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Eclipse JET Guide
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Standard JET2 Control Tags


Parses a string into tokens and iterates over its content for each token.

Tag Summary
required <c:stringTokens string="value" name="value">
    content to be repeated for each iteration
full tag <c:stringTokens string="value" name="value" delimitedBy="value" delimiter="value" reverse="value" tokenLength="value">
    content to be repeated for each iteration

Required Attributes
string The string to be parsed
name The variable name to be associated with the temporary model nodes describing the tokens. Nested tags can use this variable name to refer to the temporary node.

Optional Attributes
delimitedBy The tokens that delimit the tokens in the string
delimiter The string to write after every iteration except the last
reverse A true/false value indicating whether the tokens should be iterated over first-to-last (false) or last-to-first (true)
tokenLength Default description for attribute tokenLength

<%-- break a,bc,cde into tokens, and iterate over them --%>
<c:stringTokens string="a,bc,cde" name="curStr" delimitedBy=",">
    value: <c:get select="$curStr/@value"/>
    index: <c:get select="$curStr/@index"/>
    delimiter: <c:get select="$curStr/@delimiter"/>
    first: <c:get select="$curStr/@first"/>
    last: <c:get select="$curStr/@last"/>

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire