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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Declaration
com.sun.mirror.apt Classes used to communicate information between annotation processors and an annotation processing tool. 
com.sun.mirror.declaration Interfaces used to model program element declarations. 
com.sun.mirror.util Utilities to assist in the processing of declarations and types

Uses of Declaration in com.sun.mirror.apt

Methods in com.sun.mirror.apt that return types with arguments of type Declaration
  Collection< Declaration> AnnotationProcessorEnvironment. getDeclarationsAnnotatedWith ( AnnotationTypeDeclaration a)
          Returns the declarations annotated with the given annotation type.

Uses of Declaration in com.sun.mirror.declaration

Subinterfaces of Declaration in com.sun.mirror.declaration
 interface AnnotationTypeDeclaration
          Represents the declaration of an annotation type.
 interface AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration
          Represents an element of an annotation type.
 interface ClassDeclaration
          Represents the declaration of a class.
 interface ConstructorDeclaration
          Represents a constructor of a class or interface.
 interface EnumConstantDeclaration
          Represents an enum constant declaration.
 interface EnumDeclaration
          Represents the declaration of an enum type.
 interface ExecutableDeclaration
          Represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.
 interface FieldDeclaration
          Represents a field of a type declaration.
 interface InterfaceDeclaration
          Represents the declaration of an interface.
 interface MemberDeclaration
          Represents a declaration that may be a member or constructor of a declared type.
 interface MethodDeclaration
          Represents a method of a class or interface.
 interface PackageDeclaration
          Represents the declaration of a package.
 interface ParameterDeclaration
          Represents a formal parameter of a method or constructor.
 interface TypeDeclaration
          Represents the declaration of a class or interface.
 interface TypeParameterDeclaration
          Represents a formal type parameter of a generic type, method, or constructor declaration.

Methods in com.sun.mirror.declaration that return Declaration
  Declaration TypeParameterDeclaration. getOwner ()
          Returns the type, method, or constructor declaration within which this type parameter is declared.

Uses of Declaration in com.sun.mirror.util

Methods in com.sun.mirror.util with type parameters of type Declaration
<D extends Declaration>
DeclarationFilter. filter ( Collection<? extends Declaration> decls, Class<D> resType)
          Returns the declarations matched by this filter, with the result being restricted to declarations of a given kind.
<D extends Declaration>
DeclarationFilter. filter ( Collection<D> decls)
          Returns the declarations matched by this filter.

Methods in com.sun.mirror.util with parameters of type Declaration
 boolean DeclarationFilter. matches ( Declaration decl)
          Tests whether this filter matches a given declaration.
 void SimpleDeclarationVisitor. visitDeclaration ( Declaration d)
          Visits a declaration.
 void DeclarationVisitor. visitDeclaration ( Declaration d)
          Visits a declaration.

Method parameters in com.sun.mirror.util with type arguments of type Declaration
<D extends Declaration>
DeclarationFilter. filter ( Collection<? extends Declaration> decls, Class<D> resType)
          Returns the declarations matched by this filter, with the result being restricted to declarations of a given kind.
static  DeclarationFilter DeclarationFilter. getFilter ( Class<? extends Declaration> kind)
          Returns a filter that selects declarations of a particular kind.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire