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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use ParameterizedCommand
org.eclipse.core.commands Application programming interfaces for commands and handlers. 
org.eclipse.jface.bindings Provides support for bindings between commands and various user input events (e.g., keyboard shortcuts). 
org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys Provides support for bindings between commands and keys. 
org.eclipse.ui.commands Provides support for retrieving information on Commands from the workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.handlers Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.keys Provides support for integrating keys into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.menus Provides the public API and default implementation for contributing menu and toolbars to the menu service. 

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.core.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.core.commands that return ParameterizedCommand
  ParameterizedCommand CommandManager. deserialize ( String serializedParameterizedCommand)
           Returns a ParameterizedCommand with a command and parameterizations as specified in the provided serializedParameterizedCommand string.
static  ParameterizedCommand ParameterizedCommand. generateCommand ( Command command, Map parameters)
          Take a command and a map of parameter IDs to values, and generate the appropriate parameterized command.

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.jface.bindings

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.bindings that return ParameterizedCommand
  ParameterizedCommand Binding. getParameterizedCommand ()
          Returns the parameterized command to which this binding applies.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.bindings with parameters of type ParameterizedCommand
  TriggerSequence[] BindingManager. getActiveBindingsDisregardingContextFor ( ParameterizedCommand parameterizedCommand)
           Returns the active bindings for a particular command identifier, but discounting the current contexts.
  TriggerSequence[] BindingManager. getActiveBindingsFor ( ParameterizedCommand parameterizedCommand)
           Returns the active bindings for a particular command identifier.
  TriggerSequence BindingManager. getBestActiveBindingFor ( ParameterizedCommand command)
 boolean BindingManagerEvent. isActiveBindingsChangedFor ( ParameterizedCommand parameterizedCommand)
          Computes whether the active bindings have changed for a given command identifier.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.bindings with parameters of type ParameterizedCommand
Binding ( ParameterizedCommand command, String schemeId, String contextId, String locale, String platform, String windowManager, int type)
          Constructs a new instance of Binding.

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys with parameters of type ParameterizedCommand
KeyBinding ( KeySequence keySequence, ParameterizedCommand command, String schemeId, String contextId, String locale, String platform, String windowManager, int type)
          Constructs a new instance of KeyBinding.

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.ui.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.commands that return ParameterizedCommand
  ParameterizedCommand ICommandService. deserialize ( String serializedParameterizedCommand)
           Returns a ParameterizedCommand with a command and parameterizations as specified in the provided serializedParameterizedCommand string.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.commands with parameters of type ParameterizedCommand
  IElementReference ICommandService. registerElementForCommand ( ParameterizedCommand command, UIElement element)
          Register that this element accepts callbacks for this parameterized command.

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.ui.handlers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.handlers with parameters of type ParameterizedCommand
  ExecutionEvent IHandlerService. createExecutionEvent ( ParameterizedCommand command, Event event)
          Creates a parameterized execution event based on an SWT event and a parameterized command.
  Object IHandlerService. executeCommand ( ParameterizedCommand command, Event event)
          Executes the given parameterized command.
  Object IHandlerService. executeCommandInContext ( ParameterizedCommand command, Event event, IEvaluationContext context)
          Executes the given parameterized command in the provided context.

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.ui.keys

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.keys with parameters of type ParameterizedCommand
  TriggerSequence[] IBindingService. getActiveBindingsFor ( ParameterizedCommand parameterizedCommand)
          Gets the active bindings for a given parameterized command.
  TriggerSequence IBindingService. getBestActiveBindingFor ( ParameterizedCommand command)
          Gets the best active binding for a command.

Uses of ParameterizedCommand in org.eclipse.ui.menus

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.menus that return ParameterizedCommand
  ParameterizedCommand CommandContributionItem. getCommand ()
          Returns the ParameterizedCommand for this contribution.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire