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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IResource Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. Provides support for applying and working with patches. 
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. 
org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping Provides APIs for integrating application models with the workspace Package Specification This package specifies the APIs in the Resources plug-in that are used to integrate application models with the workspace. 
org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh Provides APIs intended to be implemented by the auto-refresh providers. Provides APIs intended to be implemented by the Team component. 
org.eclipse.debug.core Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.model Defines interfaces for debug model elements, source lookup, and launching. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring Application programmer interface to implement semantic preserving workspace transformations. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model Application programming interface to support logical models. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource Application programmer interface to implement resource dependend refactorings. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.resource Application programming interface to actions related to resource refactorings. Classes giving access to the file (text) search functionality. Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages. Provides the base classes to implement a search result view part for searches with textual matches. Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers. Application programming interfaces for describing the history associated with files. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for generating and refreshing synchronization state. Application programming interfaces for managing synchronization state. Application programming interfaces for accessing and managing resource variants. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide APIs for the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs APIs for dialogs in the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo APIs that provide undo and redo behavior for operations that manipulate the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer Provides the standard Bookmarks view which displays bookmarks on resources. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist Provides the standard Task List view for displaying tasks and problem annotations on resources. 
org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource Provides the standard wizards for creating files, folders, and projects in the workspace. 

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource HistoryItem. getResource ()
  IResource ResourceNode. getResource ()
          Returns the corresponding resource for this object.
  IResource IResourceProvider. getResource ()
          Returns the corresponding resource for this object or null.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
protected   IStructureComparator ResourceNode. createChild ( IResource child)
          This hook method is called from getChildren once for every member of a container resource.

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
ResourceNode ( IResource resource)
          Creates a ResourceNode for the given resource.

Uses of IResource in

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
ApplyPatchOperation ( IWorkbenchPart targetPart, IResource resource)
          Create an operation for the given part and resource.
ApplyPatchOperation ( IWorkbenchPart part, IStorage patch, IResource target, CompareConfiguration configuration)
          Creates a new ApplyPatchOperation with the supplied compare configuration, patch and target.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.core.resources

Subinterfaces of IResource in org.eclipse.core.resources
 interface IContainer
          Interface for resources which may contain other resources (termed its members).
 interface IFile
          Files are leaf resources which contain data.
 interface IFolder
          Folders may be leaf or non-leaf resources and may contain files and/or other folders.
 interface IProject
          A project is a type of resource which groups resources into buildable, reusable units.
 interface IWorkspaceRoot
          A root resource represents the top of the resource hierarchy in a workspace.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources that return IResource
  IResource IContainer. findMember ( IPath path)
          Finds and returns the member resource identified by the given path in this container, or null if no such resource exists.
  IResource IContainer. findMember ( IPath path, boolean includePhantoms)
          Finds and returns the member resource identified by the given path in this container, or null if there is no such resource.
  IResource IContainer. findMember ( String name)
          Finds and returns the member resource (project, folder, or file) with the given name in this container, or null if no such resource exists.
  IResource IContainer. findMember ( String name, boolean includePhantoms)
          Finds and returns the member resource (project, folder, or file) with the given name in this container, or null if there is no such resource.
  IResource IMarker. getResource ()
          Returns the resource with which this marker is associated.
  IResource IMarkerDelta. getResource ()
          Returns the resource with which this marker is associated.
  IResource IResourceChangeEvent. getResource ()
          Returns the resource in question or null if not applicable to this type of event.
  IResource IResourceDelta. getResource ()
          Returns a handle for the affected resource.
  IResource[] IContainer. members ()
          Returns a list of existing member resources (projects, folders and files) in this resource, in no particular order.
  IResource[] IContainer. members (boolean includePhantoms)
          Returns a list of all member resources (projects, folders and files) in this resource, in no particular order.
  IResource[] IContainer. members (int memberFlags)
          Returns a list of all member resources (projects, folders and files) in this resource, in no particular order.
  IResource IResourceProxy. requestResource ()
          Returns the handle of the resource being visited.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources with parameters of type IResource
 void ISynchronizer. accept ( QualifiedName partner, IResource start, IResourceVisitor visitor, int depth)
          Visits the given resource and its descendents with the specified visitor if sync information for the given sync partner is found on the resource.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. charsetRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for changing the charset setting for a file or the default charset setting for a container.
  IStatus IWorkspace. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the copies are the same as the corresponding originals.
  IStatus IWorkspace. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the copies are the same as the corresponding originals.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. copyRule ( IResource source, IResource destination)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for copying a resource.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. createRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for creating a project, folder, or file.
  IStatus IWorkspace. delete ( IResource[] resources, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given resources.
  IStatus IWorkspace. delete ( IResource[] resources, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given resources.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. deleteRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for deleting a resource.
 void ISynchronizer. flushSyncInfo ( QualifiedName partner, IResource resource, int depth)
          Discards the named partner's synchronization information associated with the specified resource and its descendents to the specified depth.
 byte[] ISynchronizer. getSyncInfo ( QualifiedName partner, IResource resource)
          Returns the named sync partner's synchronization information for the given resource.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. markerRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for creating, modifying, or deleting markers on a resource.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. modifyRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for modifying a resource.
  IStatus IWorkspace. move ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the new members are the same.
  IStatus IWorkspace. move ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the new members are the same.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. moveRule ( IResource source, IResource destination)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for moving a resource.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. refreshRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for performing refreshLocal on a resource.
 void ISynchronizer. setSyncInfo ( QualifiedName partner, IResource resource, byte[] info)
          Sets the named sync partner's synchronization information for the given resource.
  ISchedulingRule IResourceRuleFactory. validateEditRule ( IResource[] resources)
          Returns the scheduling rule that is required for a validateEdit
  IStatus IWorkspace. validateLinkLocation ( IResource resource, IPath location)
          Validates the given path as the location of the given resource on disk.
  IStatus IWorkspace. validateLinkLocationURI ( IResource resource, URI location)
          Validates the given URI as the location of the given resource on disk.
 boolean IResourceVisitor. visit ( IResource resource)
          Visits the given resource.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping that return IResource
  IResource[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchBaseMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the members of the base resource corresponding to the given container.
abstract   IResource[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the combined members of the base and remote resources corresponding to the given container.
  IResource[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchRemoteMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the members of the remote resource corresponding to the given container.
  IResource[] IModelProviderDescriptor. getMatchingResources ( IResource[] resources)
          From the provides set of resources, return those that match the enablement rule specified for the model provider descriptor.
  IResource[] ResourceTraversal. getResources ()
          Returns the file system resource(s) for this traversal.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping with parameters of type IResource
 boolean ResourceTraversal. contains ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the given resource is contained in or covered by this traversal, regardless of whether the resource currently exists.
 void IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. copy ( IResource resource, IPath destination)
          Record the set of deltas representing a copy of the given resource to the given workspace path.
 void IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. create ( IResource resource)
          Record a delta that represents a resource being created.
 void IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. delete ( IResource resource)
          Record the set of deltas representing a deletion of the given resource.
  ResourceMapping[] ModelProvider. getMappings ( IResource[] resources, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the set of mappings that cover the given resources.
  ResourceMapping[] ModelProvider. getMappings ( IResource resource, ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the resource mappings that cover the given resource.
  IResource[] IModelProviderDescriptor. getMatchingResources ( IResource[] resources)
          From the provides set of resources, return those that match the enablement rule specified for the model provider descriptor.
abstract  boolean RemoteResourceMappingContext. hasLocalChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For three-way comparisons, this method indicates whether local modifications have been made to the given resource.
abstract  boolean RemoteResourceMappingContext. hasRemoteChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For two-way comparisons, return whether the contents of the corresponding remote differs from the content of the local file in the context of the current operation.
 void IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. move ( IResource resource, IPath destination)
          Record the set of deltas representing a move of the given resource to the given workspace path.

Constructors in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping with parameters of type IResource
ResourceTraversal ( IResource[] resources, int depth, int flags)
          Creates a new resource traversal.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh with parameters of type IResource
protected   IRefreshMonitor RefreshProvider. createPollingMonitor ( IResource resource)
          Creates a new refresh monitor that performs naive polling of the resource in the file system to detect changes.
abstract   IRefreshMonitor RefreshProvider. installMonitor ( IResource resource, IRefreshResult result)
          Returns an IRefreshMonitor that will monitor a resource.
 void IRefreshResult. monitorFailed ( IRefreshMonitor monitor, IResource resource)
          Notifies that the given monitor has encountered a failure from which it cannot recover while monitoring the given resource.
 void IRefreshResult. refresh ( IResource resource)
          Requests that the provided resource be refreshed.
 void RefreshProvider. resetMonitors ( IResource resource)
          Resets the installed monitors for the given resource.
 void IRefreshMonitor. unmonitor ( IResource resource)
          Informs the monitor that it should stop monitoring the given resource.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. charsetRule ( IResource resource)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#charsetRule.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. copyRule ( IResource source, IResource destination)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#copyRule.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. createRule ( IResource resource)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#createRule.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. deleteRule ( IResource resource)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#deleteRule.
 boolean IResourceTree. isSynchronized ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Returns whether the given resource and its descendents to the given depth are considered to be in sync with the local file system.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. markerRule ( IResource resource)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#markerRule.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. modifyRule ( IResource resource)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#modifyRule.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. moveRule ( IResource source, IResource destination)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#moveRule.
protected   ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. parent ( IResource resource)
          Convenience method to return the parent of the given resource, or the resource itself for projects and the workspace root.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. refreshRule ( IResource resource)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#refreshRule.
  ISchedulingRule ResourceRuleFactory. validateEditRule ( IResource[] resources)
          Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#validateEditRule.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.debug.core

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core that return IResource
  IResource[] ILaunchConfiguration. getMappedResources ()
          Returns the resources this launch configuration is associated with or null if none.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core with parameters of type IResource
 void ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy. setMappedResources ( IResource[] resources)
          Sets the resources associated with this launch configuration, possibly null.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.debug.core.model

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.model with parameters of type IResource
protected   ISchedulingRule Breakpoint. getMarkerRule ( IResource resource)
          Returns a scheduling rule to use when modifying markers on the given resource, possibly null.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return IResource
  IResource ILaunchShortcut2. getLaunchableResource ( IEditorPart editorpart)
          Returns an IResource that maps to given editor part for launch purposes, or null if none.
  IResource ILaunchShortcut2. getLaunchableResource ( ISelection selection)
          Returns an IResource that maps to the given selection for launch purposes, or null if none.
static  IResource[] RefreshTab. getRefreshResources ( String scope)
          Returns a collection of resources referred to by a refresh scope attribute.
static  IResource DebugUITools. getSelectedResource ()
          Returns the currently selected resource in the active workbench window, or null if none.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring that return IResource
  IResource IResourceMapper. getRefactoredResource ( IResource element)
          Returns the refactored resource for the given element.

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring with parameters of type IResource
  IResource IResourceMapper. getRefactoredResource ( IResource element)
          Returns the refactored resource for the given element.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model that return IResource
  IResource AbstractRefactoringHistoryResourceMapping. getResource ()
          Returns the associated resource.
  IResource AbstractRefactoringDescriptorResourceMapping. getResource ()
          Returns the associated resource.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource that return IResource
protected   IResource RenameResourceChange. getModifiedResource ()
protected   IResource MoveResourceChange. getModifiedResource ()
protected   IResource DeleteResourceChange. getModifiedResource ()
protected abstract   IResource ResourceChange. getModifiedResource ()
          Returns the resource of this change.

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource with parameters of type IResource
protected static void ResourceChange. checkIfModifiable ( RefactoringStatus result, IResource resource, int validationMethod)
          Utility method to validate a resource to be modified.
 void DeleteResourcesDescriptor. setResources ( IResource[] resources)
          The resources to be deleted.
 void MoveResourcesDescriptor. setResourcesToMove ( IResource[] resources)
          Sets the resources to move.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource with parameters of type IResource
MoveResourceChange ( IResource source, IContainer target)
          Creates the change.
MoveResourceChange ( IResource source, IContainer target, long stampToRestore, Change restoreSourceChange)
          Creates the change.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.resource

Constructors in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.resource with parameters of type IResource
DeleteResourcesWizard ( IResource[] resources)
          Creates a DeleteResourcesWizard
MoveResourcesWizard ( IResource[] resources)
          Creates a MoveResourcesWizard.
RenameResourceWizard ( IResource resource)
          Creates a RenameResourceWizard.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] TextSearchScope. getRoots ()
          Returns the resources that form the root.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
static  TextSearchScope TextSearchScope. newSearchScope ( IResource[] rootResources, Pattern fileNamePattern, boolean visitDerivedResources)
          Creates a scope that consists of all files that match the fileNamePattern and that either are one of the roots, or have one of the roots in their parent chain.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource ISearchResultViewEntry. getResource ()
          Deprecated. Returns the resource to which this entry's markers are attached.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
 void ISearchResultView. addMatch ( String description, Object groupByKey, IResource resource, IMarker marker)
          Deprecated. Informs the view that a match has been found.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] FileTextSearchScope. getRoots ()

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
abstract   ISearchQuery TextSearchQueryProvider. createQuery ( String selectedText, IResource[] resources)
          Create a query to search for the selected text in the given resources.
static  FileTextSearchScope FileTextSearchScope. newSearchScope ( IResource[] roots, String[] fileNamePatterns, boolean includeDerived)
          Returns a scope for the given root resources.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource ITeamStatus. getResource ()
          Return the resource associated with this status.
  IResource TeamStatus. getResource ()
          Return the resource associated with this status.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
static boolean Team. isIgnoredHint ( IResource resource)
          Returns whether the given file or folder with its content should be ignored.
  IStatus RepositoryProvider. validateCreateLink ( IResource resource, int updateFlags, IPath location)
          Deprecated. see RepositoryProvider.validateCreateLink(IResource, int, URI) instead
  IStatus RepositoryProvider. validateCreateLink ( IResource resource, int updateFlags, URI location)
          Method validateCreateLink is invoked by the Platform Core TeamHook when a linked resource is about to be added to the provider's project.

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
TeamStatus (int severity, String pluginId, int code, String message, Throwable exception, IResource resource)
          Create a new status object.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
  IFileHistory IFileHistoryProvider. getFileHistoryFor ( IResource resource, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the file history for the given in resource.
  IFileRevision IFileHistoryProvider. getWorkspaceFileRevision ( IResource resource)
          Returns the file revision of the passed in resource or null if that file revision cannot be determined

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] IResourceDiffTree. getAffectedResources ()
          Return all resources that contain diffs in this diff tree.
  IResource IResourceDiff. getResource ()
          Return the local resource to which this diff applies.
  IResource IResourceDiffTree. getResource ( IDiff diff)
          Return the resource associated with the given diff.
  IResource[] ISynchronizationScope. getRoots ()
          Return the resources that are the roots of this scope.
  IResource[] IResourceDiffTree. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the members of the given resource that either have diffs in this tree of contain descendants that have diffs in this tree.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
 boolean ISynchronizationScope. contains ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the given resource is contained in this scope.
  IDiff IResourceDiffTree. getDiff ( IResource resource)
          Return the diff for the given resource.
  IDiff[] IResourceDiffTree. getDiffs ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Return all the diffs in the tree that are found for the given resource when traversed to the given depth.
protected abstract  void ChangeTracker. handleChanges ( IProject project, IResource[] resources)
          The given resources of interest have changed in the given project.
  ResourceMapping[] ISynchronizationScopeParticipant. handleContextChange ( ISynchronizationScope scope, IResource[] resources, IProject[] projects)
          Callback that the manager makes to participants when the state of resources that are contained in the resource mapping context of the manager change.
protected abstract  boolean ChangeTracker. isResourceOfInterest ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the given resource is of interest to the tracker.
  IResource[] IResourceDiffTree. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the members of the given resource that either have diffs in this tree of contain descendants that have diffs in this tree.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] ResourceDiffTree. getAffectedResources ()
  IResource ResourceDiff. getResource ()
  IResource ResourceDiffTree. getResource ( IDiff diff)
static  IResource ResourceDiffTree. getResourceFor ( IDiff node)
          Get the resource for the diff node that was obtained from an IResourceDiffTree.
  IResource[] ResourceDiffTree. members ( IResource resource)

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
protected  void MergeContext. ensureParentsExist ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Ensure that the parent folders of the given resource exist.
  IDiff ResourceDiffTree. getDiff ( IResource resource)
  IDiff[] ResourceDiffTree. getDiffs ( IResource resource, int depth)
  IResource[] ResourceDiffTree. members ( IResource resource)
 void ResourceDiffTree. remove ( IResource resource)
          Remove the diff associated with the given resource from the tree.

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
ResourceDiff ( IResource resource, int kind)
          Convenience constructor for creating a simple folder diff that consists of a resource and a kind only.
ResourceDiff ( IResource resource, int kind, int flags, IFileRevision before, IFileRevision after)
          Create a two-way resource diff

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] SubscriberResourceMappingContext. fetchMembers ( IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IResource ISubscriberChangeEvent. getResource ()
          Return the resource whose state with respect to the subscriber has changed.
  IResource SubscriberChangeEvent. getResource ()
abstract   IResource[] Subscriber. members ( IResource resource)
          Returns all non-transient member resources of the given resource.
abstract   IResource[] Subscriber. roots ()
          Returns the list of root resources this subscriber considers for synchronization.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
 void Subscriber. accept ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IDiffVisitor visitor)
          Visit any out-of-sync resources in the given resources visited to the given depth.
static  SubscriberChangeEvent[] SubscriberChangeEvent. asSyncChangedDeltas ( Subscriber subscriber, IResource[] resources)
          Returns an array of deltas for the resources with ISubscriberChangeEvent.SYNC_CHANGED as the flag.
 void Subscriber. collectOutOfSync ( IResource[] resources, int depth, SyncInfoSet set, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Adds all out-of-sync resources (getKind() !
  IDiff Subscriber. getDiff ( IResource resource)
          Returns synchronization info, in the form of an IDiff for the given resource, or null if there is no synchronization info because the subscriber does not apply to this resource or the resource is in-sync.
protected   SyncInfo SubscriberMergeContext. getSyncInfo ( IResource resource)
          Return the sync info for the given resource.
abstract   SyncInfo Subscriber. getSyncInfo ( IResource resource)
          Returns synchronization info for the given resource, or null if there is no synchronization info because the subscriber does not apply to this resource.
 boolean SubscriberResourceMappingContext. hasLocalChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean SubscriberResourceMappingContext. hasRemoteChange ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
abstract  boolean Subscriber. isSupervised ( IResource resource)
          Returns true if this resource is supervised by this subscriber.
abstract   IResource[] Subscriber. members ( IResource resource)
          Returns all non-transient member resources of the given resource.
protected  void SubscriberResourceMappingContext. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the subscriber and cache the fact that the resources were refreshed by calling the refreshed method.
abstract  void Subscriber. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource hierarchy from the given resources and their children (to the specified depth) from the corresponding resources in the remote location.
protected  void SubscriberResourceMappingContext. refreshed ( IResource[] resources, int depth)
          Record the fact that the resources have been refreshed to the given depth.

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
SubscriberChangeEvent ( Subscriber subscriber, int flags, IResource resource)
          Create a change event with the given flags for the given subscriber and resource.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] ISyncInfoTreeChangeEvent. getAddedSubtreeRoots ()
          Returns the highest parent resources of all newly added elements available in this event by calling getAddedResources().
  IResource SyncInfo. getLocal ()
          Returns the state of the local resource.
  IResource[] SyncInfoSetChangeEvent. getRemovedResources ()
  IResource[] ISyncInfoSetChangeEvent. getRemovedResources ()
          Returns the removed IResource elements for which the set no longer contains on out-of-sync SyncInfo.
  IResource[] ISyncInfoTreeChangeEvent. getRemovedSubtreeRoots ()
          Returns the highest parent resources of all newly removed elements available in this event by calling getRemovedResources().
  IResource[] SyncInfoSet. getResources ()
          Return all out-of-sync resources contained in this set.
protected   IResource[] SyncInfoTree. internalGetOutOfSyncDescendants ( IContainer resource)
          This is an internal method and is not intended to be invoked or overridden by clients.
  IResource[] SyncInfoTree. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the immediate children of the given resource who are either out-of-sync or contain out-of-sync resources.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
  SyncInfo SyncInfoSet. getSyncInfo ( IResource resource)
          Return the SyncInfo for the given resource or null if the resource is not contained in the set.
  SyncInfo[] SyncInfoTree. getSyncInfos ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Return the SyncInfo for each out-of-sync resource in the subtree rooted at the given resource to the depth specified.
 boolean SyncInfoTree. hasMembers ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the given resource has any children in the sync set.
protected   SyncInfo SyncInfoSet. internalRemove ( IResource resource)
          Remove the resource from the set, updating all internal data structures.
  IResource[] SyncInfoTree. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the immediate children of the given resource who are either out-of-sync or contain out-of-sync resources.
 void SyncInfoTree. remove ( IResource resource)
 void SyncInfoSet. remove ( IResource resource)
          Remove the given local resource from the set.
 void SyncInfoTree. remove ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Remove from this set the SyncInfo for the given resource and any of its descendants within the specified depth.
 void SyncInfoSet. removeAll ( IResource[] resources)
          Remove all the given resources from the set.
 void SyncInfoSetChangeEvent. removed ( IResource resource)

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
SyncInfo ( IResource local, IResourceVariant base, IResourceVariant remote, IResourceVariantComparator comparator)
          Construct a sync info object.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Collect the changes in the remote tree to the specified depth.
protected   IResource[] ResourceVariantTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   IResource[] ThreeWayRemoteTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. collectedMembers ( IResource local, IResource[] members)
          Method that is invoked during collection to let subclasses know which members were collected for the given resource.
  IResource[] ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber. members ( IResource resource)
abstract   IResource[] ResourceVariantByteStore. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the children of the given resource that have resource variants in this tree.
  IResource[] ResourceVariantTree. members ( IResource resource)
  IResource[] IResourceVariantTree. members ( IResource resource)
          Returns the members of the local resource that have resource variants in this tree.
  IResource[] ThreeWaySynchronizer. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the members of the local resource that either have sync bytes or exist locally and are not ignored.
  IResource[] SessionResourceVariantByteStore. members ( IResource resource)
  IResource[] PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. members ( IResource resource)
  IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
  IResource[] IResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource resource, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Helper method invoked from refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor monitor) for each resource.
  IResource[] ThreeWayRemoteTree. roots ()
  IResource[] IResourceVariantTree. roots ()
          Returns the list of root resources for which this tree may have resource variants.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Collect the changes in the remote tree to the specified depth.
protected   IResource[] ResourceVariantTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   IResource[] ThreeWayRemoteTree. collectChanges ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. collectedMembers ( IResource local, IResource[] members)
          Method that is invoked during collection to let subclasses know which members were collected for the given resource.
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. collectedMembers ( IResource local, IResource[] members)
          Method that is invoked during collection to let subclasses know which members were collected for the given resource.
 boolean ThreeWayResourceComparator. compare ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote)
 boolean IResourceVariantComparator. compare ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote)
          Returns true if the local resource matches the remote resource based on this criteria and false otherwise.
abstract  boolean ResourceVariantByteStore. deleteBytes ( IResource resource)
          Method called to indicate that it is known that there is no variant associated with the local resource.
 boolean SessionResourceVariantByteStore. deleteBytes ( IResource resource)
 boolean PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. deleteBytes ( IResource resource)
          This method should be invoked by a client to indicate that it is known that there is no remote resource associated with the local resource.
protected abstract   IResourceVariant AbstractResourceVariantTree. fetchVariant ( IResource resource, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Fetch the resource variant corresponding to the given resource.
 void ThreeWaySynchronizer. flush ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Flush any cached bytes for the given resource to the depth specified.
abstract  boolean ResourceVariantByteStore. flushBytes ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Remove the bytes from the tree for the resource variants corresponding to the given local resource and its descendants to the given depth.
 boolean SessionResourceVariantByteStore. flushBytes ( IResource resource, int depth)
 boolean PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. flushBytes ( IResource resource, int depth)
 void ResourceVariantTree. flushVariants ( IResource resource, int depth)
 void IResourceVariantTree. flushVariants ( IResource resource, int depth)
          Flush any variants in the tree for the given resource to the depth specified.
 byte[] ThreeWaySynchronizer. getBaseBytes ( IResource resource)
          Return the base bytes that are cached for the given resource or null if no base is cached.
abstract  byte[] ResourceVariantByteStore. getBytes ( IResource resource)
          Return the bytes for the variant corresponding the given local resource.
 byte[] SessionResourceVariantByteStore. getBytes ( IResource resource)
 byte[] PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. getBytes ( IResource resource)
protected  byte[] ResourceVariantTree. getBytes ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote)
          Get the bytes to be stored in the ResourceVariantByteStore from the given resource variant.
 byte[] ThreeWaySynchronizer. getRemoteBytes ( IResource resource)
          Return the remote bytes that are cached for the given resource or null if no remote is cached.
  IResourceVariant ThreeWayRemoteTree. getResourceVariant ( IResource resource)
  IResourceVariant IResourceVariantTree. getResourceVariant ( IResource resource)
          Return the resource variant corresponding to the local resource.
abstract   IResourceVariant ThreeWaySubscriber. getResourceVariant ( IResource resource, byte[] bytes)
          Create the resource variant for the given local resource from the given bytes.
  SyncInfo ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber. getSyncInfo ( IResource resource)
protected   SyncInfo ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber. getSyncInfo ( IResource local, IResourceVariant base, IResourceVariant remote)
          Method that creates an instance of SyncInfo for the provided local, base and remote resource variants.
protected  void ThreeWaySubscriber. handleRootChanged ( IResource resource, boolean added)
          Convenience method that can be used by subclasses to notify listeners when a root is added or removed from the subscriber.
 boolean ResourceVariantTree. hasResourceVariant ( IResource resource)
 boolean IResourceVariantTree. hasResourceVariant ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the local resource has a variant in this tree.
 boolean ThreeWaySynchronizer. hasSyncBytes ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the given resource has sync bytes in the synchronizer.
 boolean ThreeWaySynchronizer. isIgnored ( IResource resource)
          Returns whether the resource has been marked as ignored using setIgnored(IResource).
 boolean ThreeWaySynchronizer. isLocallyModified ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the local resource has been modified since the last time the base bytes were set.
 boolean ThreeWaySubscriber. isSupervised ( IResource resource)
          Returns false for resources that are not children of a subscriber root, are ignored by the subscriber's synchronizer or are ignored by the Team.ignoreHist(IResource).
 boolean PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. isVariantKnown ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the resource variant state for this resource is known.
  IResource[] ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber. members ( IResource resource)
abstract   IResource[] ResourceVariantByteStore. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the children of the given resource that have resource variants in this tree.
  IResource[] ResourceVariantTree. members ( IResource resource)
  IResource[] IResourceVariantTree. members ( IResource resource)
          Returns the members of the local resource that have resource variants in this tree.
  IResource[] ThreeWaySynchronizer. members ( IResource resource)
          Return the members of the local resource that either have sync bytes or exist locally and are not ignored.
  IResource[] SessionResourceVariantByteStore. members ( IResource resource)
  IResource[] PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. members ( IResource resource)
  IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
 void ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IResource[] IResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
protected   IResource[] AbstractResourceVariantTree. refresh ( IResource resource, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Helper method invoked from refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor monitor) for each resource.
 boolean ThreeWaySynchronizer. removeRemoteBytes ( IResource resource)
          Remove the remote bytes associated with the resource.
 void ResourceVariantByteStore. run ( IResource root, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Run the given action which may contain multiple modifications to the byte store.
 void ThreeWaySynchronizer. run ( IResource resourceRule, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform multiple sync state modifications and fire only a single change notification at the end.
 void PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. run ( IResource root, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 void ThreeWaySynchronizer. setBaseBytes ( IResource resource, byte[] baseBytes)
          Set the base bytes for the given resource.
abstract  boolean ResourceVariantByteStore. setBytes ( IResource resource, byte[] bytes)
          Set the bytes for the variant corresponding the given local resource.
 boolean SessionResourceVariantByteStore. setBytes ( IResource resource, byte[] bytes)
 boolean PersistantResourceVariantByteStore. setBytes ( IResource resource, byte[] bytes)
 void ThreeWaySynchronizer. setIgnored ( IResource resource)
          Mark the resource as being ignored.
 boolean ThreeWaySynchronizer. setRemoteBytes ( IResource resource, byte[] remoteBytes)
          Set the remote bytes for the given resource.
protected abstract  boolean AbstractResourceVariantTree. setVariant ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote)
          Set the variant associated with the local resource to the newly fetched resource variant.
protected  boolean ResourceVariantTree. setVariant ( IResource local, IResourceVariant remote)
 void ThreeWaySubscriber. syncStateChanged ( IResource[] resources)
 void ISynchronizerChangeListener. syncStateChanged ( IResource[] resources)
          Notification of synchronization state changes for the given resources.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] ITeamStateChangeEvent. getAddedRoots ()
          Return the set of resources that were previously undecorated but are now decorated.
  IResource[] ITeamStateChangeEvent. getChangedResources ()
          Return the set of resources whose decorated state has changed.
  IResource[] ITeamStateChangeEvent. getRemovedRoots ()
          Return the set of resources that were previously decorated but are now undecorated.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
 boolean ITeamStateChangeEvent. hasChange ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the resource has any state changes.

Uses of IResource in

Methods in that return IResource
  IResource[] TeamStateChangeEvent. getAddedRoots ()
  IResource[] TeamStateChangeEvent. getChangedResources ()
  IResource[] TeamStateChangeEvent. getRemovedRoots ()
  IResource ISynchronizeModelElement. getResource ()
          Returns the resource this element is showing synchronization information for or null if the element does not have an associated local resource.
  IResource[] SubscriberParticipant. getResources ()
          Returns the resources supervised by this participant.
protected abstract   IResource[] ParticipantSynchronizeWizard. getRootResources ()
          Return the resources that are the roots of the resource trees that can be considered for inclusion.
  IResource[] ResourceScope. getRoots ()
  IResource[] WorkingSetScope. getRoots ()
  IResource[] WorkspaceScope. getRoots ()
  IResource[] ISynchronizeScope. getRoots ()
          Return the root resources that define this scope.

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
 void TeamStateChangeEvent. changed ( IResource resource)
          The given resource has changed state.
 boolean AbstractSynchronizeScope. contains ( IResource resource)
          Return whether the given resource is within this scope.
protected   String SubscriberParticipant. getLongTaskName ( IResource[] resources)
          Returns the long task name to describe the behavior of the refresh operation to the user.
static  SubscriberParticipant SubscriberParticipant. getMatchingParticipant ( String ID, IResource[] resources)
          Returns a participant that matches the given resource scoping
 boolean TeamStateChangeEvent. hasChange ( IResource resource)
 void SubscriberParticipant. refresh ( IResource[] resources, String shortTaskName, String longTaskName, IWorkbenchSite site)
          Refresh a participant in the background the result of the refresh are shown in the progress view.
 void SubscriberParticipant. refreshInDialog ( Shell shell, IResource[] resources, String jobName, String taskName, ISynchronizePageConfiguration configuration, IWorkbenchSite site)
          Refresh this participants synchronization state and displays the result in a model dialog.
  IStatus SubscriberParticipant. refreshNow ( IResource[] resources, String taskName, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh a participant.
 void TeamStateChangeEvent. rootAdded ( IResource resource)
          The given root resource has been added.
 void TeamStateChangeEvent. rootRemoved ( IResource resource)
          The given root resource has been removed.
 void ResourceScope. setResources ( IResource[] resources)
          Set the resources that define this scope

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
ResourceScope ( IResource[] resources)
          Create the resource scope for the given resources

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.ui that return IResource
  IResource IContributorResourceAdapter. getAdaptedResource ( IAdaptable adaptable)
          Return the resource that the supplied adaptable adapts to.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions that return IResource
  IResource[] ReadOnlyStateChecker. checkReadOnlyResources ( IResource[] itemsToCheck)
          Check the supplied resources to see if they are read only.
  IResource[] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyResources ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination)
          Copies the given resources to the destination.
  IResource[] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyResourcesInCurrentThread ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given resources to the destination in the current Thread without forking a new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation.
protected   IResource[] MoveResourceAction. getResources ( List resourceList)
protected   IResource[] CopyResourceAction. getResources ( List resourceList)
          Returns an array of resources to use for the operation from the provided list.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions with parameters of type IResource
  IResource[] ReadOnlyStateChecker. checkReadOnlyResources ( IResource[] itemsToCheck)
          Check the supplied resources to see if they are read only.
protected  void CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, IProgressMonitor subMonitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, the work is performed in the undoable operation created in CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[], IPath)
protected  void MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation. copy ( IResource[] resources, IPath destination, IProgressMonitor subMonitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, the work is performed in the undoable operation created in MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation.getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[], IPath)
  IResource[] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyResources ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination)
          Copies the given resources to the destination.
  IResource[] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. copyResourcesInCurrentThread ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given resources to the destination in the current Thread without forking a new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation.
protected   String CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. getDeepCheckQuestion ( IResource source)
          Returns the message for querying deep copy/move of a linked resource.
protected   String MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation. getDeepCheckQuestion ( IResource source)
          Returns the message for querying deep copy/move of a linked resource.
protected   IFile CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. getFile ( IResource resource)
          Returns the resource either casted to or adapted to an IFile.
protected   IFolder CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. getFolder ( IResource resource)
          Returns the resource either casted to or adapted to an IFolder.
protected   AbstractWorkspaceOperation CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation ( IResource[] resources, IPath destinationPath)
          Returns an AbstractWorkspaceOperation suitable for performing the move or copy operation that will move or copy the given resources to the given destination path.
protected   AbstractWorkspaceOperation MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation. getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation ( IResource[] resources, IPath destinationPath)
          Returns an AbstractWorkspaceOperation suitable for performing the move or copy operation that will move or copy the given resources to the given destination path.
protected  boolean CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. homogenousResources ( IResource source, IResource destination)
          Returns whether the given resources are either both linked or both unlinked.
protected  void OpenResourceAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void CloseResourceAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void BuildAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  void WorkspaceAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Since 3.3, subclasses should instead implement the method WorkspaceAction.createOperation(IStatus[]) and provide an empty implementation for this method.

protected  void ScrubLocalAction. invokeOperation ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected   String RenameResourceAction. queryNewResourceName ( IResource resource)
          Return the new name to be given to the target resource.
protected  void RefreshAction. refreshResource ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the resource (with a check for deleted projects).
protected  boolean SelectionListenerAction. resourceIsType ( IResource resource, int resourceMask)
          Returns whether the type of the given resource is among those in the given resource type mask.
protected  void MoveResourceAction. runOperation ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination)
protected  void CopyResourceAction. runOperation ( IResource[] resources, IContainer destination)
          Runs the operation created in createOperaiton
protected  void RenameResourceAction. runWithNewPath ( IPath path, IResource resource)
  String CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. validateDestination ( IContainer destination, IResource[] sourceResources)
          Checks whether the destination is valid for copying the source resources.
  String MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation. validateDestination ( IContainer destination, IResource[] sourceResources)

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that return IResource
protected   IResource WizardExportPage. getSourceResource ()
          Deprecated. Returns the resource object specified in the resource name entry field, or null if such a resource does not exist in the workbench.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IResource
protected   ISchedulingRule WizardNewFileCreationPage. createRule ( IResource resource)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, scheduling rules are provided by the undoable operation that this page creates and executes.
protected  boolean ResourceListSelectionDialog. select ( IResource resource)
          Use this method to further filter resources.
protected  void WizardExportPage. setResourceToDisplay ( IResource resource)
          Deprecated. Set the resource whos name we will display.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IResource
ResourceListSelectionDialog ( Shell parentShell, IResource[] resources)
          Creates a new instance of the class.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IResource
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. checkSynchronizationState (long cachedModificationStamp, IResource resource)
          Checks whether the given resource has been changed on the local file system by comparing the actual time stamp with the cached one.
protected   IFile[] FileBufferOperationHandler. collectFiles ( IResource[] resources)
          Collects the files out of the given resources.
protected   IFile[] FileBufferOperationAction. collectFiles ( IResource[] resources)
protected  long FileDocumentProvider. computeModificationStamp ( IResource resource)
          Computes the initial modification stamp for the given resource.
protected   ISchedulingRule TextFileDocumentProvider. computeSchedulingRule ( IResource toCreateOrModify)
          Computes the scheduling rule needed to create or modify a resource.
 void FileBufferOperationHandler. initialize ( IResource[] resources, IPath location)
          Initializes this file buffer operation handler with the given resources and the given location.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.ide

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide that return IResource
static  IResource ResourceUtil. getResource ( IEditorInput editorInput)
          Returns the resource corresponding to the given editor input, or null if there is no applicable resource.
static  IResource ResourceUtil. getResource ( Object element)
          Returns the resource corresponding to the given model element, or null if there is no applicable resource.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide with parameters of type IResource
static boolean IDE. saveAllEditors ( IResource[] resourceRoots, boolean confirm)
          Save all dirty editors in the workbench whose editor input is a child resource of one of the IResource's provided.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs with parameters of type IResource
ResourceEncodingFieldEditor ( String labelText, Composite parent, IResource charsetResource)
          Creates a new encoding field editor for setting the encoding on the given resource.
ResourceEncodingFieldEditor ( String labelText, Composite parent, IResource charsetResource, String groupTitle)
          Creates a new encoding field editor for setting the encoding on the given resource.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo

Fields in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo declared as IResource
protected   IResource[] AbstractWorkspaceOperation. resources

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo that return IResource
abstract   IResource ResourceDescription. createResource ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Create an existent resource from this resource description.
abstract   IResource ResourceDescription. createResourceHandle ()
          Create a resource handle that can be used to create a resource from this resource description.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo with parameters of type IResource
abstract  void ResourceDescription. createExistentResourceFromHandle ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Given a resource handle, create an actual resource with the attributes of the receiver resource description.
static  ResourceDescription ResourceDescription. fromResource ( IResource resource)
          Create a resource description given the specified resource.
protected   String MoveProjectOperation. getProposedName ( IResource resource, int index)
protected   String CopyProjectOperation. getProposedName ( IResource resource, int index)
protected  boolean MoveProjectOperation. isDestinationPathValid ( IResource resource, int index)
protected  boolean CopyProjectOperation. isDestinationPathValid ( IResource resource, int index)
abstract  void ResourceDescription. recordStateFromHistory ( IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Record the appropriate state of this resource description using any available resource history.
protected  void AbstractWorkspaceOperation. setTargetResources ( IResource[] resources)
          Set the resources which are affected by this operation

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo with parameters of type IResource
CopyResourcesOperation ( IResource[] resources, IPath[] destinationPaths, String label)
          Create a CopyResourcesOperation that copies each of the specified resources to its corresponding destination path in the destination path array.
CopyResourcesOperation ( IResource[] resources, IPath destinationPath, String label)
          Create a CopyResourcesOperation that copies all of the specified resources to a single target location.
CopyResourcesOperation ( IResource resource, IPath newPath, String label)
          Create a CopyResourcesOperation that copies a single resource to a new location.
CreateMarkersOperation ( String[] types, Map[] attributes, IResource[] resources, String name)
          Create an undoable operation that can create multiple markers of various types on multiple resources.
CreateMarkersOperation ( String type, Map[] attributes, IResource[] resources, String name)
          Create an undoable operation that can create multiple markers of a single type on multiple resources.
CreateMarkersOperation ( String type, Map attributes, IResource resource, String name)
          Create an undoable operation that can create a marker of a specific type on a resource.
DeleteResourcesOperation ( IResource[] resources, String label, boolean deleteContent)
          Create a DeleteResourcesOperation
MoveResourcesOperation ( IResource[] resources, IPath destinationPath, String label)
          Create a MoveResourcesOperation that moves all of the specified resources to the same target location, using their existing names.
MoveResourcesOperation ( IResource resource, IPath newPath, String label)
          Create a MoveResourcesOperation that moves a single resource to a new location.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that return IResource
protected   IResource ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel. getResource ()
          Returns the resource serving as the source of markers for this annotation model.
protected   IResource MarkerRulerAction. getResource ()
          Returns the resource for which to create the marker, or null if there is no applicable resource.
protected   IResource SelectMarkerRulerAction. getResource ()
          Returns the resource for which to create the marker, or null if there is no applicable resource.
protected   IResource AddMarkerAction. getResource ()
          Returns the resource on which to create the marker, or null if there is no applicable resource.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type IResource
static void MarkerUtilities. createMarker ( IResource resource, Map attributes, String markerType)
          Creates a marker on the given resource with the given type and attributes.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type IResource
ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel ( IResource resource)
          Creates a marker annotation model with the given resource as the source of the markers.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer that return IResource
  IResource BookmarkPropertiesDialog. getResource ()
          Returns the resource to use when creating a new bookmark, or null if none has been set.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer with parameters of type IResource
 void BookmarkPropertiesDialog. setResource ( IResource resource)
          Sets the resource to use when creating a new bookmark.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator with parameters of type IResource
protected  int ResourceComparator. compareNames ( IResource resource1, IResource resource2)
          Returns a number reflecting the collation order of the given resources based on their resource names.
protected  int ResourceSorter. compareNames ( IResource resource1, IResource resource2)
          Deprecated. Returns a number reflecting the collation order of the given resources based on their resource names.
protected  int ResourceComparator. compareTypes ( IResource resource1, IResource resource2)
          Returns a number reflecting the collation order of the given resources based on their respective file extensions.
protected  int ResourceSorter. compareTypes ( IResource resource1, IResource resource2)
          Deprecated. Returns a number reflecting the collation order of the given resources based on their respective file extensions.
static boolean ResourceSelectionUtil. resourceIsType ( IResource resource, int resourceMask)
          Deprecated. Returns whether the type of the given resource is among the specified resource types.
protected  void ResourceNavigatorRenameAction. runWithNewPath ( IPath path, IResource resource)

Uses of IResource in

Fields in declared as IResource
protected   IResource ResourcePropertySource. element

Methods in with parameters of type IResource
protected   File ResourcePropertySource. getFile ( IResource resource)
          Get the equivalent of the passed IFile.

Constructors in with parameters of type IResource
ResourcePropertySource ( IResource res)
          Creates a PropertySource and stores its IResource

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist that return IResource
  IResource ITaskListResourceAdapter. getAffectedResource ( IAdaptable adaptable)
          Returns the resource to query for the markers to display for the given adaptable.
  IResource TaskPropertiesDialog. getResource ()
          Returns the resource to use when creating a new task, or null if none has been set.
  IResource TaskList. getResource ()
          Deprecated. Returns the resource for which the task list is showing tasks.
  IResource[] TaskList. getResources ()
          Deprecated. Get the resources.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist with parameters of type IResource
 void TaskPropertiesDialog. setResource ( IResource resource)
          Sets the resource to use when creating a new task.

Uses of IResource in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource with parameters of type IResource
protected  void BasicNewResourceWizard. selectAndReveal ( IResource newResource)
          Selects and reveals the newly added resource in all parts of the active workbench window's active page.
static void BasicNewResourceWizard. selectAndReveal ( IResource resource, IWorkbenchWindow window)
          Attempts to select and reveal the specified resource in all parts within the supplied workbench window's active page.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire