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Uses of Interface

Packages that use CustomTag
org.eclipse.jet.taglib Interfaces and abstract classes for implement custom JET tags. Define utility functions for interacting with the Standard JET Java tags. 

Uses of CustomTag in org.eclipse.jet.taglib

Subinterfaces of CustomTag in org.eclipse.jet.taglib
 interface ConditionalTag
          Interface to a conditional tag.
 interface ContainerTag
          Interface to a container tag.
 interface EmptyTag
          Define characteristics of a JET2 emptyTag.
 interface FunctionTag
          Define a JET2 function tag.
 interface IteratingTag
          Define the behavior of a JET2 iterating tag.
 interface OtherTag
          Represent a fully generate tag implementation.

Classes in org.eclipse.jet.taglib that implement CustomTag
 class AbstractConditionalTag
          Partial implementation of ConditionalTag
 class AbstractContainerTag
          An abstract implementation of ContainerTag.
 class AbstractCustomTag
          An abstract base class for all implementations of CustomTag.
 class AbstractEmptyTag
          An abstract implementation of EmptyTag.
 class AbstractFunctionTag
          Abstract implementation a tag element that treats is body content as if it where an argument to a function, and writes the resulting calculation to the output.
 class AbstractIteratingTag
          An abstract implementation of IteratingTag.
 class AbstractOtherTag
          An abstract implementation of OtherTag.

Methods in org.eclipse.jet.taglib that return CustomTag
  CustomTag TagInstanceFactory. createCustomTag (java.lang.String name)
  CustomTag CustomTag. getParent ()
          Return the parent tag.
  CustomTag AbstractCustomTag. getParent ()

Methods in org.eclipse.jet.taglib with parameters of type CustomTag
 void CustomTag. setParent ( CustomTag parent)
          Set the custom tag representing the parent of this tag.
 void AbstractCustomTag. setParent ( CustomTag parent)

Uses of CustomTag in

Methods in with parameters of type CustomTag
static JavaActionsUtil. findContainingJavaPackageTag ( CustomTag tag)

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