DeleteMarkersOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
protected abstract  void AbstractWorkspaceOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Perform the specific work involved in executing this operation.
protected  void MoveResourcesOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void UpdateMarkersOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
protected  void MoveProjectOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void CreateMarkersOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
protected  void CopyProjectOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void CopyResourcesOperation. doExecute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void DeleteResourcesOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void DeleteMarkersOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
protected abstract  void AbstractWorkspaceOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Perform the specific work involved in undoing this operation.
protected  void MoveResourcesOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void UpdateMarkersOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
protected  void MoveProjectOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void CreateMarkersOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
protected  void CopyProjectOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected  void CopyResourcesOperation. doUndo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
  IStatus AbstractWorkspaceOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Execute the specified operation.
protected  void MoveResourcesOperation. move ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Move any known resources according to the destination parameters known by this operation.
abstract  void ResourceDescription. recordStateFromHistory ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Record the appropriate state of this resource description using any available resource history.
  IStatus AbstractWorkspaceOperation. redo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Redo the specified operation.
  IStatus AbstractWorkspaceOperation. undo ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Undo the specified operation.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.navigator with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void CommonNavigator. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void AbstractMultiEditor. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
abstract  void EditorPart. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.progress

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.progress with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void IElementCollector. add ( Object[] elements, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Add the elements to the IElementCollector.
 void IElementCollector. add ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Add the element to the IElementCollector.
protected  void DeferredTreeContentManager. addChildren ( Object parent, Object[] children, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Create a UIJob to add the children to the parent in the tree viewer.
 void IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter. fetchDeferredChildren ( Object object, IElementCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Called by a job run in a separate thread to fetch the children of this adapter.
  IStatus IJobRunnable. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Executes this runnable.
  IStatus UIJob. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
abstract   IStatus UIJob. runInUIThread ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Run the job in the UI Thread.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.splash

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.splash that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor BasicSplashHandler. getBundleProgressMonitor ()
  IProgressMonitor AbstractSplashHandler. getBundleProgressMonitor ()
          Return the progress monitor responsible for showing bundle loading.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that return IProgressMonitor
  IProgressMonitor IDocumentProviderExtension2. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns this providers progress monitor.
protected   IProgressMonitor AbstractTextEditor. getProgressMonitor ()
          Returns the progress monitor related to this editor.
  IProgressMonitor AbstractDocumentProvider. getProgressMonitor ()

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void AbstractDocumentProvider. doResetDocument ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Executes the actual work of reseting the given elements document.
 void AbstractTextEditor. doSave ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          The AbstractTextEditor implementation of this IEditorPart method may be extended by subclasses.
 void AbstractTextEditor.TextEditorSavable. doSave ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected abstract  void AbstractDocumentProvider. doSaveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
          Performs the actual work of saving the given document provided for the given element.
protected  void AbstractDocumentProvider. doSynchronize ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the actual work of synchronizing the given element.
protected abstract  void AbstractDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          The actual functionality of this operation.
protected  void AbstractDocumentProvider. executeOperation ( AbstractDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Executes the given operation in the providers runnable context.
protected abstract   IRunnableContext AbstractDocumentProvider. getOperationRunner ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the runnable context for this document provider.
protected  void AbstractTextEditor. handleExceptionOnSave ( CoreException exception, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Handles the given exception.
protected  void AbstractTextEditor. performSave (boolean overwrite, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Performs the save and handles errors appropriately.
protected  void AbstractTextEditor. performSaveAs ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Performs a save as and reports the result state back to the given progress monitor.
protected  void AbstractDecoratedTextEditor. performSaveAs ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          This implementation asks the user for the workspace path of a file resource and saves the document there.
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void IDocumentProvider. saveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
          Saves the given document provided for the given element.
 void AbstractDocumentProvider. saveDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
 void IDocumentProviderExtension2. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Sets this providers progress monitor.
 void AbstractDocumentProvider. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IDocument IQuickDiffReferenceProvider. getReference ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the reference document for the quick diff display.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void ISpellingEngine. check ( IDocument document, IRegion[] regions, SpellingContext context, ISpellingProblemCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Checks the given regions in the given document.
 void SpellingService. check ( IDocument document, IRegion[] regions, SpellingContext context, ISpellingProblemCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Checks the given regions in the given document.
 void SpellingService. check ( IDocument document, SpellingContext context, ISpellingProblemCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Checks the given document.
 void SpellingReconcileStrategy. setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void MarkerViewHandler. execute ( IUndoableOperation operation, String title, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo)
          Execute the specified undoable operation
 void WorkbenchMarkerResolution. run ( IMarker[] markers, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs this resolution.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
protected  void ImportOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
 void SelectFilesOperation. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the operation.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.update.configuration

Methods in org.eclipse.update.configuration with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IFeatureReference IConfiguredSite. install ( IFeature feature, IFeatureReference[] optionalFeatures, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Install the specified feature on this site.
  IFeatureReference IConfiguredSite. install ( IFeature feature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Install the specified feature on this site.
 void ISessionDelta. process ( IFeatureReference[] selected, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Process the selected feature references of the Session Delta.
 void ISessionDelta. process ( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Deprecated. Process all the feature references of the Session Delta.
 void IConfiguredSite. remove ( IFeature feature, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Remove (uninstall) the specified feature from this site
 void ILocalSite. revertTo ( IInstallConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor, IProblemHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Reverts the local site to use the specified configuration.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.update.core

Classes in org.eclipse.update.core that implement IProgressMonitor
 class InstallMonitor
          Deprecated. The org.eclipse.update component has been replaced by Equinox p2. This provisional API was never promoted to stable API, and may be removed from a future release of the platform.

Fields in org.eclipse.update.core declared as IProgressMonitor
protected   IProgressMonitor InstallMonitor. monitor

Methods in org.eclipse.update.core with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
  IFeature Site. createFeature ( String type, URL url, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IFeature ISite. createFeature ( String type, URL url, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Creates a new feature object.
  IFeature IFeatureFactory. createFeature ( URL url, ISite site, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns a feature defined by the supplied URL.
abstract   IFeature BaseFeatureFactory. createFeature ( URL url, ISite site, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Create feature.
  ISite ISiteFactoryExtension. createSite ( URL url, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns a site defined by the supplied URL.
  IFeature IIncludedFeatureReference. getFeature (boolean perfectMatch, IConfiguredSite configuredSite, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. use getFeature(IProgressMonitor)
  IFeature IncludedFeatureReference. getFeature (boolean perfectMatch, IConfiguredSite configuredSite, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. use getFeature(IProgressMonitor)
protected   IFeature FeatureReference. getFeature ( IFeatureReference ref, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns the feature the reference points to
  IFeature FeatureReference. getFeature ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns the feature this reference points to
  IFeature IFeatureReference. getFeature ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns the referenced feature.
  IFeature IncludedFeatureReference. getFeature ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
static  ISite SiteManager. getSite ( URL siteURL, boolean usesCache, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns a site object for the site specified by the argument URL.
static  ISite SiteManager. getSite ( URL siteURL, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Returns a site object for the site specified by the argument URL.
  IFeatureReference Site. install ( IFeature sourceFeature, IFeatureReference[] optionalFeatures, IFeatureContentConsumer parentContentConsumer, IVerifier parentVerifier, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Deprecated. Install the specified feature on this site using the content consumer as a context to install the feature in.
  IFeatureReference Site. install ( IFeature sourceFeature, IFeatureReference[] optionalFeatures, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Deprecated. Install the specified feature and listed optional features on this site.
  IFeatureReference IFeature. install ( IFeature targetFeature, IFeatureReference[] optionalFeatures, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Install the contents of this feature into the specified target feature.
  IFeatureReference ISite. install ( IFeature feature, IFeatureReference[] optionalfeatures, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Installs the specified feature on this site.
  IFeatureReference Feature. install ( IFeature targetFeature, IFeatureReference[] optionalfeatures, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Deprecated. Install the contents of this feature into the specified target feature.
  IFeatureReference Site. install ( IFeature sourceFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Deprecated. Install the specified feature and all optional features on this site.
  IFeatureReference IFeature. install ( IFeature targetFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Install the contents of this feature into the specified target feature.
  IFeatureReference ISite. install ( IFeature feature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Installs the specified feature on this site.
  IFeatureReference Feature. install ( IFeature targetFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Deprecated. Install the contents of this feature into the specified target feature.
 void Site. remove ( IFeature feature, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Deprecated. Remove (uninstall) the specified feature from this site.
 void ISite. remove ( IFeature feature, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Removes (uninstalls) the specified feature from this site.
 void IFeatureContentConsumer. store ( ContentReference contentReference, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Store a feature file.
 void IContentConsumer. store ( ContentReference contentReference, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Stores a file.

Constructors in org.eclipse.update.core with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
InstallMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Install monitor constructor

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.update.operations

Methods in org.eclipse.update.operations with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 boolean IOperation. execute ( IProgressMonitor pm, IOperationListener listener)
          Deprecated. Executes operation.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in

Methods in with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 void UpdateSearchRequest. performSearch ( IUpdateSearchResultCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Runs the search using the category and scope configured into this request.
 void IUpdateSearchQuery. run ( ISite site, String[] categoriesToSkip, IUpdateSearchFilter filter, IUpdateSearchResultCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Executes the query.

Uses of IProgressMonitor in org.eclipse.update.standalone

Methods in org.eclipse.update.standalone with parameters of type IProgressMonitor
 boolean UpdateCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean DisableCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean InstallCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean AddSiteCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean UninstallCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean EnableCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ListFeaturesCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean RemoveSiteCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
abstract  boolean ScriptedCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Executes the command.
 boolean SearchCommand. run ( IProgressMonitor monitor)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire