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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IJavaValue

Provides an implementation of a debug model based on JPDA (Java Platform Debug Architecture). 


Provides a set classes and interfaces that support evaluations in the Java debugger. 


Uses of IJavaValue in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core

Subinterfaces of IJavaValue in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core
 interface IJavaArray
          A value referencing an array on a target VM.
 interface IJavaClassObject
          An object referencing an instance of java.lang.Class on a target VM.
 interface IJavaObject
          A value referencing an object on a target VM.
 interface IJavaPrimitiveValue
          A primitive value on a Java debug target.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core that return IJavaValue
  IJavaValue IJavaArray. getValue (int index)
          Returns the value at the given index in this array.
  IJavaValue[] IJavaArray. getValues ()
          Returns the values contained in this array.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (boolean value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given boolean.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (byte value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given byte.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (char value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given char.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (double value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given double.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (float value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given float.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (int value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given int.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (long value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given long.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue (short value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given short.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. newValue ( String value)
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to the given string.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. nullValue ()
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to null.
  IJavaValue IJavaClassType. sendMessage ( String selector, String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread)
          Returns the result of sending the specified message to this class with the given arguments in the specified thread (invokes a static method on this type).
  IJavaValue IJavaObject. sendMessage ( String selector, String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread, boolean superSend)
          Returns the result of sending the specified message to this object with the given arguments in the specified thread.
  IJavaValue IJavaObject. sendMessage ( String selector, String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread, String typeSignature)
          Returns the result of sending the specified message on the specified declaring type to this object with the given arguments in the specified thread.
  IJavaValue IJavaDebugTarget. voidValue ()
          Returns a value from this target that corresponds to void.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core with parameters of type IJavaValue
 void IJavaStackFrame. forceReturn ( IJavaValue value)
          Steps out of this frame's method returning the given value.
  IJavaObject IJavaClassType. newInstance ( String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread)
          Returns a new instance of this class by invoking the constructor with the given signature and arguments in the specified thread.
  IJavaValue IJavaClassType. sendMessage ( String selector, String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread)
          Returns the result of sending the specified message to this class with the given arguments in the specified thread (invokes a static method on this type).
  IJavaValue IJavaObject. sendMessage ( String selector, String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread, boolean superSend)
          Returns the result of sending the specified message to this object with the given arguments in the specified thread.
  IJavaValue IJavaObject. sendMessage ( String selector, String signature, IJavaValue[] args, IJavaThread thread, String typeSignature)
          Returns the result of sending the specified message on the specified declaring type to this object with the given arguments in the specified thread.
 void IJavaArray. setValue (int index, IJavaValue value)
          Sets the value at the given index to the specified value.
 void IJavaArray. setValues ( IJavaValue[] values)
          Replaces values in this array.
 void IJavaArray. setValues (int offset, int length, IJavaValue[] values, int startOffset)
          Replaces a range of values in this array.

Uses of IJavaValue in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.eval

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.eval that return IJavaValue
  IJavaValue IEvaluationResult. getValue ()
          Returns the value representing the result of the evaluation, or null if the associated evaluation failed.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire