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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use ExecutionEvent
org.eclipse.core.commands Application programming interfaces for commands and handlers. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.jface.commands Provides JFace-specific support for commands. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. 
org.eclipse.ui.commands Provides support for retrieving information on Commands from the workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.handlers Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.markers Utility classes for working with markers in views Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection. 

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.core.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.core.commands with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object Command. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Deprecated. Please use Command.executeWithChecks(ExecutionEvent) instead.
  Object IHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Executes with the map of parameter values by name.
  Object Command. executeWithChecks ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Executes this command by delegating to the current handler, if any.
 void CommandManager. firePreExecute ( String commandId, ExecutionEvent event)
          Fires the preExecute event for executionListeners.
 void IExecutionListener. preExecute ( String commandId, ExecutionEvent event)
          Notifies the listener that a command is about to execute.

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
static  ISelection DebugUITools. getDebugContextForEvent ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the debug context for the given executionEvent or null if none.
static  ISelection DebugUITools. getDebugContextForEventChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the debug context for the given executionEvent.

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.jface.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.commands with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object ActionHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)

Uses of ExecutionEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object MergeActionHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.ui.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.commands with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object AbstractHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object FileBufferOperationHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.ui.handlers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.handlers that return ExecutionEvent
  ExecutionEvent IHandlerService. createExecutionEvent ( Command command, Event event)
          Creates an execution event based on an SWT event.
  ExecutionEvent IHandlerService. createExecutionEvent ( ParameterizedCommand command, Event event)
          Creates a parameterized execution event based on an SWT event and a parameterized command.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.handlers with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object ShowPerspectiveHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)
  Object CollapseAllHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)
  Object ShowViewHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)
static  Collection HandlerUtil. getActiveContexts ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active contexts.
static  Collection HandlerUtil. getActiveContextsChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active contexts.
static  IEditorPart HandlerUtil. getActiveEditor ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active editor.
static  IEditorPart HandlerUtil. getActiveEditorChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active editor.
static  String HandlerUtil. getActiveEditorId ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the part id of the active editor.
static  String HandlerUtil. getActiveEditorIdChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the part id of the active editor.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getActiveMenuEditorInput ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active menu editor input, if available.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getActiveMenuEditorInputChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active menu editor input.
static  Collection HandlerUtil. getActiveMenus ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the menu IDs that were applied to the registered context menu.
static  Collection HandlerUtil. getActiveMenusChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the menu IDs that were applied to the registered context menu.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getActiveMenuSelection ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active menu selection.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getActiveMenuSelectionChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active menu selection.
static  IWorkbenchPart HandlerUtil. getActivePart ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active part.
static  IWorkbenchPart HandlerUtil. getActivePartChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active part.
static  String HandlerUtil. getActivePartId ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the part id of the active part.
static  String HandlerUtil. getActivePartIdChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the part id of the active part.
static  Shell HandlerUtil. getActiveShell ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active shell.
static  Shell HandlerUtil. getActiveShellChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active shell.
static  IWorkbenchSite HandlerUtil. getActiveSite ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active part site.
static  IWorkbenchSite HandlerUtil. getActiveSiteChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active part site.
static  IWorkbenchWindow HandlerUtil. getActiveWorkbenchWindow ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active workbench window.
static  IWorkbenchWindow HandlerUtil. getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the active workbench window.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getCurrentSelection ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the current selection.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getCurrentSelectionChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the current selection.
static  Object HandlerUtil. getShowInInput ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the ShowInContext input.
static  Object HandlerUtil. getShowInInputChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the ShowInContext input.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getShowInSelection ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the ShowInContext selection.
static  ISelection HandlerUtil. getShowInSelectionChecked ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Return the ShowInContext selection.
static  Object HandlerUtil. getVariable ( ExecutionEvent event, String name)
          Extract the variable.
static  Object HandlerUtil. getVariableChecked ( ExecutionEvent event, String name)
          Extract the variable.
static boolean HandlerUtil. matchesRadioState ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Checks whether the radio state of the command is same as the radio state parameter's value

Uses of ExecutionEvent in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  IMarker[] MarkerViewHandler. getSelectedMarkers ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Get the selected markers for the receiver in the view from event.
  MarkerSupportView MarkerViewHandler. getView ( ExecutionEvent event)
          Get the view this event occurred on.

Uses of ExecutionEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type ExecutionEvent
  Object NewPropertySheetHandler. execute ( ExecutionEvent event)
          First tries to find a suitable instance to reuse for the given context, then creates a new instance if necessary.
protected   PropertySheet NewPropertySheetHandler. findPropertySheet ( ExecutionEvent event, PropertyShowInContext context)
          Returns a PropertySheet instance
protected   PropertyShowInContext NewPropertySheetHandler. getShowInContext ( ExecutionEvent event)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire