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Eclipse JET Guide
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Standard JET2 Workspace Tags


Ensure the existence on an Eclipse Workspace Folder. If the folder does not exist, the tag attempts to create it and any containing folders. An error occurs if the folder does not exist and cannot be created.

Note that the actual creation of the workspace folder is deferred until the JET2Context passed to the executing template has the 'commit' method calls. If the template is part of a JET2 transformation, this occurs once all templates have executed.

If the 'folder' tag is contained directly or indirectly by another 'folder' tag or by a 'project' tag AND the 'path' attribute on this tag is relative (does not start with a '/'), then the 'path' attribute is treated as relative to the containing 'folder' or 'project'. Otherwise, the path is treated as a workspace relative path (that is, the first element is treated as a project name).

The 'folder' tag may contain other tags. Contained 'folder' and 'file' tags will have relative path names iterpreted as being relative to the folder defined by this tag.

An absolute 'path' (one starting with '/') is treated as a workspace relative path. That is, the first component after the slash is interpreted as the name of an Eclipse Project, and subsequence segments are treated as folder names.

When executing, this tag will cause the implicit creation of any folders containing the folder to be created. It will not implicitly create a containing workspace project.

Tag Summary
required <ws:folder path="value">
    content to be written
full tag <ws:folder path="value">
    content to be written

Required Attributes
A relative path (no initial '/') or an absolute path.

<%-- Create a folder src in myProjet--%>
<ws:folder path="myProject/src"/>

<%-- Create a folder src in myProjet, with nested actions--%>
<ws:folder path="myProject/src"/>
    ... nested ws:folder and ws:file tags are relative to myProject/src ...

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